Ho molemo ho feta Lingoliloeng: Harry Potter Fan o ile a arolelana Covers of the of Books


E 'ngoe ea basebelisi ba Twitter ea Twitter e ile ea beha sengoliloeng se koahelang sengoliloeng sa sehopotso sa sengoliloeng sa Libuka mabapi le Harry Potter, e lokollotsoeng Thailand, e lokollotsoe Thailand, ka maikutlo:

Ha ho le ea mong oa lona ea sa boneng hore na li-covers tse ntle tsa thae tse ncha tsa Harry Potter ke eng.

Poso eo e ile ea fetoha vaerase, ea fumana maikutlo a bohlokoa le ho khutla. Boholo bo fana ka lintlha tsa hore likōle tsena li molemo haholo ho feta tse fapaneng.

Khatiso ea Thai ea Nanmeee e lokollotse buka "Harry Potter le Lejoe la Rafilosofi" lehlabula la 2000, lilemo tse tharo ka mor'a lefats'e pele le lecha la lefatše. Ka hona, edition e ncha ea potoloho e etsoa nako ho sehopotso sa bo20 sa buka ea pele ea lihlooho tsa setoto. Litumelo li khetholoha ka mosebetsi o phethahetseng oa lintlha, li bontšoa feela ke bahale ba ka sehloohong, empa hape ho ba litlhaku tsa moralo oa bobeli. Sepense e thehileng lipapiso tsa litšoantšiso tsa mangolo, tse sa senoleng lebitso la hae la 'nete.

Ho molemo ho feta Lingoliloeng: Harry Potter Fan o ile a arolelana Covers of the of Books 20055_1

Ho molemo ho feta Lingoliloeng: Harry Potter Fan o ile a arolelana Covers of the of Books 20055_2

Ho molemo ho feta Lingoliloeng: Harry Potter Fan o ile a arolelana Covers of the of Books 20055_3

Ho molemo ho feta Lingoliloeng: Harry Potter Fan o ile a arolelana Covers of the of Books 20055_4

Ka 2018, hape ke tlotla sehopotso sa 20, ntlo ea thuto ea Seithuti e ile ea hapa monyetla oohle ka sekoaelo se neng se huleloa ke sebini Brian selznik. Karolo ea letoto leo la lipapiso e ne e le hore setšoantšo se bukeng e 'ngoe le e' ngoe se bontšitse morero o felletseng, empa ka nako eo libuka tsohle li ne li ka kenngoa setšoantšong se le seng.

Ho molemo ho feta Lingoliloeng: Harry Potter Fan o ile a arolelana Covers of the of Books 20055_5

Ho molemo ho feta Lingoliloeng: Harry Potter Fan o ile a arolelana Covers of the of Books 20055_6

Ho molemo ho feta Lingoliloeng: Harry Potter Fan o ile a arolelana Covers of the of Books 20055_7

Bala Haholoanyane