Abuuraha "Taariikhda naxdinta leh ee Mareykanka" ayaa ku deeqay 10 milyan oo doolar cisbitaal oo uu wiilkiisa ka bogsiiyay wiilkiisa


Ku saabsan dhacdada Murphy waxay ku qortay qoraal Frank ah oo ku yaal barta Instagram. "Waxaan kuu soo bandhigayaa Ford Thedorora Miller Murphy. Maanta waa maalin aad u muhiim ah nolosheena iyo nolosheena. Laba sano ka hor, wiilkan cute cute ee u dhaleeceeya wadooyinka daanyeerka waxaa laga helay cudurka neuroblastoma ... sida caadiga ah, tani waa ogaanshaha dhimashada. Burada, cabirka kubbadda tennis, ayaa la helay inta lagu gudajiro baaritaanka ugu caansan. Qeybteyda labaad, David Miller, wuxuu ahaa dhagar dhab ah inta lagu gudajiray muddadan, bukaanka iyo jacaylka. Ford sidoo kale waa hagaajisay, oo isna wuu ku guulaystay. Wuxuu u dabaaldegay dhalashadii 4aad wuxuuna dareemayaa mahadcelin weyn isbitaalka caruurta ee Los Angeles. Maanta waxaan u dirnaa 10 milyan oo doolar sanduuqa isbitaalka si carruurta kale ee jiran ay u soo kaban karaan, "Murphy ayaa qoray.

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I’d like you to meet Ford Theodore Miller Murphy. Today is a big day in his and our family’s lives. Two years ago, this sweet little innocent boy with a deep belly laugh and an obsession with Monster Trucks was diagnosed with neuroblastoma…an often fatal pediatric cancer. Ford’s cancer — an abdominal tumor the size of a tennis ball — was found during a normal check up by his brilliant pediatrician Dr. Lauren Crosby @drlaurencrosby. From there, Ford has undergone a huge surgery and several difficult procedures. My better half, David Miller, was a rock through this — strong and patient and loving (I was always a trembling wreck). Ford was strong as well, and today he is thriving. He just celebrated his fourth birthday, a milestone we are all so thrilled about. Ford is doing so well because of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles @childrensla. Today at the hospital we are donating a wing in tribute to Ford and our family is making a gift of $10 million dollars so that other children can experience the love and care of this exceptional facility. No child is turned away at Children’s Hospital. We are so honored and lucky to contribute, and encourage everybody who can to do the same. We love you, Ford. ? credit: @dcmphoto.biz

Публикация от Ryan Murphy (@mrrpmurphy)

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