ドナルドトランプはTaylor Swiftによって怒った


彼のソーシャルネットワークでは、歌手は66歳のブラックバーンを批判しましたが、最初はテイラー自身によると、彼女は選挙で女性の候補者を支援したいと思いました。 「議会の彼女の活動は私を混乱させる。彼女は、奉仕中のゲイカップルを拒否する権利のために、家族の暴力に関する法律に対して、女性のための平等な支払いに対して投票します。だから私は私の声をDemocrat Phila Bredessenに与え、投票前の各候補者の価値を慎重に勉強するように勧めたいと思います」とTaylorを書き込みます。


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I’m writing this post about the upcoming midterm elections on November 6th, in which I’ll be voting in the state of Tennessee. In the past I’ve been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions, but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now. I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country. I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent. I cannot vote for someone who will not be willing to fight for dignity for ALL Americans, no matter their skin color, gender or who they love. Running for Senate in the state of Tennessee is a woman named Marsha Blackburn. As much as I have in the past and would like to continue voting for women in office, I cannot support Marsha Blackburn. Her voting record in Congress appalls and terrifies me. She voted against equal pay for women. She voted against the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which attempts to protect women from domestic violence, stalking, and date rape. She believes businesses have a right to refuse service to gay couples. She also believes they should not have the right to marry. These are not MY Tennessee values. I will be voting for Phil Bredesen for Senate and Jim Cooper for House of Representatives. Please, please educate yourself on the candidates running in your state and vote based on who most closely represents your values. For a lot of us, we may never find a candidate or party with whom we agree 100% on every issue, but we have to vote anyway. So many intelligent, thoughtful, self-possessed people have turned 18 in the past two years and now have the right and privilege to make their vote count. But first you need to register, which is quick and easy to do. October 9th is the LAST DAY to register to vote in the state of TN. Go to vote.org and you can find all the info. Happy Voting! ???

Публикация от Taylor Swift (@taylorswift)

これに対応して、Donald Trumpは今音楽スウィフトが彼に25%少ないと好きで、マーシャブラックバーンはテネシー州で最も尊敬されている政治家の1つです。 「彼女は見事な女性です。私はTaylorが彼女について何も知らないと確信しています。
