Avril Lavin sa v roku 2017 uvoľní 6. album


Vo svojom Instagrame Avril Avan Avan už poďakoval fanúšikom za ich podporu v ťažkom období pre ňu, ale tiež oznámila, že ich poteší nový album. Pripomeňme, spevák si pozastavil niekoľko rokov po roku 2014, lekári našli Lymskú chorobu. Naposledy album, Avril Lavigne, spevák prepustený v roku 2013 a v roku 2015 predstavil jeden let, ktorý sa stal hymnom pre paralympiad.

Hi Everyone!! I wanted to first thank my fans for your patience & support during my time away throughout my battle with Lyme Disease over the past 2 years. It hasn't just been a hard battle but it's also been enlightening and will reflect in my new music, artistry, life, and personally. I will always continue to make it a priority to fight and raise awareness about Lyme Disease with the Avril Lavigne foundation. I'm really happy to announce that I am now working on new music and I will be releasing a new album in 2017. I can't wait to open up and share my heart with you! I'm excited for you guys to hear the new songs. It's going to be an amazing 2017!

Фото опубликовано Avril Lavigne (@avrillavigne)

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