Lenaneo la TV bakeng sa kajeno, la 11 Mphalane 2017, bakeng sa liteishene tsohle


Lenaneo la TV ka la 11 Mphalane, 2017 setsing sa pele

05:00 TV Channel "Lumela"

09:00 News

09:15 theko ea taolo

09:50 Live e kholo!

10:55 polelo e feshene

12:00 News ka Subtitles

12:15 Nako e tla bontša

15:00 News ka Subtitles

15:15 Le rona a nyalane!

16:00 Mature / mosali

17:00 ea tla bontša

18:00 Litaba tse nang le subtitles

18:40 Ha e le hantle

19:45 e re ba re


21:35 ho robala (letoto la 5 le 6)

23:40 mantsiboea Uthant

00: Maqhubu a bosiu bosiu

00 Kim Philby. Ntoa ea Sephiri (Filimi 2)

01:40 Nako e tla bontša

02:40 betheng le sera

03:00 News

03:05 ka betheng le sera

Lenaneo la TV ka la 11 Mphalane, 2017 Russia

05: 00UTRO russia

09:00 Vesti

09: 15utro russia

09:55 mabapi le ntho ea bohlokoahali

11:00 Vesti

11:40 Vesti. Nako ea lehae

12:00 Phallo ea Motho ea nang le Boris Korchevnikov

13: 0060 Metsotso

14:00 VESTI

14:40 Vesti. Nako ea lehae

Liphiri tsa 14:55 tsa lipatlisiso-13 ("ntho ea lekunutu", letoto la 1)

Liphiri tsa 16:00 tsa lipatlisiso-13 ("ntho ea lekunutu", letoto la 2: letoto la 2)

17:00 VESTI

17:40 Vesti. Nako ea lehae

184:00 Andrei Malakhov. Phela

19: 0060 Metsotso

20:00 Vesti

20:45 SEONG. Nako ea lehae

21:00 Ho lata lengeloi (letoto la 13)

22:10 "litšila tsa lengeloi (letoto la 14)

23 Mantsiboea a bolaeang le Vladimir solovyv

01:55 Ho matha ho tloha leratong (letoto la 5)

02:50 Ho matha ho lerato (letoto la 6)

03:50 Batsoali

Lenaneo la TV ka la 11 Mphalane, 2017 ho NTV

05:00 Lesnik ("Neroye", 1st le 2nd le 2nd)

06:00 kajeno

06:05 Lesnik ("Neroye", 1st le 2nd le 2nd)

07:00 Rato hoseng NTV

Ho khutla ka 09:00 ho khutla ho mukhtara-2 ("radio mohlala", "Alter EGo")

10:00 kajeno

10: 20 Khutla sa mukhtara-2 ("radio mohlala", "Alter EGO")

11:10 Laewer ("Khoebo e Hloekileng", "motjeko o litšila")

13:00 kajeno

13:25 Tlhahlobo. Boemo ba tšohanyetso

Sebaka sa liboka 14:00 Sebaka sa liboka

16:00 kajeno

Sebaka sa liboka 16:30

17: Бlineulla White Broken-15 ("e lanngoeng ke Naha", "Bolun")

19:00 kajeno

19:40 nevsky ("Re na le uena mali a le mong", "ho ts'episa mosebetsi")

21:40 PIC-2 ("Convoy oa ho qetela", "letšoao le lebe")

Liphetho tsa matsatsi a 23:50

00: Lik'hamera tse patiloeng (sexymate)

01:00 Sebaka sa Kopano

02:55 County Karabo

04:00 Ketsahalo e ka sehloohong (Ntlo ea Ghost)

Lenaneo la TV ka la 11 Mphalane, 2017 setsing sa TV

05: 02d ka pheletsong ea moru (letoto la 4)


08:10 ngaka le ... (tokollo ea la 11 Mphalane)

08:45 Likokoana-hloko bakeng sa Bophelo

10:35 Mikhail Kokshenov. Ho bonolo ho thetsa

11:30 Liketsahalo

11:50 polao e hloekileng Senyesemane (ha re rapelle)

13:40 Hero (VLADIMIR Vishnevsky)

14:30 Liketsahalo

14:50 toropo ea litaba

15:05 PIROTHA Christie (Clock)

Bokamoso ba tlhaho (ntlo e halikiloeng e pholile)

17:50 Ghost Of Theatre ea County Theatre (Letoto la 1)

18: 43RERAK County Theatre (letoto la 2)

19:40 Liketsahalo

20:00 Petrovka, 38

20: Lintlha tse 20 tsa litokelo tsa litokelo

22:00 liketsahalo

22:30 Mohala oa ts'ireletso

23: 05 ho eona. Arsey Yatsnyuk

Liketsahalo tsa 00:00. Hora ea 25th


01:25 Iron Curtain

02:15 ho tšeha ha ho tsamaisoa lapeng

03: 20 Pairo Agatha Christie (letsatsi le lefu)

Lenaneo la TV ka la 11 Mphalane, 2017 ho Chalp Channel

06:30 News

08:35 melao ea bophelo

Litaba tsa setso tsa 07:00

07:05 Cinema Legends (Valentina Serov)

07:30 Litaba tsa setso

07:35 maeto a tlhaho (Kenya. Park "Masai Mara")

Litaba tsa setso sa 08:00

08:05 melao ea bophelo

08:35 Dounton Abbey (Series se Setereke)

09:40 Karolo ea mantlha

10:00 News

10:15 e shebelletseng

11: Lilemo tse 10XX tsa 10xx ("Puisano ea Tonakholo ea Great Britaret TATTcher Teatcher Teavision", 1987)

12:05 Genius

12:40 San Marino. Mokhahlelo oa mahala ho methapo

12:55 Khetho ea Maiketsetso

13:35 Heinrich le Anna. Lerato le fetohileng nalane (letoto la 2nd)

14:25 Jordan Bruna

14:30 Mikhail Lemonsontov. Tale e makatsang (letoto la 2)

15:00 News

15:10 lipapatso tsa lipale tsa lekholong la mashome a mabeli la lilemo (Andrash Schiff)

16:05 Hypocrat

16: 15 ka maoto ka maoto ... (Moscow Oswishkostl)

16:40 Middle Poy Circle Darkalina

Lihlekehleke tsa 17:45 (Fain Ranevskaya)

18:30 Ho shebella

19:30 News News

19:45 Karolo ea Bohlokoa

20:00 Mystery of Viking (letoto la 1 - "mehatong ea likepe tsa likepe")

20:55 bosiu bo botle, bana!

21:10 Melao ea Hore Eva

21:40 Health

22: 8000Beky Dounton (Letoto la 7)

23: Olymia e lilemo li 6. Bakeng sa tlhompho le lekala la Mohloaare

Maroli a 23:40 Litaba tsa setso

23:55 "Kinescop" le Peter Shepotinic (65th Icf ho San Sebastian)

00:35 xx Century ("Puisano ea Tonakholo ea Great Britaret TATTcher Teatcher Teavision", 1987)

01:30 Litlhasi tsa lipale tsa lekholo la mashome a mabeli la lilemo (Andrash Schiff)

02:25 Ntlo ea Art

Lenaneo la TV ka la 11 Mphalane, 2017 ho Seteishene sa Channel Manang le TV

08:30 BANTER

07:00 News

07:05 All ho papali!

08:30 News

08:35 bolo ea maoto. Mohope oa Lefatše oa 2018. Linetolelo tse tšoanelehang (Portugal - Switzerland)

10:35 SEO

10:40 bolo ea maoto. Papali e mosa. Broadcast Thi Byass Kazan (Russia - Iran)

Litaba tse 12: 40 Litaba

12:45 bolo ea maoto. Maqhubu a Europe 2019. Lihlopha tsa bacha. Tlholisano ea likhetho (Serbia - Russia)

14:45 Litaba

14:50 tsohle bakeng sa papali!

15: 20Futball. Mohope oa Lefatše oa 2018. Tlholisano ea likhetho (Ecuador - Argentina)

17: 20news

17:25 bolo ea maoto. Mohope oa Lefatše oa 2018. Tlholisano ea likhetho (Brazil - Chile)

19:25 Hockey. Khl. Live Broadcast ("Dynamo" (Moscow) - "AK mars" (Kazan))

21:55 News

22:05 Tsohle bakeng sa papali!

23:05 ha e khutle hape ebile ha e inehele

00:55 Borati ba 'mala oa ntoa ea ntoa ea ntoa. Ufc. Broadcast ho la USA (T. Ferguson - K. Le. D. Johnson - R. Borg)

02:55 Ho lahla bokamoso

03:55 Olimpiki ea pele

04:55 lipatlisiso tsa Sesole sa Moea. Mmuso Bernie Eccletone

Lenaneo la TV ka la 11 Mphalane, 2017 ka CTC Channel

05: 20 Niisa o tseba seo a lokelang ho se etsa!

'Mino oa 05:50 Sts

06:00 Skeleriki

06:15 li-noovators

06:35 lokisa

07: 00show Monghali Pibody le Sherman

07:25 likatse tse tharo

07:40 Show Mong Pobody and Sherman

18:05. Ho matha ho potoloha moeli

09: Li-dumplings tse 00risty (tseo u li ratang)

10:00 Turnist

12:00 bo bocha. Bo-mme

13:00 ea borobeli

15:00 Kichine

18:00 Volina

19:00 Volina

20:00 Phahameng! "Bacha. Bophelo ba batho ba baholo"

21:00 Solt.

22:55 Show "Ural Pelmeni"

00:30 ke lerato

01:30 baetapele ba fake

03:25 Naha ea bana ba batle

Lenaneo la TV ka la 11 Mphalane, 2017 setsing sa thekiso ea TV

05:00 "Tšitiso ea Desion" le Igor Prokopenko


07:00 e nang le Bedery More!

08:30 News

08:00 "Tšitiso ea Metsosa" le Igor Prokopenko

11:00 projeke ea lingoliloeng

12:00 Lenaneo la tlhaiso-leseling la litaba 112

Litaba tse 12:30

13:00 Mystery ea botho le oleg Shishkin

14:00 mechanic: Tsoho

15:55 lenaneo la tlhaiso-leseling 112

Litaba tse 16:30

17:00 liphiri ho Chapman

18:00 ho feta hypothes

19:00 Lenaneo la Litaba 112

19:30 News

20:00 sera sa Naha

22:30 Sheba Ntho Ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe!

23:00 News

23:25 MySpandy ea Batho ka Oleg Shishkin

00:30 Kill Bil-2

03:00 Hypothes

03:50 sephiri ho qoqa

Lenaneo la TV ka la 11 Mphalane, 2017 ho la Channel ea TNT

05:15 SASHA + Masha (Series 68th)

06:00 Deffchonki (Series tse 47th - "Giglets tse tharo")

08:30 Deffcchonki (Series 48th - "Senbernar")

07:00 Deffchonki (Series tse 49th - "Kamano ea Boitšoaro")

07:30 Deffcconki (Sepato sa 50 - "mora ea kenang")

08:00 TNT. Molemo ka ho fetisisa (letoto la 19)

08:30 TNT. Best (letoto la 20)

09:00 ntlo-2. Litem.

11:00 ntlo-2. Sehlekehleke sa lerato

12:00 Sastothany (Oranges - "Metsoalle - Metsoalle-baahisani")

12:30 Sashahatokhamy (Setoto sa 27 - "Ntate - Missress")

13:00 Sashatotanya (Series e 28 - "Sasha - Litokelo")

13:30 Sashahathethany (Letoto la 29 - "Mong'a mocha")

14:00 Sastothany (Series ea 30 - "Quarrel e mosa")

14:30 Interns (letoto la 137th)

15:00 Interns (Letoto la 138)

15:30 Interns (letoto la 139th)

16:00 Interns (Letoto la 140th)

16:30 Interns (letoto la 141th)

17:00 Interns (Setokeng sa 142)

17:30 Interns (letoto la 143rd)

18:00 Interns (Setereke sa 144)

18:30 Interns (Setoto sa 145th)

19: 00ulitsa (letoto la 7)

19:30 Seterata (Letoto la 8)

20:00 Fizruk (Setereke sa 65th)

20:30 Fizruk (Setoto sa 66th)

21:00 Ho bonolo ho Mangsae

23:00 ntlo-2. Motse oa Lerato

00::00 ntlo-2. Kamora ho likela ha letsatsi. Phetolelo e Khethehileng

01::00 Street (Setoto sa 8)

01:30 e halikiloeng

03:10 ho bonolo ho hopola

04:50 restart (letoto la 159th)

Lenaneo la TV ka la 11 Mphalane, 2017 setsing sa lehae sa lapeng

06:00 phela ka monate ka jamie Oliver (Setoto sa 18)

Live 06:30 Live Uve with Jamie Oliver (19th le 20th le 20)

07:30 6 Liromela

08:00 ho bana ba bacha (367th - 369th e 3699)

11:00 Ha Le Lebisa! (76th, 77th, letoto la 347th)

Tlhahlobo ea ntate oa ntate (27 le 43 ea 43rd)

Ka 1600 ua utloisisa. Ho tšoarela (letoto la 339th - "phetoho ea mantsoe", letoto la 340th - "Cousin")

17:05 Femae Dr.-2 (Letoto la 11 - "Driver bakeng sa Gali")

18: 006 liforeimi

18:05 femise Dr.-2 (Series oa 12 - "Lekhoba la Lerato")

19:00 Male Dr.-2 (13th le 14th e 14)

20:55 Lipehelo tsa konteraka-2 (letoto la 6 le 6)

22:55 Motsamaisi (oa 18- "moth")

23:55 Lifomai

Lethathamo la standby (letoto la 7)

03:40 Miss Marple (pokotho, Rye e felletseng, 1st le 2nd.

Bala Haholoanyane