Lintang "Swara Swara" Anna Camp lan Skylar Estin Nikah


Kanggo upacara kawinan, Anna milih gaun putih putih sing mewah saka Reem Acra, lan Skylar nganggo tuxedo saka ermenegildo Zegna. Salat Chategues kanthi bathi pernikahan saka "Bagus" sing cocog "saka Elizabeth, Rabl Wilson, Brittany, Brittany, sing dadi salah sawijining pacar penganten.

So grateful to spend this weekend celebrating this amazing couple @skylarastin and @therealannacamp #truelove #pitchperfectwedding #congrats

Фото опубликовано Elizabeth Banks (@elizabethbanks)

Dan, the best wedding date!

Фото опубликовано Rebel Wilson (@rebelwilson)

Pitches representing x

Фото опубликовано Rebel Wilson (@rebelwilson)

Massive congratulations to Sky & Anna. What an absolutely beautiful wedding.

Фото опубликовано Rebel Wilson (@rebelwilson)

My beautiful roomie with a beautiful soul married his beautiful bride and it was perfect

Фото опубликовано Ben Platt (@bensplatt)

Nyeem ntxiv