Ryan Murphy Mbusak "Fluttering Liwat Sarang Cuckoo" Karo Sharon Stone lan Finn Wittrok


Murphy pribadi ngumumake ing Instagram resmi aksi saka pertunjukan dramatis:

"Shooting" ratched "diwiwiti sajrone sawetara minggu. Saka awakku lan atas jenenge Miss Sarah Katherine Poleson, sing ora mung duwe peran utama, nanging uga ana ing jumlah produsen, kita seneng nyatakake caste, koleksi bakat saiki. Akeh aktor kasebut, wong lanang sing apik banget, aku lan aku kudu nyambut gawe. Dadi, pemain utama: John John Briones, Charlie Carver, Judy Davis, Cynthia Nixon, Amanda, Tabel Corey, Wittrock Finn lan Wittrock Sharon. "

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"RATCHED" on Netflix starts shooting in a couple weeks. On behalf of myself and Ms. Sarah Catharine Paulson who plays the title role and is also a big fancy producer on it, we are thrilled to announce our amazing cast...a true murderers’ row of talent. So many of these actors are supremely talented folks who Sarah and I have both longed to work with. The Ratched Principal Players, in alphabetical order: JON JON BRIONES, CHARLIE CARVER, JUDY DAVIS, HARRIET HARRIS, CYNTHIA NIXON, HUNTER PARRISH, AMANDA PLUMMER, COREY STOLL, SHARON STONE AND FINN WITTROCK. More to come, but come on...Sarah, Cynthia, Judy, Amanda and Sharon, all doing scenes together? I cannot WAIT.

Публикация от Ryan Murphy (@mrrpmurphy)

Minangka cetha saka jeneng, ing tengah plot bakal dadi riwayat pambentukan pembentukan sing dibungkus (Paulson), Paulson), perawat senior sing rusak, sing dadi pahlawan psikatrik, lan banjur film kasebut saka Milash Forman. Miturut cara, ing tape taun 1975 "mabur ing sarang cuckoo" peran offled louise fledched, sing dianugerahi Penghargaan Oscar.

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