Margo Robbie ngakoni manawa durung siyap dadi ibu


Minangka aturan, Robbie ora seneng nuduhake rincian urip sing ora kerja. Dikenal yen lintang "bunuh diri" rong taun kanthi seneng banget nikah karo Tom Makeri, nanging dheweke meh ora ngobrol babagan bojone. Kanggo porter Robbie nggawe pangecualian. "Perkawinan nyenengake banget. Aku seneng karo bojoku, nanging aku kepengin banget, "ujare. Nalika Margo takon yen dheweke ngrancang bocah-bocah, bocah wadon kasebut ujar: "Ora! Temtu ora. Kita duwe asu, yaiku umur rong taun. Lan saiki anak kirik pitu anyar tampil, sing dijupuk bojo ing papan perlindungan. Aku ora turu amarga telung dina. Lan yen aku ora bisa ngatasi asu loro, mula kepiye carane nggawe anak? Sawise 30 taun ing urip, aku ndeleng kulawarga gedhe, nanging saiki aku ora siap. "

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Dive in! Introducing the Winter Escape issue of PORTER fronted by Academy Award-nominated actress @MargotRobbie. Bringing warmth, magic and escape to our cold winter days, Margot is photographed by @Yemchuk in fashion to lift your mood, as she talks marriage, tackling the iconic role of historic monarch Elizabeth I, finally working with Quentin Tarantino, and why she hates how fame has made her cynical, with Features Director @vassichamberlain. Also within the issue, PORTER shares previously unpublished images of supermodel @the_real_iman, who speaks about being discovered by female photographer @mirella_ricciardi and not Peter Beard – the man widely credited with discovering the model. For unmissable stories of empowered women, pages of incredible fashion, and an inspired travel and spa guide, find PORTER’s Winter Escape issue on global newsstands 7 December. Editor-in-Chief: @lucy_yeomans Fashion Editor: @camillebwaddington Margot wears bikini top by @chanelofficial

Публикация от PORTER magazine (@portermagazine)

Margo lan Tom ketemu ing taun 2014 sajrone syuting film "Suite Prancis", ing endi Aerley nyambut gawe direktur. Sawise sawetara wektu, dheweke wiwit urip bebarengan ing Los Angeles lan ngedegake hiburan perusahaan produksi perusahaan.

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