Nyeredzi ye "vekare" claire holt ichatanga kuve amai


Clair Holt akazivisa nhumbu yake kuti awane nhumbu yekubhadhara. "Moyo wangu wagadzirira kuputika. Ndiri kufara chaizvo kugoverana newe nhau dzatichava nemwana! Zvichiri kuoma kutenda mazviri. "

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My heart is bursting. I’m so happy to share with you that we are having a baby! It still doesn’t feel real. These past few months have been filled with excitement, anxiety, tears, joy, uncertainty but most of all gratitude. You never forget the deep pain of loss. It dims with time but it informs many of your experiences. Our loss earlier this year was the darkest moment of my life. Yet, it made me infinitely more thankful for the precious baby growing inside me today. I want to take a moment to acknowledge all those struggling with miscarriage, infertility or any of the difficulties that come with bringing new life into the world. I know that these announcements can hurt. I’ve felt it all. My heart is with you and I pray that our story gives you hope. Thank you all so much for your love and support – I can’t wait to share this journey with you.

Публикация от Claire Holt (@claireholt)

Muna Kurume gore rino, Claire naAndrew vaive nedambudziko: Mutambi akarasikirwa nemwana. Akarangarira nezve zvakaitika musawanikwa mu Instagram, achizivisa nhumbu: Kurwadziwa kwacho kunotorwa nekufamba kwenguva, asi kunoramba uine ruzivo ruzivo. Kurasikirwa kwedu gore rino kwaive kwakaomesesa hupenyu hwangu. Uye panguva imwe chete nekuda kwake ndinonzwa kutotenda nekuda kwemwana anokosha, ayo nhasi anokura mandiri mukati. " Zvakare Claire akatenda nerudo nerutsigiro rwevose vaishandira mutambi.

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