Beke ea beke e arola konteraka ea papatso ka h & m mme a qosa mofuta oa morabe oa morabe


"Ke ile ka tsoha hoseng 'me ka leka ho makala ha' nete ka lebaka la papatso ena. Ka 'na ke khopisitsoe haholo' me ke sa ea sebetsa le ho feta ka h & m. Baemeli ba k'hamphani ba ile ba amohela molaetsa ona hang-hang 'me ba potlakela ho pepesa hore re tla fumana phihlello e fapaneng le ea bokahohleng. Re tla ntlafatsa tloaelo ea rona ea kahare. " Ho tla etsahala eng pele ho beke le beke le beke le beke e ntse e sa tsejoe. Hammoho, sebini le lebitso la lefatše le se se se ba fumane likamore tse peli, tse ileng tsa bonahala lishelefong tsa selemo se fetileng.

Hammoho le beke e na le beke e nang le H & M, ea Razy, ea hlalositseng qeto ea hae ea Instagram ea "racist" ea letšolo la papatso.

Over the past months I was genuinely excited about launching my upcoming line and collaboration with @HM... Unfortunately, after seeing the disturbing image yesterday, my excitement over our global campaign quickly evaporated, and I've decided at this time our partnership needs to end. Whether an oblivious oversight or not, it's truly sad and disturbing that in 2018, something so racially and culturally insensitive could pass by the eyes of so many (stylist, photographer, creative and marketing teams) and be deemed acceptable. I can't allow for my name and brand to be associated with a company that could let this happen. I hope that this situation will serve as the wake up call that H&M and other companies need to get on track and become racially and culturally aware, as well as more diverse at every level.

Публикация от G-Eazy (@g_eazy)

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