Ev Cambaker: Christmed: 50-salî CHORN TARLINGTON ji bo cara yekem di 20 salan de hat podium


Xiristiya 50-salî bi rêça xwe ya nûjen bi rêçikên xwe yên li ser podiumê re şa nebûye, lê ji bo pêşandanê, Mark Jacobs biryar da ku îstîsna bike. Yên heyî yên li pêşandanê ji xuyangê modêlê şaş man û nehatin destnîşankirin ku çiqas bi Tarlington di salên xwe de dixuye. Fansên brandê li bendê ne tiştek ji derhênerê afirîner a brandê tê hesibandin, lê çu kes nizanibû ku pêşandan dê Christie nêzîk bike.

Bi vî rengî xuya bû - li ser podium û li pişt dîmenên pêşandanê:

Di cil û bergên çîkal de ji xalîçeyên reş û di binê podyûmê de, û piştî ku di Instagram de derbas bû, "Mark Jacobs ji min pirsî ku ez ê li New York-ê nêz bikim! Çima? Pêşîn, ez wî û hez dikim ji 16 salî, ez niha 50 hez dikim û ez dixwazim bersivê bidim pirsan "û çima ne", û ya sêyemîn, û ez pir dixwazim wê ku min bibihîze û min dît, û ev jîngehê ye ku hûn dikarin wê bikin. "

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About tonight! OMG @themarcjacobs invited me to close his beautiful show tonight and I couldn’t resist. A. I have known and loved this man since I met him at age 16. B. I turned 50 this year and have arrived at a place where “Why the F not” is the answer that comes up when I ask myself questions. C. I have a 15 year old daughter who I desperately want to see and hear me and this is a medium that “speaks”to her. So, thank you’s are in order, @karliekloss @gigihadid and @kaiagerber and all the lovely young women I have met briefly in the recent past or met tonight. You are ALL women I would want my daughter to emulate in your grace, confidence and elegance. Always reassuring to have @guidopalau @diane.kendal @stephenjonesmillinery and @kegrand encouraging you on and making you look and feel your best. And while that muscle did not hurt as much as I would have thought to exercise again, after 20 plus years, I am not certain I could beat the experience of tonight or wish to try! Now I can say exactly when and for whom I last walked a runway and feel so proud of all the forces of nature who made it possible! [email protected] & Congratulations for all of the amazing people who put shows like this together. I am in awe of the efforts I was able to witness firsthand and truly appreciate from a new perspective over the last couple of days all the effort that goes in. Bravo!

Публикация от Christy Turlington Burns (@cturlington)

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