Attriċi Amy intelliġenti iddefenda r-raġel tagħha-produttur akkużat fastidju sesswali


Bl-akkużi ta 'Osterhaus, il-kollega tiegħu Kylie Kaminsky tkellem, li jsostni li fl-2008 kien imġiegħel jagħmel sess orali miegħu. Hija ddikjarat li ma setax jirrifjutah, hekk kif kien jibża 'li jitlef ix-xogħol tiegħu, u wara l-ħin kollu li ġara għal żmien twil, huwa sofra minn depressjonijiet u ġie ttrattat għal psikoterapista.

Il-preżentatur tat-TV ikkonferma l-konnessjoni tiegħu mal-Kaminsky u qal li dan kollu kien anke mhux professjonali, iżda bi ftehim reċiproku. F'dak iż-żmien, Amy u Carter kienu miżżewġin, bdew jilħqu bosta snin wara, għalhekk l-attriċi taġixxi b'fiduċja fid-difiża tar-raġel tagħha: "Issa perjodu importanti ħafna, meta ma jkollokx għalfejn tkun siekta. Xi stejjer huma veri u terribbli. U hemm it-tnejn dwar ir-raġel tiegħi. Jidhirli li diġà mar wisq. Meta r-relazzjonijiet ma jiżviluppawx kif tixtieq, allura għandek bżonn tieħu r-responsabbiltà għall-azzjonijiet tiegħek, u ma turix il-vittma. Din l-istorja hija krudili fir-rigward ta 'wieħed mill-aktar nies tip, kura u loving. Hija waslet bogħod wisq, u hi għandha tieqaf immedjatament. Il-midja għandha tivverifika bir-reqqa d-data u tifhem kemm jistgħu jkunu distruttivi ewlenin. "

We are in a climate right now where it’s so wonderful and needed to have women coming forward to break their silence; it is vital and important for female equality. Period. A lot of the stories are horrific and need to be brought to light. This story, about my husband, Carter Oosterhouse, on the other hand, is now taking it too far and boundaries are being crossed. When you are in a CONSENSUAL RELATIONSHIP, then you need to take responsibility for engaging in that and not play victim. IF a relationship does not work out the way you want it to, then sorry, but that is the risk you take when getting intimate with another person. There are plenty of relationships I wish I could go back and make different choices about, but it was on me to decide. We need to take responsibility and learn from our mistakes and choices. Women are powerful and we need to be reminded of the strength and power we hold and learn ways to take care of ourselves so we don’t find ourselves saying yes when we really need to say no. The article is very damaging and cruel to one of the most kindest, loving, non-aggressive men I have the privilege of knowing and I am so sorry for these salacious words being thrown around, they are extremely hurtful. This type of reporting needs to stop, it’s so damaging for personal lives and careers and just not fair. Enough is enough, this is a plea to the writers, outlets and media…More due diligence needs to be done before crafting headlines and stories. Have discernment when you tell a story and please consider the source and story before just printing anything to get readers and viewers. #lovethesetwo

Публикация от amy smart (@smarthouse26)

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