Alexandra Adidioio ayaa door weyn ka helay "samatabbixiyeyaasha Malibu"


Xaqiiqda ah in jilaaga 29-sano jirka uu ka helay doorkii "Badbaadinta Malibu", oo ku degtay inuu ka warbixiyo kiishigiisa Instagram Jone Johnson - Alexander ayaa xiddig ka soo baxay "qalad San Andreas" iyo, waxay umuuqataa "dhagaxa" ayaa weli ku qancay iskaashiga. "Si rasmi ah: Waxaan rabaa in aan salaamo tayo karti leh oo axdi ah @Alexhannaddardario oo qayb ka ah ceste #baywatt sida xagaaga. Alex waa haweeney gaar ah (Waan ogahay waayo-aragnimadayda), waxaan rabaa inaad niman aad u aragto sida ay "u" ka dhigan doonto doorkan. "

IT'S OFFICIAL: Want to welcome the talented and gorgeous @alexannadaddario to the cast of #BAYWATCH for the role of "Summer". Alex is a one of kind woman (I know from experience) and can't wait for you guys to see her own the role. The female roles of #BAYWATCH have become extremely hot properties around Hollywood and as promised, the quality women we'll cast are stepping into these roles to have fun and make them iconic for the world to enjoy. The #BaywatchFamily so far consists of a tatted up bald guy named Rock, the cool, yet extremely unattractive @zacefron, the talented and gorgeous Alexandra Daddario...and some big casting announcements coming soon. And juuuuust wait til you guys see who we cast for the iconic role of "CJ Parker"....? #CueSlowMotionRunningDownTheBeach #WhosPuttingTanningOilOnMyBack? #GetReadyForSomeFunInTheSun #BAYWATCH ???

Фото опубликовано therock (@therock)

Sidoo kale in Instagram Duane uu balan qaaday ogeysiisyo "kulul" ah oo ku saabsan qalcadda - laga yaabee, in yar oo jilayaal caan ah / jilaayaal ayaa ka soo muuqan doona "samatabbarta Malibu", faa iidada doorka la awoodi karo ayaa wali ka badan ku filan.

Akhri wax dheeraad ah