Linaleli, li fumanoe ka sebaka se fetang hanngoe


Leonardo Dicaprio le Kate Winslet

Duo e sa lebaleheng ea "Titanic" ea 1997, li lekile ho khutlisa k'hemistri ho sekareleta ho feta lilemo tse 10 ka har'a filimi "2008.

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Kate Hudson And Matthew Khotschana

Banyalani bana ba ile ba kopana ka sesupo se reng, "Mokhoa oa ho Tlosa Mohlankana ka Matsatsi a 10" 2003, 'me joale ka 2003 ka 2006 filimi "maoatla a khauta" ka lekhetlo la pele.

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Kristen Stewart le Dakota Channing

Banana bana hammoho ba bolailoe ka seaparo se khuts'oane sa cutlass e khuts'oane ea 2007, ho Dusk, le 2010 ho "balepa".

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Adam Sandler And Drew Barrymore

Bashebelli ba rata duet ea Adama Sandler And Drew Barrymore. "Sebini sa lechato" la 1998, "likulo tse 50 tsa pele" tsa 2004.

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Julia Roberts and Richard Gir

Bahale ba bona ba ne ba ratana habeli. "Botle" ka 1990, "o ile a" phonyoha monyaluoa "1999.

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Johnny Depp le Christina Rici

Johnny Depp le Christina Ricinagitled , "Srompmy Hallow" (1999).

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Ben Staller le Oep Wilson

Duet ena ea banna e na le lifilimi tse tšeletseng tse kopaneng.

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Sandra Bullock le Kyan Reeves

Lekhetlo la pele ba kopana ka 1994 ka lebelo la filimi le lilemo tse 12 hamorao ho filimi ea Letša ".

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Brad pitt le George Cloney

Mohlomong mabitso ana a mabeli a pele ho filimi e le 'ngoe e fana ka filimi ho Cashier. Ba bona mmoho libakeng tsohle tsa "metsoalle ea" Ososhen ", hammoho le" kamora ho bala ho chesa "2008

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Brad pitt le Kate Blanchett

"Babylona" ea 2006. Keleli e makatsang ea Benjamin Batton "2008.

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Tom Cruise le Nicole Kidman

Kamora baesekopo "Lialuma", ba ile ba nyala pele ho tlhalo e kentsoeng ka pele ho tlhalo e 'ngoe "ea 1992" e hole "ka mahlo a mangata" 1999.

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Tom Hankks and Meg Ryan

"Joe khahlanong le Volcano" (1990), "Ha u sa nke lehlakore Seattle" (1993), "U Lengolo" (1998)

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Hugh Jackman le Hull Berry

"X-Men" 2000, "password" sabole "ea password" e 2001, "batho ke nyeoe. Ntoa ea ho qetela »2006.

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Helena Bonem Carta le Johnny Depp

Helena Bohlem Desp Tim Whop Tim Bep Rerton Tlalehong ea Khatiso ea Monna oa hae, "Alleland le fektheri ea Charlie le ea Chocolate le fekthering" .

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Bese k Afstleck le Mat Mohlomong

Ba ile ba hola, ba ile ba tsebahala hammoho. "Énitsa o tla tsoma" 1997, "thuto ea" 1999.

Bala Haholoanyane