Ian Somerhalder congratulati NIKKI Reed Birthday Happy


Nikki daru 29 sena, u fl-unur ta 'dan l-avveniment, Jen Posted ritratt tagħha fil Instagram u miżjud congratulations jmissu tagħha. "Birthday Happy tal-persuna ifjen ta 'kulħadd Naf ... I ma sejħa raġunijiet kollha, għaliex kull min jaf jew lanqas biss jafu inti, ċertament se jaqblu miegħi. Din hija l-ġurnata tiegħek. Imħabba u d-dawl li inti jarmu, bħal fanal, idawwal it-triq lilna lkoll. L-imħabba tiegħek li ġġorrni għall-ixtut sikuri tad-dar u neħħi mill-ilma perikoluż tal-ħajja ... kull ġurnata ġdida li jien konvint mis-sbuħija u l-enerġija tiegħek. Jiena konvint kemm ixxurtjat li jien qed nagħmel il-ħajja miegħek. Bl-imħabba, yen.

Reed u Somerhalder regolarment jekk jogħġbok fannijiet tagħhom ma 'congratulations u rikonoxximent fl-imħabba ma' xulxin. Riċentement, huma skambjaw congratulations fuq l-anniversarju tieġ, fejn kiteb dwar kif kbira imħabba tagħhom kienu. U ftit jiem ilu sar magħruf li l-koppja stennija għall-ewwel twelid.

Happy Birthday to the most amazing human I know... Today, we celebrate you. For an innumerable amount of reasons I couldn't even begin to describe, as all of those who know you and those who even don't know you, would agree. It's your day. The love and light you radiate to the world shines like a beacon for all to see. Its that love and light that guides me to the safe shores of home from the turbulent and sometimes treacherous waters of life. Thank you for your tireless pursuit of spreading good, being an instrument of change and seamlessly weaving the complex threads of our lives together into the warmest, softest and most magical blanket. Every day I get to watch you being you I'm constantly reminded of your beauty and prowess and how lucky I am to share this life with you. These are some of my favorite snapshots of the last three years together... Love, Ian

Публикация от iansomerhalder (@iansomerhalder)

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