Li-prominees bakeng sa meputso ea batho ba khetho ea batho ba 2013


Kahoo, bakopi.

Filimi e ratehang:

"Spiderman e ncha"

"A Nveninger"

"Lefu la" Ho Tsosa: Legend ea Tsosolose "

"Lipapali tsa Hunger"

"Lehloa le lesoeu le setso"

Sebapali se ratehang:

Chaning Teayutum

Johnny Depp

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Robert Downey jr.

Will Smith

Sebapali se ratehang:

Ann hataway

Emma Lejoe la Emma

Mila Kunis


Scarlett Johansson

Cinema poone:

Emma Thompson

Maggie Smith

Meriri strip

Michelle Pfaiffer

Susan Sarandon

Ketso eo u e ratang haholo:

"Spiderman e ncha"

"A Nveninger"

"Lefu la" Ho Tsosa: Legend ea Tsosolose "

"Lipapali tsa Hunger"

"Batho ba Black 3"

Sebapali sa ts'ebetso sa ketso:

Chris evans

Chris Hemsworth

Christian Bale

Robert Downey jr.

Will Smith

Sebapali se ratehang sa ketso:

Ann Hathaway ("Lefifi Knight: Legendia Legends")

Kristen stewart ("Snow White le Hunter")

Emma STEL ("spiderman")

Jennifer Lawrence ("Lipapali tse Tilengtsoeng")

Scarlett Johansson ("Avelemos")

Lenaneo le Ratehang:

"Mac le Botan"

"Moriti o lefifi"

"Lentsoe le phethahetseng"

"Lebili la boraro"

"Seo U ka Lemela ha u sa lebelle Ngoana"

Sekhahla se ratoang:

Adam Sandler

Ben stiller

Chaning Teayutum

E tla fella

Zac Galifianasis

Sebapali se ratehang sa tokiso:

Cameron Diaz

Jennifer Aniston

Emily Blant.

Mila Kunis

Reese pentierpoon

Drama eo re e ratang:

"Ts'ebetso ea Argo"


"The perks of Being a wallflower"


"Super Mike"

Setsebi se ratoang:

Bradley Cooper

Chaning Teayutum

Zac efron

Jake Jillenhong.

Liam Nison

Setsebi se ratehang se ratoang:

Phatlalatsa Theron

Keira Knightley

Emma Watson

Meriri strip

Rachel Makadams

Franchesis e ratehang:

"A Nveninger"

"Lefifi le Lefifi"

"Lipapali tsa Hunger"



Li-superhero tse ratehang:

Spiderman (Andrew Garfield)

Motsamaisi oa Amerika (Chris Evans)

Batman (Bale Christian

Monna oa tšepe (Robert Downey Jr.)

Tor (Chris Hemsworth)

Pampiri ea Screen ea ratehang:

Kristen Stewart le Chris Hemsworth (White White le Hunter)

Andrew Garfield le Emma Lejoe ("Spiderman")

Jennifer Lawrence le Jos Hutcherson / Liam Hemsworth / "lipapali tse lapileng")

Scarlett Johansson le Jeremy Renner ("Averthers")

Rachel Makadams le Channing Tatum (Oath)

Rakena ea mahlale a ratehang / letoto la lipale:

"Ngaka ea"

"Lingoloa tsa senoa-mali"


"Ka nako e 'ngoe, ka leeme"

"Bafu ba tsamaeang"

Letoto le ratoang:

"Mokhoa oo ke kopaneng le 'm'au ka ona"

"The Bang Bang Theory"


"Lelapa la Amerika"


Sepato sa hae se ratoang haholo:


"Ka nako e 'ngoe, ka leeme"


"Anatomy of Passion"


Sebini se ratoang:

Blake Shelton

Justin Bieber

Chris Brown

Jason Mraz.


Sebini se ratoang:


Carrie Underwood

Katy Perry


Taylor Swift.

Sehlopha se ratoang:

Ntle ho khoao.


Maroon 5.

Letsatsi le Letala.

Linkin Park.

Phello ea selemo:

Carly Ray Jepsen

Tataiso e le 'ngoe



Ba batloang.

Mokete oa boithabiso o tla tšoaroa ka la 9 Pherekhong.

Bala Haholoanyane