Lenaneo la TV bakeng sa kajeno, la 17 la la 17 Tšitoe, 2019, bakeng sa liteishene tsohle


Lenaneo la kajeno, la 17 la la 17 Tšitoe, 2019 seteisheneng sa pele sa letsatsi lohle

05:00 TV Channel "Lumela"

09:00 News

09:25 TV Chaena Chaena "Lumela"

09:55 Polelo e feshene

10:55 Live Great!

12:00 News (ka li-subtitles)

12:15 Nako e tla bontša

15:00 News (ka li-subtitles)

15:15 Le rona a nyalane!

16:00 Mature / mosali

17:00 ea tla bontša

Lilemo tsa mantsiboea tsa 18:00 tsa mantsiboea (ka li-subtitles)

18:30 Ha e le hantle

19:40 A re ho re


21:30 Nyeukhach (letoto la 3)

22:30 Nyeukhach (letoto la 4)

23:30 mantsiboea a Urgant

23:55 Tokelo ea Toka

01:00 Ha e le hantle

02:05 Nako e tla bontša

03:00 News

03:05 nako e tla bonts'a

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 17 la la 17 Tšitoe, 2019 seteisheneng sa Russia 1 bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

05:00 hoseng Russia

09:00 Vesti

09:25 hoseng ho na le Russia

09:55 mabapi le ntho ea bohlokoahali

11:00 Vesti

11:25 News. Nako ea lehae

11:45 "Le Fate of Boris Korchevnikov

12:50 metsotso e 60

14:00 VESTI

14:25 litaba. Nako ea lehae

14:45 Ke Mang ea Khahlano le Mang?

17:00 VESTI. Nako ea lehae

17:25 PetiAKHOV. Phela

18:50 metsotso e 60

20:00 Vesti ka 20:00

20:45 SEONG. Nako ea lehae

Liphiri tsa 21:00 tsa lipatlisiso (ka mohato ka nako: Karolo ea 1st)

22: 07 Corollary (Ho boloka nako: Karolo ea 2nd)

23:15 "mantsiboea" le Vladimir Solovyuv

03:00 Case

03:50 lipalo tse chesang

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 17 la la 17 Tšitoe, 2019 Setsing sa TV bakeng sa letsatsi lohle


08:10 Ngaka le ... (esophagus hernia)

08:45 Ha ke batle ho nyala!

10:25 Valeria. Ha e hloke lipolelo tsa glossy

11:30 Liketsahalo

11:50 Colombo (sehlooho ka matsoho)

13:40 Hero (Sergey Sosnovsky)

14:30 Liketsahalo

14:50 toropo ea litaba

15:05 Miss Marple Agatha Agatha Christie (Nemesis)

17:00 Setsing sa tlhaho (Green Ponka DOTNON)

Liketsahalo tsa 17:50

18:10 Pono ea bobeli

19: 07there pono

20:05 pono ea bobeli

21: 02Thelt pono tse se nang

22:00 liketsahalo

22:30 Tlhokomeliso, Likhatiso! (Likhomo tsa likhomo)

23:05 BL ho ka bohale

Liketsahalo tsa 00:00

005 Petrovka, 38

00:55 Likronike tsa Bophelo ba Moscow (koranta, crystal le lebota)

01:45 ha e lahle

03:15 litšeho ka ho tsamaisoa ha lapeng

04:15 elash (moloi. Tse ling tsa video)

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 17 la la 17 Tšitoe, 2019 lethathamong la NTV bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

05:00 topny

06:00 hoseng. Ea mantlha

08:05 Maltsuv

09:00 Ho phela

10:00 kajeno

10:20 a ntse a phela

13:00 kajeno

13:25 maq.

Sebaka sa liboka 14:00 Sebaka sa liboka

16:00 kajeno

16:25 Liphetho tsa ...

17:10 DNA (E fetotsoeng?)

18:10 Pys.

19:00 kajeno

19:40 Pys.

21:00 Pys.

23:15 Kajeno

23:20 Kajeno. Lipapali

23:25 'Nete ea Hae

00:30 Nalane ea Phoso

Sebaka sa liboka 01:30 Sebaka sa Thobalano

03:30 Russia e makatsang

04:15 Toteny

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 17 la la 17 Tšitoe, 2019 ho la CTC bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

06:00 Yelahlash

06:15 Tom le Jerry

06:45 Dragons: Ho matha ho potoloha le bohale

07:05 SUENTUE (Seriri sa 2)

07: 32senfed (letoto la 3)

08:00 kichineng. Ntoa ea Hotel (Setoto sa 9)

08:35 kichineng. Ntoa ea Hotel (Letoto la 10)

09:10 Show "Ural Pelmeni" (Law)

10:00 Case ea Boima

11:55 Khan solo: Zars Hers. Lipale

14:35 Hotel "Eleon" (Tlohela ME)

15: 08Hotel "Eleon" (Step Beards)

15: 41hotel "Eleon" (ke mang?)

16: 14Hotel "Eleon" (ka hona o hloka)

16: 47ootel "Eleon" (Ke na le bonnete ba hore rea thabela)

17:20 Hotel "Eleon" (Hate West!)

17: 53oTELT "Eleon" (ka kopo thusa!)

18: 26 "Eleon" (sena ke hobane ho nna)

19:00 kichineng. Ntoa ea Hotel (Letoto la 10)

19:30 kichineng. Ntoa ea Hotel (Letoto la 11)

20:00 Parliamente

21:55 Stan Strate.

00:00 Leka: Dave

01:45 Khoebo ea Selemo se Secha

03:25 6 Mesebetsi

03:50 bocha

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 17 la la 17 Tšitoe, 2019 holima TV Chanel ea TV bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

Lehlohonolo "le Igor Prokopenko (letoto la 239th)

Morero oa Tokomane ea 06:00 (Letoto la 606th)

07:00 News

07: 08Mom for hoseng!

07: 12% call 112

07:15 Litaba

07: 23c Edy hoseng!

07: 27% call 112

07:30 News

07: 37C E BWRY hoseng!

07: Linako tsa 41XX

07: 44news

07: 533m Boam hoseng!

07: 57% call 112

08:00 News

08: 07C b edry hoseng!

08: 11% call 112

08: 14news

08: 23c ea mahlahahlaha hoseng!

08: 27% call 112

08:30 News

09:00 CleSts tse khethiloeng (tse laetsoeng ho senya: maemo a 7 a Setsi sa Die tsa Russia)

10:58 "Leruo le thehiloe joang" le Timothy Bazhenov (Letoto la 11)


Litaba tse 12:30

13:00 "Mystery ea batho" ka oleg Shishkin (letoto la 339th)

14: Litaba tse 'maloa tse khahlisang (letoto la 86th)

Morero oa Pulusi ea 15:00 (Setoto sa 69th)

16:00 Boemo ba Temoelo-kholo Ho bitsa 112

Litaba tse 16:30

17:00 liphiri ho Chacoman (letoto la 561)

18:00 The Hispothes Hoholo ka ho Fetisisa (Letoto la 695th)

Ka 19:00 Calling Holl 112

19:30 News

20:00 Antien

22:20 E lebisitse ka Serussia (letoto la 279th)

22: 53 ka Serussia (letoto la 253th)

23:00 News

23:30 "Sephiri sa batho" ka oleg Shishkin (372th letotong)

00:30 Danny Chain Fog

02:20 Megan Livi

04: 04 Chinese Chapman (letoto la 561)

04:52 "sebaka sa metheo" ka igor Prokopenko (letoto la 243rd)

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 17 la la 17 Tšitoe, 2019 ka tikolohong ea TNT

05:15 Collay Club

06:05 TNT. Best (letoto la 13)

06:30 TNT. Best (letoto la 14)

07:00 TNT. Khauta (Letoto la 66)

07:30 tnt. Khauta (Letoto la 67th)

08:00 TNT. Khauta (Letoto la 68)

08:30 TNT. Khauta (Letoto la 69th)

09:00 ntlo-2. Lite (Letoto la 2747th)

10:15 ntlo-2. Sehlekehleke sa lerato (letoto la 1215th)

11:30 Borovin Khahlano le Buzova (letoto la 3341)

12:30 Boloka lerato la hau (letoto la 229th)

13:30 RA B (Setoto sa 10)

15:00 University. Dormitory e ncha (Wallding)

15:30 univesithing. New Dom (Michael + kssiia)

16:00 University. New Dom (Letoto la 97th)

16:30 univesithing. Dorm Dorm (Sehlomathisotis)

17:00 Interns (Letoto la 213th)

17:30 Interns (Setereke sa 220th)

18:00 Interns (Letoto le 235th)

18:30 Interns (Letoto la 238th)

19:00 Interns (Letoto la 241)

19:30 Polar (letoto la 13)

20:00 Sashatotanya (Setoto sa 30)

20:30 Sashaatanya (Setoto sa 31st)

21:30 Ho phela (letoto la 139th)

22:00 Spas Starovoivov. Ema.

23:00 ntlo-2. Motse oa lerato (letoto la 4336et)

00:05 House-2. Kamora ho likela ha letsatsi (letoto la 5493)

01:05 mpolelle hore ha ho joalo

02:50 matsatsi a 500 a lehlabula

04:15 Collay Club (Seriti sa 325)

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 17 la la 17 Tšitoe, 2019 seteisheneng sa letsatsi lohle

05: 27th MySTICSISM (Recware)

06:15 liforeimi tse 6

06:30 Ho reka (letoto la 79th)

06:40 jury botle (letoto la 15)

07:40 bakeng sa litakatso tsa bana

08:40 AS's Divert! (Letoto la 283)

09:45 Tlhahlobo ea Bosabela (Letoto la 71)

10:45 Myelm caysticsm (Bophelo ba Toro le 'Nete)

11:45 Real Mytic (sefapano)

12:45 Utloisisa. Tšoarela

14:35 Tšenyo (letoto la 27)

15:05 Bophelo bo Ncha (Letoto la 1)

16: 03ma bophelo bo bocha (letoto la 2)

17: 02ma Bophelo bo bocha (Karolo ea 3rd)

18: 01moy New Life Life (Letoto la 4)

19:00 maobane. Kajeno. Ka ho sa feleng ... (letoto la 1st)

20: 01m. Kajeno. Ka ho sa feleng ... (letoto la 2nd)

21: 022 Bafu. Kajeno. Ka ho sa feleng ... (letoto la 3rd)

22: 03 Feled. Kajeno. Ka ho sa feleng ... (Letoto la 4)

23:05 Dr. Selivanova's Amomda Bophelo (Decomeron)

00:00 bophelo ba Dr. Selivanova (ho etsa liqeto)

00:55 Bophelo ba motho oa Dr. Selivanova (Toro ea Boprofeta)

01:50 Bophelo ba motho oa hau ea Dr. Selivanova (Tšepo)

02:45 Tšenyo (letoto la 27)

03:10 ho utloisisa. Tšoarela

04:30 Real Mytics (Bophelo ka Toro le 'Nete)

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 17 la la 17 Tšitoe, 2019 holima seterateng sa Channel! TV bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

05:20 bolo ea maoto. Europa League. Tako ea 1/16. Phatlalatso e tsoang ho Switzerland

06:00 'nete eohle ka ...

06:30 ka sepheo se tsofetseng

07:00 News

07:05 All ho papali! Liperekisi tsa Live

08:55 News

09:00 Tlaleho e Khethehileng (Maano a Champion)

09:20 Foot ea bolo ea maoto

10:00 News

10:05 Bointment ea ntoa ea ntoa ea ntoa ea ntoa ea ntoa ea ntoa ea ntoa ea ntoa ea ntoa ea ntoa ea ntoa ea ntoa ea ntoa ea ntoa. ACA 103. Dovtel Yagshimuradov vs Alexey theorina. Marat Balav Khahlano le Diego Brando. I.

12:05 News

12:10 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe bakeng sa papali! Liperekisi tsa Live

13:10 Litemana tsa Bohlale le Tsebo ea Libanteria tse Tšoarang Baltive. Lintoa tse ntle ka ho fetisisa tsa 2019

14:10 mabokose a litsebi. Molemo ka ho fetisisa nookauts 2019.

16: "Litaba

16:15 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe ea papali! Liperekisi tsa Live

16:50 libapali tsa ntoa ea sesole. Molemo ka ho fetisisa nookauts 2019.

18:50 freet City (Madrid)

19:20 Toropo ea bolo ea maoto (Barcelona)

19:50 litaba

19:55 Hohle foopeng!

20:25 bolo ea maoto. 'Mahala oa lefatše. 1/2 lintoa. Phatlalatsa ho tloha Qatar. Liperekisi tsa Live

22:25 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe bakeng sa papali! Liperekisi tsa Live

22:40 bolo ea maoto. Senoelo sa Senyesemane sa Segue. 1/4 lintja. "Aston Villa" - "Liverpool". Liperekisi tsa Live

00:40 Ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ea papali! Liperekisi tsa Live

01::10 basketball. Senoelo sa Europe. Tofash (Turkey) - lokomotiv-kuba (Russia)

03:10 bolo ea maoto. Bohahlauli ba Jeremane. Werder Mainz.

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 17 la la 17 Tšitoe, 2019 seteisheneng sa Culp bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

06:30 News

06:35 ka maoto ... (Moscow e hane)

Litaba tsa setso tsa 07:00

07:05 melao ea bophelo

07:30 Litaba tsa setso

07:35 ha maemo a leholimo a fetotse tsela ea nalane (letoto la 1)

08:30 Leseli la Lefatše la Cinema

08:55 Planet (United Kingdom. Royal satanical

09:10 LYUDMILA Gurchenko (Series sa 9)

10:00 News

10:15 e shebelletseng

11:10 17:1x 1. Centicture ("music le ho lema". E etellang pele ". Leseli la"

12:25 Mmala oa nako (Nikolai Ge)

12:35 e ne e le teng. Mekhoa (e sa loantša vs anti-spre-sprele)

13:20 Litlhaloso tsa Li-Provincences tsa Russia (motsana Vyatka)

13:50 Pele ho lefatše ("Poplar" Nadiradze)

14:05 ha maemo a leholimo a fetotse tsela ea nalane (letoto la 1)

15:00 News

15:14 Litaba. Lintlha (libuka)

15:25 Tekanyo ea bohlano

15:55 Studio White Studio

16:40 Marussia a Bolaoli ba Lefatše (Russia ea Comic ea Yugoslavia)

17:25 Concers tsa nalane ea nalane (Herber von Karauan, Alexis Weisenberg le The Symphon Orchestra of the Philharnic Western Berlin)

185, hakamotse. Mekhoa (e sa loantša vs anti-spre-sprele)

19:00 Lithuto tsa Serussia. Ho bala (I. la leshano, e.petrov

19:30 News News

19:45 Karolo ea Bohlokoa

20:05 melao ea bophelo

20:30 Lumela bosiu, bana!

20:45 ha maemo a leholimo a fetotse tsela ea nalane (letoto la 2)

21:40 Khetho ea maiketsetso

22:25 Lyudmila Gurchenko (Series Series)

23:10 u seke oa utlisa oa nyefolo. (Manege. 1962)

Maroli a 23:40 Litaba tsa setso

00:00 ho e mong le e mong oa leholimo la hae

00:40 Ho sa le joalo, Mekhoa (e sa loantša vs anti-spre-sprele)

01:25 Century ea lekholong la 1:25 xx le ho musino ". E etellang pele O.tabakov, f.hitruk. 1983)

Setšoantšo se setle sa 02:40 (Greece. Motheo oa Metsi a Rhodes)

Bala Haholoanyane