Nina Dobrev qal addiju għall- "Vampire Djarji" fannijiet wara t-tlestija tal-isparar tat-8 istaġun


Bil-fannijiet tas-serje Nina Dobrev, kont diġà ngħaġġes iktar minn sena ilu, meta d- "djarji tal-vampir" ħallew wara t-tlestija tal-istaġun 6 tal-istaġun - imma aktar tard il-ġestjoni tal-kanal CW u l-produttur tas-serje Julie Plek konvint l-attriċi biex jissieħbu Casta għal wieħed u l-unika waħda għall-aħħar darba.

"Jidher, il-bieraħ biss għidt" Goodbye. " Għaddew sentejn, u jien hawn mill-ġdid. Dan huwa preżenti tiegħi, finali Adieu: Illum I ħa l-aħħar fil-ħajja tax-xena "Vampire Djarji".

Ritorn għall-finali tas-serje għalija kien il-maltempata sħiħa ta 'emozzjonijiet, nostalgia, imħabba, pjaċiri ta' ferħ u farewells morr. [...] Naf li l-fannijiet tagħna se jkunu kuntenti wkoll dwar kif tispiċċa s-serje meta jaraw il-finali fi ftit ġimgħat. Mill-qiegħ ta 'qalbi nirringrazzjak matul is-snin ta' passjoni, appoġġ u imħabba ta 'fannijiet li kienu magħna f'dan il-vjaġġ inkredibbli u sabiħ. "

"I kiber fuq din is-serje u infinitament grat għall-possibbiltajiet kollha li hu tatni - u grat għall-persuni kollha li ħadmu fuq il-" djarji vampire "miegħi dawn 8 snin. Aħna lkoll - biċċiet ta 'mużajk kbir wieħed, u mingħajr membri tal-ekwipaġġ tal-film mill-isbaħ tagħna u l-kasti din il-mużajk maġija ma jkunx komplut. Grazzi għax-xogħol, il-ħbiberija u l-imħabba tiegħek. "

Dearest TVD family, It feels like it was just yesterday that I was saying goodbye. And yet two years have passed and here we are again. This is my true final goodbye, as today I shot my last scene of the Vampire Diaries forever. Coming back for the series finale has been a whirlwind of emotion, nostalgia, love, tears of joy and bittersweet endings. It feels like the beautiful closure we all needed, myself included, and I couldn't have been happier to come home to be with my TVD set family and friends. I feel the fans family will also be happy with the show's conclusion when they tune in to watch the last episode air in a few short weeks. From the bottom of my heart, I send you my biggest thanks for the countless years of implicit dedication, passion, support, and undying love from all the fans that have stuck with us on this truly amazing and beautiful journey. As this last chapter ends, we welcome and look forward to going on to the next adventure and hope that you continue to follow us as our new journeys begin. I grew up on this show and am eternally grateful for all the opportunities it has given me, and so thankful for each and every person who worked on The Vampire Diaries over the last 8 years. We are all pieces of a big puzzle and without every truly amazing cast and crew member, this magical puzzle would not be complete. Thank you for all your hard work, friendship and love. You have touched my heart in ways you will never know. Sending looch smooches, Love, Katherine, Amara, Tatia, and of course, Elena Gilbert. #TVDforever #FangsForTheMemories ❤ Ps. I had these custom engraved TVD #Forever keys made as crew gifts for my beloved TVD a family. @thegivingkeys is an amazing company that sells products to provide jobs. Every product you purchase supports job creation for individuals transitioning out of homelessness, impacting lives through the power of a Pay It Forward community.

Фото опубликовано Nina Dobrev (@ninadobrev)

8 years. @paulvedere

Фото опубликовано Nina Dobrev (@ninadobrev)

Can't believe how time flies. Farewell dinner with team Somereed! So good catching up with these goofballs. All ❤

Фото опубликовано Nina Dobrev (@ninadobrev)

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