Lenaneo la TV bakeng sa kajeno, la 5 la la 5 Tšitoe, 2019, bakeng sa liteishene tsohle


Lenaneo la kajeno, la 5 la la 5 Tšitoe, 2019 lethathamong la pele la letsatsi lohle

05:00 TV Channel "Lumela"

09:00 News

09:25 TV Chaena Chaena "Lumela"

09:55 Polelo e feshene

10:55 Live Great!

12:00 News (ka li-subtitles)

12:15 Nako e tla bontša

15:00 News (ka li-subtitles)

15:15 Le rona a nyalane!

16:00 Mature / mosali

17:00 ea tla bontša

Lilemo tsa mantsiboea tsa 18:00 tsa mantsiboea (ka li-subtitles)

18:30 Ha e le hantle

19:40 A re ho re


21:30 Teko ea 2 (letoto la 7)

22:25 Teko ea Boimana ea 2 (Letoto la 8)

23:25 mantsiboea Urgant

00:00 ha e le hantle

01:10 Nako e tla bontša

03:00 News

03:05 nako e tla bonts'a

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 5 la la 5 Tšitoe 2019 seteisheneng sa Russia sa 1 bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

05:00 hoseng Russia

09:00 Vesti

09:25 hoseng ho na le Russia

09:55 mabapi le ntho ea bohlokoahali

11:00 Vesti

11:25 News. Nako ea lehae

11:45 "Le Fate of Boris Korchevnikov

12:50 metsotso e 60

14:00 VESTI

14:25 litaba. Nako ea lehae

14:45 Ke Mang ea Khahlano le Mang?

17:00 VESTI. Nako ea lehae

17:25 PetiAKHOV. Phela

18:50 metsotso e 60

20:00 Vesti ka 20:00

20:45 SEONG. Nako ea lehae

21:00 liphiri tsa lipatlisiso (moeli oa lefu: karolo ea 1)

22: 07the litlamorao (mohala oa lefu: Karolo ea 2nd)

23:15 "mantsiboea" le Vladimir Solovyuv

02:00 Makhoebo a Botho (letoto la 31st)

02:55 Khoebo ea Botho (letoto la 32)

03:50 ka phetetso e tutution (9th est e boima

Lenaneo la lenaneo la kajeno, la 5 la la 5 Tšitoe, 2019 setsing sa TV ho TV bakeng sa letsatsi lohle


08:10 Ngaka le ... (ke lihlong ho botsa: Lipotso tsa Urologist)

08:45 Man o hlahile

10:35 Mikhail Ultanov. Boipolelo bo bobe

11:30 Liketsahalo

11:50 Colombo (hlokomela meno a hau)

13:40 Hero (Natalia Horocrina)

14:30 Liketsahalo

14:50 toropo ea litaba

15:05 Miss Marple Agatha Agatha Christie (Corpse in Librari)

17:00 Seection ea tlhaho (pompong e nang le liqueur e ka lebokoseng)

Liketsahalo tsa 17:50

18:15 mabone akalaba. Mafika mapheo

20:05 mabone a kantle. Mekhahlelo ea lefu

22:00 liketsahalo

Koahela (sekoaelo (prottocol)

23:05 litšoantšiso. Ho loanela karolo eo

Liketsahalo tsa 00:00

005 Petrovka, 38

00:55 December 41. Boloka Moscow

01:45 Motse o (letoto la 7)

02: 47gorod (letoto la 8)

03:50 elash (1. baeti 2. Princess on the pea 3. Thuto ea 'mino (murka))

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 5 la la 5 Tšitoe, 2019 holima NTV bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

05:00 Plotte

06:00 hoseng. Ea mantlha

08:05 Maltsuv

09:00 meaho ea leoatle. Tornado

10:00 kajeno

10: Lisebelisoa tsa Leoatle la Leoatle. Tornado

13:00 kajeno

13:25 maq.

Sebaka sa liboka 14:00 Sebaka sa liboka

16:00 kajeno

16:25 Liphetho tsa ...

17:10 DNA (e arotsoeng ke batsoali?)

18:10 Pys.

19:00 kajeno

19:40 Pys.

23:00 'nete ea hae

00:00 Kajeno

00:05 kajeno. Lipapali

00:10 Zakhar Prilepin. Lithuto tsa Serussia

00:55 Shamessniki

02:50 Boitšoaro ba Bona

03:30 Polotte

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 5 la la 5 Tšitoe, 2019 ho la GTC bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

05:00 elash

06:00 Yelahlash

06:15 Tom le Jerry

06:40 Draons: Ho matha ho potoloha le bohale

07:05 Sientham (letoto la 4)

07:35 Stereniafteya (Series 5th)

08:05 kichineng. Ntoa ea Hotel (Setoto sa 3rd)

08: 37kuhnya. Ntoa ea Hotel (Letoto la 4)

09:10 Tsar Scorpion

10:55 Transphers 3: lehlakore le lefifi la khoeli

14:05 Hotel "Eleon" (le hotele e bolokiloe, 'me ea natefeloa)

14: 37Hotel "Eleon" (Eleorch hantle o tla tlisa milione)

15:10 Hotel "Eleon" (o hloka mofuta oa mofuta ofe?)

15: Eleon 43OOtel (valI ho tloha hoteleng ea ka!)

16: 16Holhotel "Eleon" (nyala - ha se ea ka ea ka ... ntle le uena)

16: 48hotel "Eleon" (Ke latola kae?)

17: 21 Eleon - Dasha, moo milione ?!)

17: 54Hotel "Eleon" (ke mang ea molato?)

18: 27thele "Eleon" (ho tloha moo o tla re fa)

19:00 kichineng. Ntoa ea Hotel (Letoto la 4)

19:30 kichineng. NTLE HOTEL (Letoto la 5)

20:00 Transformers: Epoch Of Experies

23:25 Sehlekehleke

02:00 Bachelor Party-3

03:35 6 Mesebetsi

03:50 bocha

04:35 U Nthabise ka "(letoto la 3)

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 5 la la 5 Tšitoe, 2019 seteisheneng sa tono sa TV bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

05:00 "Mystery ea Sesole" ka Igor Prokopenko (Series sa 912th)

Morero oa Tokomane ea 06:00 (Letoto la 581)

07:00 News

07: 08Mom for hoseng!

07: 12% call 112

07:15 Litaba

07: 23c Edy hoseng!

07: 27% call 112

07:30 News

07: 37C E BWRY hoseng!

07: Linako tsa 41XX

07: 44news

07: 533m Boam hoseng!

07: 57% call 112

08:00 News

08: 07C b edry hoseng!

08: 11% call 112

08: 14news

08: 23c ea mahlahahlaha hoseng!

08: 27% call 112

08:30 News

09:00 Tokisetso ea lingoliloeng (Setokeng sa 685th)

09: Morero oa projeke ea 59 (Letoto la 701)

10:58 "Leruo le Thehile" le Timothea Bazhenov (3rd letoto la 3)


Litaba tse 12:30

13:00 "Liphiri tsa Batho" ka Oleg Shishkin (Yothth Oftory)

14: Litaba tse 'maloa tse khahlisang (letoto la 72)

15: 02 Nalane (letoto la 15)

16:00 Boemo ba Temoelo-kholo Ho bitsa 112

Litaba tse 16:30

17:00 licrets Comman (Series 632th)

18:00 The Hispothes Hoholo ka ho Fetisisa (Letoto la 672)

Ka 19:00 Calling Holl 112

19:30 News

20:00 Leon

22: E mong le e mong!

23:00 News

23: 24news. Lipapali

23:30 "Sephiri sa Batho" ka Oleg Shishkin (368th e 368)

00:30 mashome a mabeli a motso o mong

02: 41 Nalane ea 2 ea Dolphin 2

04: 17 Nummen e ncha (Letoto la 632)

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 5 la la 5 Tšitoe, 2019 ka tikolohong ea TNT

05:10 Outdoor Kantle ho Microphone (Letoto la 38)

06:05 TNT. Best (letoto la 34)

06:30 TNT. Molemo ka ho fetisisa (letoto la 35)

07:00 TNT. Khauta (letoto la 33)

07:30 tnt. Khauta (Letoto la 40)

08:00 TNT. Khauta (letoto la 7)

08:30 TNT. Khauta (letoto la 14)

09:00 ntlo-2. Lite (Setokeng sa 2735)

10:15 ntlo-2. Sehlekehleke sa lerato (letoto la 1203

11:30 Borovin Khahlano le Buzova (letoto la 326th)

12:30 Boloka lerato la hau (letoto la 221)

13:30 Real bashanyana (bosholu ba Perm)

14:00 bashemane ba 'nete (DBM 11)

14:30 bashanyana ba 'nete (' Mè, Ntate, ke lelapa la botsoalle)

15:00 University. New Dom (letoto la 25)

15:30 univesithing. Dorm e ncha (nako ea botho)

16:00 University. New Dom (Christina + Anton)

16:30 univesithing. New Dom (Coin)

17:00 Interns (letoto la 90th)

17:30 Interns (letoto la 94th)

18:00 Interns (Letoto la 98)

18:30 Interns (letoto la 117th)

19:00 Interns (Setereke sa 135)

19:30 Polar (Letoto la 8)

20:00 Sastochany (Series se Machang)

20:30 Sashatonyanya (Setoto sa 25th)

21:00 studio soyuz (letoto la 89th)

22:30 ho phela (letoto la 136)

23:00 ntlo-2. Motse oa lerato (letoto la 43241

00:05 House-2. Kamora ho likela ha letsatsi (letoto la 5481)

01:05 Marena Streets-2

02:45 TNT-Club (Letoto la 231)

02:50 batho ba basoeu ha ba tsebe ho tlola

04:35 e bulehileng Microphone (letoto la 39)

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 5 la la 5 Tšitoe 2019 seteisheneng sa letsatsi lohle

05:00 Real MySTIC (Lunolic)

05:50 Home Kitchen (Angelina Vovk)

06:15 liforeimi tse 6

06:30 6 Limile

06:40 Rekisa

06:50 bakeng sa litakatso tsa bana

07:20 bophelo ba ka ba bobeli (letoto la 7)

07:35 ka litabeng tsa bacha

08:10 A re emeng! (Setokeng sa 275)

Tlhahlobo ea 09:15 bakeng sa bosatane (letoto la 63)

10:15 'muso oa li-headrass tsa' mino

11: 17real Mysticsm (Karma)

12:20 Poleloha. Tšoarela (Tšepiso)

12: 56the. Tšoarela (Metsoalle ea Lelapa)

13: 33. Tšoarela (loser)

14:10 Tšenyo (letoto la 19)

14:40 Madnitsa, Botle

19:00 ea tsoang lehloeo ho rata (letoto la 13)

20:05 ho tloha lehloeo ho rata (letoto la 14)

21:10 ho tloha lehloeo ho rata (letoto la 15)

22:15 ho hloea lehloeo ho rata (letoto la 16)

23:20 Bophelo ba ka ba bobeli (letoto la 8)

23:35 samara-2

00: 31samara-2

01: 28salemara-2

02:25 Tšenyo (letoto la 19)

02:50 Utloisisa. Tšoarela (Tšepiso)

03: 16the. Tšoarela (Metsoalle ea Lelapa)

03: 43the. Tšoarela (loser)

04:10 Real Mystic (Asstral Barabs)

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 5 la la 5 la la 5 Tšitoe, 2019 ho Papali ea Chaner! TV bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

06:00 'nete eohle ka ...

06:30 Mabaka a hlahile?

07:00 News

07:05 All ho papali! Liperekisi tsa Live

08:55 News

09:00 Biathlon. Mohope oa Lefatše. Morabe oa motho ka mong. Banna. Phatlalatso e tsoang Sweden

11:00 News

11:05 Tsohle bakeng sa papali! Liperekisi tsa Live

11:55 letsoho la letsoho. 'Maholioloa ke lefatše. Basali. Russia - Japane. Phatlalatso e tsoang ho ea Japane. Liperekisi tsa Live

13:45 Ho ba botsoa ka ho fetisisa. Tlhahlobo e Khethehileng

14:05 Litaba

14:10 bakeng sa papali! Liperekisi tsa Live

14:50 bokhabane. Alexander vottin-rajab kayev. Loanela sehlooho sa vaant ho latela wba. Cecilia Brukhus Victoria Noelia B

16:50 "Grand Prix" le Alexey Popov

17:20 Litaba

17:25 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe e ngoe le e ngoe ea papali! Liperekisi tsa Live

18:10 Bithlon. Mohope oa Lefatše. Morabe oa motho ka mong. Basali. Phatlalatso e tsoang Sweden. Liperekisi tsa Live

20:00 basketball. Euroleuah. Banna. Csk (Russia) - "zalgiris" (Lithuania). Liperekisi tsa Live

22:15 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe ea papali! Liperekisi tsa Live

22:50 ho sesa. European championship (25 m Pool). Phatlalatsa ho tsoa United Kingdom

23:55 Volleyball. 'Mahala oa lefatše. Banna. Znit-Kazan (Russia) - "Kuchin Lube CITINANOVA (ITALL). Phatlalatso ea ho tloha Brazay.

Sehlopha sa litoro sa 0:55

02:25 tse robeli haholo. Tlhahlobo e Khethehileng

02:45 Lev Yashin - Nomoro e le 'ngoe

04:00 Clessing - Zolani Sete-John REL Casimero. Loana le sehlooho sa World WORTONT LEBITSO EA LEFAT WORT LEBENKELE. Sam Maxwell

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 5 la la 5 Tšitoe, 2019 ho Channer ea Casira bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

06:30 News

06:35 ka maoto ... (Moscow moqapi oa libuka)

Litaba tsa setso tsa 07:00

07:05 melao ea bophelo

07:30 Litaba tsa setso

07:35 Tsoelo-pele (leseli le khanyang)

08:35 Cinema Legends (Yuri Yakovlev)

09::00 Mearo ea Ald Amerist (Tlen)

09:10 LYUDMILA Gurchenko (3rd letoto la 3)

10:00 News

10:15 e shebelletseng

11:10 XX Century (Ballet Igor Moiseeva. Concert ea Movie. 1982)

12:25 "Papali ea Beads" le Igor Begint (Isabella. Odessa lipale)

13:10 tsebe e phethahetseng

13:55 Tsoelo-pele (leseli le khanyang)

15:00 News

15:14 Litaba. Lintlha (Theatre)

15:20 gingerbread ntlo (moo Yoshnin Cat e phela ...)

15:50 2 vernik 2 (Alexander Domorarov le Anastasia DYACHUK)

16:40 ho becha tse makatsang, kapa ketsahalo ea 'nete, ka mokhoa o sireletsehileng lilemong tse makholo tse fetileng

17:55 Sir Spomon Ratle, Leodas Kavakos le London Symphony Orchestra

La 18:45 "Papali ea Beads" le Igor Begint (Isabella. Odessa lipale)

19:30 News News

19:45 Karolo ea Bohlokoa

20:05 melao ea bophelo

20:30 Lumela bosiu, bana!

20:45 Tsoelo-pele (lebitso la pele)

21:45 Enigma (Tan Dan)

22:25 Lyudmila Gurchenko (Series Setties)

23:10 e nepahetseng, kapa nako e telele (mikh zhvanetsky. Ha ke na khatello)

Maroli a 23:40 Litaba tsa setso

00:00 masoba a matheba. Matheba a masoeu

00:40 "papali ea Beads" le Igsoor Volgorod (Isaac Babel. Odessa lipale)

01:20 Xx50 Century (Ballet Igor Moiseeva. Concert ea Movie. 1982)

02:30 sefofane ho Mars, kapa baithaopi "Red Planet"

Bala Haholoanyane