Sebakeng sa Oscar Ho tla ba le lirosa tse 40,000 tse phelang (le 0 tse phelang tse etellang pele)


Selemong sena, ketsahalo e 'ngoe ea filimi ea bohlokoahali lefatšeng e tla ba khabisoa ka lirosa tse 40,000 tse phelang. Ka nako e ts'oanang, ho soasoa haholo ka lipalesa tse ngata tse phelang, bahlorisi ba lebetse ho fumana baeta-pele ba phelang ba neng ba tla khona ho boloka mantsiboea. Sebakeng seo, bet e entsoe ka batšoantšisi ba banyenyane le ba tummeng, joalo ka caste, e tla beha litšupiso ha li pota-potiloe ke mebala ea mebala. Ho ne ho e-na le mashano a ho ratoang ke mokete ona, traradeise e ncha e tla bontšoa ke "babykersosa" a ho qetela ", empa kutlo ena e ne e e-so fumane tiiso ea semmuso. Empa e se e ntse e tsejoa hore ho emela li-happy motsaneng oa bohlokoahali, "e tla ba batho ba amanang le bona, Serena Williams le batho ba tummeng ba tla bolela hore lipheo tsa lifilimi li susumetsoa .

Scenerner Scener "Oscar" anfer atamente, ho feta moo basebetsi ba sebetsang hona joale:

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1st look at my design for the 91st Academy Awards. I think we can all agree that the world is filled with too many straight lines & rigid thinking. For this years #oscars I have designed a world based on the ideas of inclusion & community. The design uses warm welcoming shapes that will not only reach out & wrap around the audience but towards the viewers at home. We call this piece the CRYSTAL CLOUD. It’s only one of many looks for the #oscars on February 24 (a week from today). It weighs 1600 lbs & I can tell you (because we teched it yesterday) that it’s truly spectacular in person. Can’t wait for you all to see what we are cooking up for the telecast. Did I mention we have about 40,000 real roses on stage?

Публикация от David Korins (@davidkorins)

Hopola hore mokete oa 91 o tla etsahala bosiung ba Pherekhong 24-25. Pele, e lebisang e ka sehloohong e lokela ho ba li-cinetian Kevin Hart, empa o ne a itlhahisa ka mor'a hore a tsebe letho a amanang le li-tweets tsa khale.

Bala Haholoanyane