Dcéra Johnny Depp a Vanessa Paradise hral topless vo frank foto strieľať


Dievča priznalo, že bola veľmi pohodlná pracovať s Gilfordom. To bolo tiež povedané, že fotograf: "Blízkosť a dôvera sa vyvíjajú prostredníctvom vzájomného rešpektu, a to trvá čas. Skutočná blízkosť nemôže byť nútená, potrebujete skutočnú jednotu, skutočné vzťahy vyžadujú prácu, lásku a trpezlivosť. Pochopenie tohto, moja priateľka Lily-Rose Depp a ja som sa rozhodol urobiť túto fotografickú reláciu. " Ukazuje sa, že niektoré z fotografií boli inšpirované skorými obrázkami Vanessa Paradise, matka Lily Rose. "Kúpili sme parochňu a inšpirovali obrázky svojej matky, ktorí boli vystavení pred desiatkami rokov," hovorí Luke. V dôsledku tejto "blízkosti", dievča vzalo nejaké fotky z topless a s cigaretou v ruke, ale predstavovať nahý pre dcéru Hollywoodského herca - prípad je už oboznámený.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of intimacy. It’s an important element in my work and a feeling I often try to convey in my films and photographs. I believe intimacy is developed the same way as a relationship - through mutual trust & respect, and over time. True intimacy cannot be forced and it’s not a one way street. It is so powerful because it takes a real connection to exist, and real connections take work, patience, and love. With this in mind, @lilyrose_depp and I decided to start a new series of photographs together. We shared references over the course of weeks, many of them of her mother — obviously a very personal process for Lily. We went and bought a wig inspired by a shoot her mother had done decades before, and spent a couple days hanging out and taking photos together at home. It was just the two of us and our friend Walker, no crew whatsoever. The images of her in bed and crying especially move me because they are so honest. This experience was so inspiring because it reminded me how rewarding it is to collaborate with friends, and how meaningful it is to create authentic trust and intimacy ♥

Публикация от Luke Gilford (@lukegilford)

I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of intimacy. It’s an important element in my work and a feeling I often try to convey in my films and photographs. I believe intimacy is developed the same way as a relationship - through mutual trust & respect, and over time. True intimacy cannot be forced and it’s not a one way street. It is so powerful because it takes a real connection to exist, and real connections take work, patience, and love. With this in mind, @lilyrose_depp and I decided to start a new series of photographs together. We shared references over the course of weeks, many of them of her mother — obviously a very personal process for Lily. We went and bought a wig inspired by a shoot her mother had done decades before, and spent a couple days hanging out and taking photos together at home. It was just the two of us and our friend Walker, no crew whatsoever. The images of her in bed and crying especially move me because they are so honest. This experience was so inspiring because it reminded me how rewarding it is to collaborate with friends, and how meaningful it is to create authentic trust and intimacy ♥

Публикация от Luke Gilford (@lukegilford)

I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of intimacy. It’s an important element in my work and a feeling I often try to convey in my films and photographs. I believe intimacy is developed the same way as a relationship - through mutual trust & respect, and over time. True intimacy cannot be forced and it’s not a one way street. It is so powerful because it takes a real connection to exist, and real connections take work, patience, and love. With this in mind, @lilyrose_depp and I decided to start a new series of photographs together. We shared references over the course of weeks, many of them of her mother — obviously a very personal process for Lily. We went and bought a wig inspired by a shoot her mother had done decades before, and spent a couple days hanging out and taking photos together at home. It was just the two of us and our friend Walker, no crew whatsoever. The images of her in bed and crying especially move me because they are so honest. This experience was so inspiring because it reminded me how rewarding it is to collaborate with friends, and how meaningful it is to create authentic trust and intimacy ♥

Публикация от Luke Gilford (@lukegilford)

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