Nick Jonas akataura chokwadi nezve kurwa nechirwere cheshuga


Muimbi akaburitsa posvo mu Instagram, iyo yakarondedzera kurwira kwake zvakadzama nechirwere ichi chakajairika. "Makore gumi nematatu apfuura ndakaonekwa ndine mhando 1 chirwere cheshuga mellitus. Pamufananidzo kuruboshwe - ndiri mavhiki mashoma mushure meiyi nhau. Ini ndakarasikirwa nehuremu, ndakaremerwa chete 45 kg, sezvo reropa shuga rakanga rakakwira. Mumufananidzo kurudyi - Ini ikozvino ndiri hutano uye ndinofara. Ini ndinoita nzira chaiyo yehupenyu, ini ndiri kuita zvemitambo, kazhinji fudza uye kudzora huwandu hweshuga. Imwe neimwe zuva rangu rinoburitswa kuhondo kurwa nechirwere ichi, uye ndinotenda zvikuru kumhuri yangu nemusikana wako waunofarira wekutsigira. Usamborega vamwe vachipindira newe kuti urarame hupenyu hwako. Kutenda kune vese vateveri vangu mazwi emutsa uye kutsigirwa. Izvi zvinoreva kwandiri zvakanyanya kupfuura zvaunofunga. Ndinokuda, "Jonas akanyora.

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13 years ago today I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. The picture on the left is me a few weeks after my diagnosis. Barely 100 pounds after having lost so much weight from my blood sugar being so high before going to the doctor where I would find out I was diabetic. On the right is me now. Happy and healthy. Prioritizing my physical health, working out and eating healthy and keeping my blood sugar in check. I have full control of my day to day life with this disease, and I’m so grateful to my family and loved ones who have helped me every step of the way. Never let anything hold you back from living your best life. Thank you to all my fans for your kind words and support. Means more than you know. Love you all. #grateful #diabetes #livebeyond #fbf

Публикация от Nick Jonas (@nickjonas)

Mwenga wemuroyi, chinonakidza che chopra, hachina kukwanisa kupfuura nenhoroondo yekubaya uye vakanyora chirevo: "Zvese zvakabatana newe chakakosha. Hazvina basa kana uine chirwere cheshuga kana kwete. "

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