Roja Instagram: Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Fergie, Nina Dobrev û yên din


Alissa Milano di 194 Kanûnê de salvegera 44emîn pîroz kir - û vê tarîxê serê sibehê bêyî makeup destnîşan kir

Good morning 44 years old. Let's do this.

Фото опубликовано Alyssa Milano (@milano_alyssa)

Britney Spears nîşanên mestiran nîşan dide

Good morning! May you all have a blessed day ?

Фото опубликовано Britney Spears (@britneyspears)

Nina Dobrev postera fîlimê nû bi beşdariya xwe "sê IKS: serdestiya cîhanê re parve dike

Now that's a team I can work with. So excited to share the new poster for @xXxMovie. Xander Cage is back!

Фото опубликовано Nina Dobrev (@ninadobrev)

Zac Efron ragihand ku ew bûye "rû" ya aroma Hugo Man ji Hugo Boss

Hey guys- I'm excited to reveal that I will be fronting the new Hugo Man campaign next year- check it out! #YourTimeIsNow

Фото опубликовано Zac Efron (@zacefron)

Madonna vîdyoyek vekiriye ku performansek hevbeş bi Ariana Grande (çend roj berê ve hate girtin)

2 Clowns backstage! ????@arianagrande. @nunoxico @raisingmalawi

Видео опубликовано Madonna (@madonna)

Lady Gaga rest dike, hespek siwar dibe

Gotta feel blessed for beautiful day. ☀

Фото опубликовано xoxo, Joanne (@ladygaga)

Me and Trigger cozy n' up for Christmas

Фото опубликовано xoxo, Joanne (@ladygaga)

Fergî bi Ruhê Krîsmisê ve tê dorpêç kirin, siwarbûnek siwarbûn û nivîsandina vê pêvajoyê li ser vîdyoyê

laughing all the way ??

Видео опубликовано Fergie (@fergie)

Duane Johnson Photo ji Reklama Ford parve dike

On set for our big FORD commercial. Don't be fooled by his boyish looks and cool charm - my director @rawsonthurber is a real 18 karat asshole. I kid.. this guy is ohana and salt of the earth. Constantly pushing himself and his team to be better daily. We made CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE together, he brilliantly grabbed the creative reigns for our @ford campaign and delivered the goods and in 2017 our goal is to team up again and make the globally ambitious and very exciting film called SKYSCRAPER, which Rawson wrote and will direct. We'll film in CHINA. Can't wait. Until then he's still an asshole. And I look extra tan in this shot. That's what happens when my body feels that icy Detroit cold. You see my body's DNA has this special gene that produces darker pigmentation when the temperature drops below 33.7 degrees... never mind. #FORDCampaign #Ambassador #RawsonThurber #18Karat #FordService

Фото опубликовано therock (@therock)

Justin Tera li Berlînê ziyaret kir

Christmas Market #berlin ??

Видео опубликовано @justintheroux

Kylie Jenner - Brunette Dîsa

Paris Hilton di nav rezervê de bi çapkirinê re digirîn

Loved cuddling these adorable baby white lions today at @CaselaMauritius. ???

Фото опубликовано Paris Hilton (@parishilton)

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