Mlengi wa "Deadpool" akufunsa Hugh Jackman kuti abwerere ku Wolvenene mu kanema


Wojambula ndi Wolemba za nthabwala za Adolpula Beollold adalankhulira Mtsogoleri wa patsamba lake ku Instagram: Kubwerera ku gawo la Wolverine ndikusewera ndi Ryan mu mawonekedwe a addepool. Monga munthu amene wagwira ntchito ya nthabwala zaka 33 ndikujambula zithunzi zingapo zomenyera nkhondo ndi ngwazi zingapo, ndikutsimikizira kuti zomwe omvera amathandizira kuti musawone. Wolverone ndiwomwe ndimakonda kwambiri m'mbiri yonse ya nthabwala, ndipo anali yemwe adandiuzira kuti apange Wade Wilson. Chonde taganizirani za kuwulula zingwe zapaulendo wina waulemerero. "

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Dear @thehughjackman just checking in to reassure you per your recent comments that, yes, fans absolutely desire on the deepest possible level of affection and excitement that we can collectively muster to see you return as Wolverine alongside Ryan as Deadpool. Being in the comic business for 33 years and speaking as someone who has crafted a few memorable encounters between Logan and Wade, I can guarantee and confirm an audience and a reaction like nothing you have ever before experienced!! Wolverine is my favorite character in the history of comics, he inspired every aspect of Deadpool’s creation!! Please give some consideration to unsheathing your claws for one more glorious adventure! #wolverine #deadpool #marvel p.s. please feel free to adapt directly from Wolverine #154-155 and feature The Administrator, The Watchtower! Unapologetically and unashamedly, your pal, Rob! #BiggerthanInfinityWar #robliefeld

Публикация от RobertLiefeld (@robliefeld)

Laifeld adalemba masamba kuchokera ku Wolverine # 154-155 Commics ndi nkhondo yamagazi pakati pa lolverine ndi adde. Olembetsa a wolemba nthawi yomweyo adachirikiza lingalirolo ndikunena kuti msonkhano wotere ukhoza kuchitika modabwitsa. Kumbukirani kuti chaka chino, Disney Coloration adapeza studio ya nkhandwe, ndipo ndi iyo ndi ufulu kwa anthu a X, Wade Wilson / Otchulidwa Ena.

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