Lenaneo la TV bakeng sa kajeno, la 28 Mphalane 2019, bakeng sa liteishene tsohle


Lenaneo la kajeno, la 28 Mphalane, 2019 lethathamong la pele la letsatsi lohle

05:00 TV Channel "Lumela"

09:00 News

09:25 TV Chaena Chaena "Lumela"

09:55 Polelo e feshene

10:55 Live Great!

12:00 News (ka li-subtitles)

12:15 Nako e tla bontša

15:00 News (ka li-subtitles)

15:15 Le rona a nyalane!

16:00 Mature / mosali

17:00 ea tla bontša

Lilemo tsa mantsiboea tsa 18:00 tsa mantsiboea (ka li-subtitles)

18:35 ha e le hantle

19:45 e re ba re


21:30 Sara E hlophisitsoe (Letoto la 1)

22:30 Satane O ntse e sebetsa (letoto la 2)

23:30 mantsiboea a Urgant

00:00 Posner.

01:44 nako e tla bontša

03:00 News

03:05 nako e tla bonts'a

Lenaneo la Lenaneo la Kajeno, la 28 Mphalane 2019 Setekeng sa Russia sa 1 bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

05:00 hoseng Russia

09:00 Vesti

09:25 hoseng ho na le Russia

09:55 mabapi le ntho ea bohlokoahali

11:00 Vesti

11:25 News. Nako ea lehae

11:45 "Le Fate of Boris Korchevnikov

12:50 metsotso e 60

14:00 VESTI

14:25 litaba. Nako ea lehae

14:45 Ke Mang ea Khahlano le Mang?

17:00 VESTI. Nako ea lehae

17:25 PetiAKHOV. Phela

18:50 metsotso e 60

20:00 Vesti ka 20:00

20:45 SEONG. Nako ea lehae

21:00 Catherine. Polokeho (letoto la 9)

22:00 Catherine. Tšireletseho (Letoto la 10)

23:00 "Mantsiboea" le Vladimir solovyv

01:45 Hlokole! Ho tloha ho 1.45 ho isa ho 6.00 ho laesense le sebaka sa moscow se etsoa ka marang-rang a cable

02:00 lefeela tikhonov (I, mofuputsi: Karolo ea 1st)

02: Tikhonov 57leer (i, mofuputsi: Karolo ea 2)

03:55 wandimatice Family (mōna)

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 28 Mphalane, 2019 ho Setsi sa TV bakeng sa Letsatsi lohle

05:30 Moscow beke


08:15 lefu le ka tlas'a sekepe

10:55 Kopano ea litoropo

11:30 Liketsahalo

11:50 Colombo (koluoa ​​ea botho)

13:40 Hero (Ivan Yankovsky)

14:30 Liketsahalo

14:50 toropo ea litaba

15:05 PIIOM Agatha Christie (Lefu ho Nile)

Nako ea tlhaho 17:00 ea tlhaho (tamati ea tampole ka khalase)

Liketsahalo tsa 17:50

18:15 ntlo e na le lebone la ho qetela

22:00 liketsahalo

Tlaleho e khethehileng (braces. Boemo bo boholo)

Matsoho a boleng ba boleng ba 23:05 (ham)

Liketsahalo tsa 00:00. Hora ea 25th

005 Petrovka, 38

00:55 Farewell (Roman Trachtenberg)

01:45 Colombo (koluoa ​​ea botho)

03:35 (ham5 ea boleng (ham)

04:20 90s (bab: Ho qala ka pheletso)

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 28 Mphalane, 2019 ho la ntv bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

05:10 Mofuta oa 05:10

06:00 hoseng. Ea mantlha

08:05 Maltsuv

09:00 hlaha

10:00 kajeno

10:20 hlaha

13:00 kajeno

13:25 maq.

Sebaka sa liboka 14:00 Sebaka sa liboka

16:00 kajeno

16:25 Liphetho tsa ...

17:15 DNA (mme ha a lemohe Mora!)

18:15 metsotso e mehlano e khutsitse

19:00 kajeno

19:40 metsotso e mehlano e khutsitse

21:00 ambulense

23:00 'nete ea hae

00:00 Kajeno

00:05 kajeno. Lipapali

00:10 Pozdnyakov

00:25 Sebaka sa Kopano

02:45 Version

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 28 Mphalane, 2019 ho la CTC Channel ea letsatsi lohle

05:30 Elash

06:00 Yelahlash

06:30 Adventures Woody le metsoalle ea hae

07:05 Dragons: Ho matha ho potoloha le bohale

07:30 Show "Ural Pelmeni" (Law)

09:10 Ink Heart

11:10 Litag 3.

13:10 Ho etela Setsing sa Lefatše

15:05 Leeto - 2: Sehlekehleke se Myster

16:55 Dolly (Letoto la 10)

17: 26deldy (letoto la 11)

17: 57deldy (letoto la 12)

18: 28Delds (letoto la 13)

19:00 Deldy

19:30 Doody (Setoto sa 15)

20:00 Letsatsi Kamora Thaba

22:30 Ho nka bophelo

00:30 cinema ka ho qaqileng

01:35 Roma + Juliet

03:30 bocha

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 28 Mphalane, 2019 ho Setn TV ea TV bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

Lehlohonolo "le Igor Prokopenko (letoto la 265th)

Morero oa Tokomane ea 06:00 (Letoto la 643T)

07:00 News

07: 08Mom for hoseng!

07: 12% call 112

07:15 Litaba

07: 23c Edy hoseng!

07: 27% call 112

07:30 News

07: 37C E BWRY hoseng!

07: Linako tsa 41XX

07: 44news

07: 533m Boam hoseng!

07: 57% call 112

08:00 News

08: 07C b edry hoseng!

08: 11% call 112

08: 14news

08: 23c ea mahlahahlaha hoseng!

08: 27% call 112

08:30 News

09:00 e khethiloeneng (lehlabula le matla joalo: Li-vacation tse 7 tse tšosang)

10:59 "Joang lefatše le hlophisitsoe joang" le Timothy Bazhenov (41st letoto la 41st)


Litaba tse 12:30

13:00 "Lifela tsa Batho" le Oleg Shishkin (376th e sa reng letho)

14: Litaba tse 'maloa tse khahlisang (letoto la 124)

15: 02 Morero oa PE12 (Letoto la 97th)

16:00 Boemo ba Temoelo-kholo Ho bitsa 112

Litaba tse 16:30

17:00 liphiri ho Chacho (letoto la 605th)

18:00 The Hispothes Hoholo ka ho Fetisisa (Letoto la 701)

Ka 19:00 Calling Holl 112

19:30 News

20:00 Robot ea bitsoang Chappi

22: 18 ka Serussia (letoto la 267th)

22: 51 ka Serussia (Letoto la 223)

23:00 News

23: 24news. Lipapali

23:30 Nalane e sa tsejoeng (letoto la 11)

00:30 Rambo: Mali a pele

02: Likhompi tse 13

04: 02 New Chacmane (letoto la 605th)

Lebaka la Deshoreion "le Igor Prokopenko (letoto la 204th)

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 28 Mphalane, 2019 ka tikolohong ea TNT

05:10 potoloha eseng moo-3

06:40 TNT. Molemo ka ho fetisisa (letoto la 10)

07:00 TNT. Khauta (Letoto la 16)

07:30 tnt. Khauta (letoto la 23)

08:00 TNT. Khauta (Letoto la 30)

08:30 TNT. Khauta (letoto la 37)

09:00 ntlo-2. Lite (Letoto la 2697th)

10:15 ntlo-2. Sehlekehleke sa lerato (letoto la 1165th)

11:30 Borovin Khahlano le Buzova (Setoto sa 298)

12:30 Boloka lerato la hau (letoto la 193)

13:30 Dance (Letoto la 116)

15: 35 univesithing. New Dom (Letoto la 2011)

16:00 University. New Dom (letoto la 209th)

16:30 univesithing. New Dom (letoto la 219th)

17:00 Interns (Letoto la Puotsoana)

17:30 Interns (letoto la 258th)

18:00 Mano a Lepolesa a tsoang ka seaparong. Molao oa selemo se secha

20:00 Polar (Setereke sa 1)

20:25 polar (letoto la 2)

20: 45 polar (letoto la 32)

21:30 mohopolo o hokae? (Letoto la 127th)

22:30 Hang ka nako ea Russia (Letoto la 154)

23:00 ntlo-2. Motse oa lerato (Series sa 4286)

00::00 ntlo-2. Kamora ho likela ha letsatsi (letoto la 54433)

01:05 Moulin Ruzh

03:15 lesholu la libuka

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 28 Mphalane, 2019 lehoatateng la lehae la letsatsi lohle

06:15 liforeimi tse 6

06:30 Report Reut (Series 68th)

06:40 6 fraim

07:10 bakeng sa Litaba tsa Puonele

08:10 A re emeng! (248th letotong)

Teko ea ntate oa bo-ntate

10:15 'Mystic (253th)

11: 17. Middle (letoto la 147th)

12:20 Poleloha. Tšoarela (ho lelekisa leruo)

12:55 Utloisisa. Ntšoare (Borisovna

13:30 kutloisiso. Tšoarela (letšoao le maholimo)

14:05 Tšenyo (bokamoso ba motho e mong)

14:35 Lebala le letle la bophelo ba rona (letoto la 1)

15: 41 Lehlabula le letle la bophelo ba rona (letoto la 2)

16: 47 Lehlabula le letle la bophelo ba rona (letoto la 3)

17: 53 Lehlabula le Molemohali la Bophelo ba Rona (Letoto la 4)

19:00 ho noon ho Pier (letoto la 1st)

21:00 ho noon on pier (letoto la 2)

23:00 Phefumoloha le 'na (letoto la 13)

00:00 e hema le nna (letoto la 14)

01:00 Pholosoa le nna (letoto la 15)

02:00 Tšenyo (bokamoso ba motho e mong)

02:30 ho utloisisa. Tšoarela (ho lelekisa leruo)

02: 56the. Ntšoare (Borisovna

03: 23To. Tšoarela (letšoao le maholimo)

03:50 Real Mystic (Setereke sa 253)

04: 37Stism MyStisia (Setorithong sa 147th)

Lenaneo la Kajeno, la 28 Mphalane 2019 Lenaneng la Channel! TV bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

05:10 Tlaleho ea Spire (Felo ea Lebelo)

Sehlopha sa Litoro tsa 08:30

06:00 'nete eohle ka ...

06:30 Khanya

07:00 News

07:05 All ho papali! Liperekisi tsa Live

08:55 News

09:00 foromo 1. Mexico Grand Pritor

11:30 Tlaleho e Khethehileng (fektheri ea lebelo)

11:50 litaba

11:55 tsohle bakeng sa papali! Liperekisi tsa Live

12:25 bolo ea maoto. Italy Championship. "Fiourentina" - la Lazio "

14:25 Litaba

14:30 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe bakeng sa papali! Liperekisi tsa Live

15:20 bonono ba ntoa ea ntoa ea sesole. Bellator. Frank khotso khahlano le Roy Nelson. Jake Hager khahlanong le Athony Garreta. Broadcast u le haufi le USA

17:20 Litaba

17:25 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe e ngoe le e ngoe ea papali! Liperekisi tsa Live

18:05 "Master of Sports" le Maxim Transkov

18:15 mantsiboea Allverl

18:50 hockey. Khl. "Ak makey" (Kazan) - "Amur" (Khabarovsk). Liperekisi tsa Live

21:25 Litaba

21:35 Renanage ("Lokomotiv" - "Spartak". Live)

22:00 Kakaretso ea bolo ea maoto

22:55 bolo ea maoto. Bohahlauli ba Lefatše ba mocha. Spain - Argentina. Phatlalatso ea brazil. Liperekisi tsa Live

00:55 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe ea papali! Liperekisi tsa Live

01:30 Le ka mohla u se ke oa inehela-2

03:25 e kopaneng ea ntoa ea sesole. E mong oa fc. Demetrius Johnson Khaolo ea Danny Anada. Georgio Petrosyan Khauta ea sam Sana. Phatlalatso e tsoang ho Japane

Lenaneo la kajeno, la 28 Mphalane 2019 Setsong sa Channel bakeng sa letsatsi lohle

06:30 News

06:35 ka maoto ... (Moscow Boroving)

Litaba tsa setso tsa 07:00

07:05 Bophelo ba bophelo (Ether 02.10.2018)

07:30 Litaba tsa setso

07:35 liphiri tse nyane tsa litšoantšo tse ntle (Diego Velandquez. 1656)

08:10 Favoko

09:30 Romanov (masole a 'musi oa hae)

10:00 News

10:15 e shebelletseng

11:10 1 ea lilemo (liboka tse sa tloaelehang. 1958)

12:15 Matla a 'nete (makholo a mararo a lilemo a nang le thuto ea mahlale)

12:55 Encyclopedia ea li-riddles (liphiri tsa k'honthinente ea botšelela)

13:25 Moloko o ea Bosafeleng

15:00 News

15:10 Angol

16:15 Villadislav Rashevich. Morena oa Marionette

16:55 Masters ea Russia ea ho etsa bonono ba bonono (Valery Polyansky le State Search Sympol ea Russia)

18:15 matla a 'nete (makholo a mararo a lilemo a nang le thuto ea mahlale)

19:00 Theatrical Chronictic. Maindia (Leonanid Zorin: karolo ea 1st)

19:30 News News

19:45 Karolo ea Bohlokoa

20:05 melao ea bophelo

20:30 Lumela bosiu, bana!

20:45 Maria Teresia - matsalela le matsale le matsale oa masea kaofela

21:40 Sati. Classic Classic ... (le Olga Okudzhava, Hei Hip and Oleg pussina)

22:20 Shahryzada (letoto la 21st)

23:30 News

23:50 buka e bulehileng (Vladimir Medvedev. "Zakhkov")

00:20 Matla a 'nete (makholo a mararo a lilemo a nang le thuto ea mahlale)

00: lekholo la 59XX (liboka tse sa tloaelehang. 1958)

02:10 Vladislav Neareevich. Morena oa Marionette

Bala Haholoanyane