Nina Dobrev ayaa riyada la yeeshay gabar katarsan cudurka kansarka jiran


Iyada oo loo marayo samaynta aasaaska Nina Dobrevood ayaa la kulmay gabadha la yiraahdo Hanna Stewher, oo ku nool Kanada marwalbana wuxuu ku riyooday inuu arko Los Angeles. Nina waxay fulisay riyada gabadha, taas oo ku casuuntay Los Angeles oo ay magaalada ka soo bandhigaysaa saqafka duulimaadka - inta lagu gudajiray safarka raadinta helikobtarka.

Instagram-ka, DOBREV waxay daabacday sawirro taxane ah kulanka: "Waxaan doonayay inaan safro ugu horreeyo ee u safra California inuu noqdo mid ka sii xusuus badan marka loo eego kaliya kulan uu iga caayay."

Hannah had a wish. Today we surprised her and made it come true. @MakeAWishCA introduced us, but I wanted to make sure that her first trip to California be even more memorable than just hanging out with boring old me. This fellow Canadian girl is from Alberta (Oh, Canada ?? !!!) and wanted to see Los Angeles. Well, I decided there’s no better way than a birds eye view! After an amazing lunch with her family, we all hopped on a helicopter and visited all the famous land marks. Venice, Santa Monica, Malibu, The Getty Museum, The HOLLYWOOD Sign, Silver Lake, Griffith Observatory, Downtown, etc! (We even did a fly by over my house, which was super creepy because we could totally see into it from the chopper ?) Hannah and I had the most incredible day together. She is such a strong, sweet and beautiful soul with an unbelievably supportive and loving family. I feel beyond lucky that I got to hang out with her today. Seeing her smile made me smile and warmed my heart beyond description. I hope you had as much fun as I did, Hannah. Love you !!! @hannah_stever ❤❤❤❤❤❤

Публикация от Nina Dobrev (@nina)

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