
Оливиа Зэрлэг нь шинэ төрсөн охины зургийг сайрхдаг


Фото опубликовано Olivia Wilde (@oliviawilde)

Орландо Блум нь феминистуудын уриа лоозоныг дэмждэг

nuff said.

Фото опубликовано orlandobloom (@orlandobloom)

Jiji Hadid өөр нэг бүрхэвчийг сайрхдаг (энэ удаад Япон хэл)

IDRIS ELBA орноосоо гарахыг хүсээгүй бөгөөд галт тэрэг рүү явахыг хүсдэггүй:

Procrastination turns into Instagram video.

Видео опубликовано 7dub (@7dub)

Аймшигтай нүүр будалт дахь Жаред Падалеки

Don't miss tonight's brand new episode of Supernatural!!! Find out WHO does this to me, and WHY!!! #spnfamily #akf

Фото опубликовано Jared Padalecki (@jaredpadalecki)

Том ХДДЕЛД СУРГУУЛЬД ЗОРИУЛСАН "Анхны хүн" кинонд кино үзэж, Ник Паркийн найруулагчдад магтаалд хариулдаг

Тейлор Лаутнераас архивын хүрээ

That hair tho #tb

Фото опубликовано Taylor Lautner (@taylorlautner)

"Galaxy 2" Jamaxy Gunn-ийн хамгаалагчид "Жеймс Буу нар нь элбэнх ба хөвөн хэмжээгээр жижиг хэсгийг хуваалцдаг

Make America Groot Again. #gotgvol2 #groot #babygroot

Видео опубликовано James Gunn (@jamesgunn)

Гэр бүлийнхэн амрах Нил Патрик Харрис


It's so important when battling a disease like cancer to have friends like @sarahmgellar thank you for always having my back and educating all about this disease. Love you. #Repost @sarahmgellar with @repostapp ・・・ Today is recognized as #internationalbreastcancerday, although for some people, that is everyday. I am only a footnote in this picture. To my left is the @theshando, my friend who is kicking cancer in the you know what. But more than that, she is sharing her battle, so people fighting this horrible disease know they are not alone. I am inspired by her on the daily. To my right is Dr Lawrence Piro, the Oncologist who has been side by side in Shannen's fight. It's not a job to this incredible doctor, it's his life. I have never been in the company of a more passionate or dedicated scientist. He is the true definition of a hero. I am honored to know you both. Breast cancer is nowadays the most frequent malignant tumor in the world. But with early detection and incredible doctors like Dr Piro, breast cancer can be fought and won. So today I urge you, make an appt to get checked or even remind a friend to get checked or just think pink and honor those fighting this battle today and everyday.

Фото опубликовано ShannenDoherty (@theshando)

Жаред Падалекиа нь буяны үйл явдалд оролцов. "20 түлхэлт" -ийг "20 удаа түлхэх", гэхдээ татах дээр түлхэхээр шийдсэн

GAL GAL GADOTE ба AYLA Fisher нь "SBIEN CARES" -ийн буудлага дээр зугаацаж байна.


Фото опубликовано Gal Gadot (@gal_gadot)

Цааш унших