Lenaneo la TV bakeng sa kajeno, la 14 Hlakubele 2017, bakeng sa liteishene tsohle


Lenaneo la TV ka la 14 Hlakubele 2017 Seteisheneng sa pele

05:00 TV Channel "Lumela"

09:00 News

09 :) Holimo hoseng "

09:50 Live e kholo!

10:55 polelo e feshene

12:00 News ka Subtitles

12:15 a le mong le motho e mong le e mong

13: Lilemo tse 20 li tla bontša

14:00 News

14:15 Nako e tla bontša

15:00 News ka Subtitles

15:15 Nako e tla bontša

16:00 Mature / mosali

17:00, re nyalane!

18:00 Tlhahisoleseling ea Tlhahisoleseling ea Tlhahiso-leseling ea "studio sa pele"

20:00 "A re ho Bone" le Andrei Malakhov


21:35 GRECHANKA (43rd le 44th e le 'ngoe)

23 Mantsiboeeng a 23:15 mantsiboea a Umant

23:50 litaba tsa bosiu

00:10 Diversia. Qetellong ea Ntoa

02: 1 Balolies tse tharo

03:00 News

03:05 Babeloe ba bararo

04:00 a le mong le bohle

Lenaneo la TV ka la 14 Hlakubele 2017 Russia

05: 00UTRO russia

09:00 Vesti

09: 15utro russia

09:55 mabapi le ntho ea bohlokoahali

11:00 Vesti

11:40 Vesti. Nako ea lehae

11:55 Kamenskaya-3 ("stylist", karolo ea 3)

13:00 Jamenskaya-3 ("stylist", karolo ea 4)

14:00 VESTI

14:40 Vesti. Nako ea lehae

Liphiri tsa 14:55 tsa corollary-8 ("ema, lekhotla le ea!", 1st le 2nd le 2nd.

17:00 VESTI

17: 20 Ketsahalo. Nako ea lehae

17:40 Pheo Ether

18:50 metsotso e 60

20:00 Vesti

20:45 SEONG. Nako ea lehae

21:00 OSIN NET (Letoto la 11)

22:10 OSIN Ness (Letoto la 12)

23 Mantsiboea a bolaeang le Vladimir solovyv

01:45 Wolf Mensing: Ho lula ka nako (Letoto la 3 le 4)

03:50 DAR (letoto la 67th)

Lenaneo la TV ka la 14 Hlakubele 2017 ho NTV

05:10 Lageyer (Mokeutlo o fokolang)

06:00 kajeno

06:05 Russia e makatsang

07:00 Rato hoseng NTV

08:05 Return of mukhtara-2 ("e ferekaneng". "Seebeization e arohaneng")

10:00 kajeno

10:25 borena ("Hopola tsohle", 1st le 2nd le 2nd)

12:00 jury lekhotla

13:00 kajeno

13:25 Tlhahlobo. Boemo ba tšohanyetso

Sebaka sa liboka 14:00 Sebaka sa liboka

16:00 kajeno

16:35 literateng tsa mabone a robehileng-14 (litekanyetso tsa lelapa)

17:40 "Re bua le ho bontša." Talōw Show le Leodid Zaakoskhansky

Tlhahlobo ea 18:40 Tlhahlobo. Boemo ba tšohanyetso

19:00 kajeno

19:40 Cuba (letoto la 16 le la 16)

21:30 nyeoe ea tlhompho (letoto la 12 le la 12)

23:30 lipheo tsa letsatsi

00:05 Bums (Letoto la 4 le 4)

Sebaka sa liboka 01:40 Sebaka sa Kopano

Bokamoso ba ntlo ea 03:15

04:10 Aviator

04: Mapolesa a 20 a hajoale (letoto la 3)

Lenaneo la TV ka la 14 Hlakubele 2017 setsing sa TV

05:00 ALGA Volkova Volbava. Ha ke batle ho ba naleli


08:00 Ngaka le ... (tokollo ea la 14 Hlakubele)

08:35 Mystery ea maoatle a mabeli

11:30 Liketsahalo

11:50 Ntate o sootho ("motho ea sa bonahaleng". "Tsela ea Litoro tse robehileng")

13:40 "Mohale oa ka" ka Tatyana Ustinova (Andrey Sokolov)

14:30 Liketsahalo

14:50 toropo ea litaba

15:15 ntle le ho qhekella. Lintlha tse halikiloeng

16:00 Penrets ea Cinema (Sporlloto-82)

16:35 Khetho ea tlhaho

17:30 takatso ea Catay (Letoto la 4 le 4)

Liketsahalo tsa 19:30

20:00 Petrovka, 38

20: Lintlha tse 20 tsa litokelo tsa litokelo

22:00 liketsahalo

22:30 Tlhokomeliso, Likhatiso! (Tokollo ea la 14 Hlakubele)

23:05 Turowell. Lady Diana

Liketsahalo tsa 00:00. Hora ea 25th

00:30 Tokelo ea ho Tseba!

02::00 Ntateffer

Lenaneo la TV ka la 14 Hlakubele 2017 ka har'a Khoele ea Casira

08:30 Euronews

10:00 News

10:15 e shebelletseng

11:15 Patlisiso ea Khomishene Megre (Megre le bafeta)

12:50 Berg algorithm

13: 20the tekanyo (tokollo ea la 14 Hlakubele)

13:50 Lebopo la bophelo ba hae (letoto la 2)

15:00 News

15:10 Nalane China (Tlas'a le Royal Monogram)

6:40 bophelo le lefu ho Pompeium

16:30 Setšoantšo sa "Buola"

16:55 Alexander Mancher. Knight ea khalase e putsoa

17:35 Conners (Zara Dolukhanova)

18:30 Mantsiboeeng a khethiloeng. Maria Aronov

19:15 e hantle, bana!

19:30 News News

19:45 Karolo ea Bohlokoa

20:05 khetho ea maiketsetso (tokollo ea la 14 Hlakubele)

20:45 bophelo ba bophelo (ho lokolloa ha Pherekhong 14)

21:15 sebaka sa tsoelopele ea Mayan

22:10 "Papali ea Beads" le Igor Volgorina (Moqomo oa Chukovsky. Lithothokiso tsa bana)

22:50 Evgeny Mironov

23:35 Tloaelo ea setso

23:50 Crysovt

23:55 Patlisiso ea Commission Megre (Megre le Boithuti)

01:30 P.I. Tchaikovsky. Violin Solo from Mini of The Ball "Scaan Lake"

01:50 Gerard Mercator

01:55 Onerver

Lenaneo la TV ka la 14 Hlakubele 2017 ho Seteishene sa Channel Matong TV

05:30 Metsotso e Khabane

Moqapi oa lipapali 06:00

06:30 habeli

07:00 News

07:05 Motlale oa Lipapali

07:25 Litaba

07:30 Tsohle bakeng sa papali!

08:55 News

09: 0050 0

09:30 EuroTrur. Tlhahlobo ea lipapali tsa beke

10: 00Futball. Italy Championship ("Lazio" - "Milan")

12:00 News

12:05 tsohle bakeng sa papali!

12:30 Helsic Cuiline

Tlaleho e khethehileng (boomeli ba lipapali)

15:00 News

15:05 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe bakeng sa papali!

Moqapi oa Lipapali tsa 15:40 Papali ea Lipapali

16:00 News

Tlaleho e khethehileng ea 16:05 (bahlophisi. Li-badors)

16:25 Cencel Deall

16:55 hockey. Khl. Live Broadcast (Salavat Yulaev (UK mars "(Kazan))

19:25 Litaba

19:30 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe bakeng sa papali!

20:00 Tlaleho e Khethehileng (Babelo ba Khauta le Ronaldo

Litaba tse 20:30

20:35 ka bolo ea maoto!

21:05 Tlaleho e Khethehileng (Khutlela Bokamoso. Bahlompheha

21:35 News

Malebela a 21:40 moqolotsi oa lipapali

22:00 tsohle ho bolo ea maoto!

22:40 bolo ea maoto. Chamils ​​League. Li-fi of 1/8. Live Broadcast (France (France) - Barcelona (Spain))

00:40 Ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ea papali!

01:10 Champions League Reddson

01:40 Ho rata melao

03:46 Skiing. 'Maholioloa ke lefatše. Lihlopha. Phatlalatso e tsoang ho Switzerland

04:35 Helbish Cuisine

Lenaneo la TV ka la 14 Hlakubele 2017 ho CTC Channel ea CTC

05:05 Hang ha e le tale ea lipale

06:00 Yelahlash

06:25 Marin le metsoalle ea hae. Lipale tsa Tlas'a Matsatsi

06:55 lokisa

07:15 likatse tse tharo tse tharo

07:35. Basireletsi ba Olha oa

08:30 marulelo a lefatše

09:30 Show "Ural Pelmeni" (Letsatsi le qabolang la valentine)

10:30 Mopapa oa Lijo tsa hoseng

12:30 Londotong. Tseba tsa rona!

13:30 kichineng

16:00 Volina

19:00 Plamiere! "Vonininy"

20:00 Phahameng! "Boitms"

21:00 Phelanie! "Baithuti-'moho le uena"

22:35 Show "Ural Pelmeni" (Letsatsi le qabolang la valentine)

23:40 Show "Ural Pelmeni" ("ze e mobe) ho fapana"

00:30 Dumplings (eo u e ratang ka ho fetisisa

01::00 Lomokhoang. Tseba tsa rona!

02:00 Lerato le Lebala

03:45 sekepe

04:45 Hang ha e le tale

Lenaneo la TV ka la 14 Hlakubele 2017 setsing sa polokelo ea TV

05:00 1 Tširehano ea menyenyetsi "le Igor Prokopenko


07:00 e nang le Bedery More!

08:30 News

09:00 "Mystery ea sesole" le Igor Prokopenko (karolo ea 2)

11:00 projec ea lingoliloeng (lefa la bajaki ba linaleli)

12:00 Lenaneo la tlhaiso-leseling la litaba 112

Litaba tse 12:30

Lirosa tse 13:00 Lawnwart

14: 00Ung bakeng sa metsotsoana e 60

16:00 Lenaneo la Tlhahisoleseling 112

Litaba tse 16:30

17:00 liphiri ho Chapman

18:00 ho feta hypothes

19:00 Lenaneo la Litaba 112

19:30 News

20:00 Strillen

21:50 e lebiselitsoeng ka Serussia

23:00 News

23:25 Diamond Diamond

02:00 The Hispothes

03:00 Sephiri sa Chacho

Lebaka la Phokotso "le Igor Prokopenko

Lenaneo la TV ka la 14 Hlakubele 2017 ho seteishene sa TNN

05: 05v-baeti (letoto la 3rd - "letsatsi le lecha le khanyang")

05:55 Arrow (3rd leto ea 3 - "Corto Maltezé")

07: 00Copashki-ninja (letoto la 83ord - "sephiri sa Eon")

07:30 Psychics e ea batla (Setoritho sa 83)

09:00 ntlo-2. Litem.

10:30 Ntlo-2. Sehlekehleke sa lerato

11:30 Letsatsi la likhetho-2

14:00 Interns (Li-81st Letoto)

14:30 Interns (Letoto la 82th)

15:00 Interns (Letoto la 83rd)

15:30 Interns (Letoto la 84th)

16:00 Interns (Setereke sa 85th)

16:30 Interns (letoto la 86th)

17:00 Interns (Letoto la 87th)

17:30 Interns (Letoto la 88th)

18:00 Interns (Letoto la 89th)

18:30 Interns (letoto la 90th)

19:00 Interns (Letoto la 91st)

19:30 Interns (Letoto la 92)

20:00 adiation (Setoto sa 6)

20:30 Ho tloaela (letoto la 7)

21:00 Barmen.

23:00 ntlo-2. Motse oa Lerato

00::00 ntlo-2. Kamora ho likela ha letsatsi. Phetolelo e Khethehileng

01:00 Treasure Hullies

03: 20b pono (letoto la 20 - "matšeliso a polokelo")

04: 10th - Zombies (Series ea 9 - "Patriot Brains")

Lenaneo la TV ka la 14 Hlakubele 2017 ntlong ea Canal

05:30 Jamie: lijo tsa mots'eare ka metsotso e 15 (letoto la 39 le 40)

06:30 Ho natefeloa ke Jamie Oliver (1st le 2nd.)

07:30 Homeving (Series 51st - "Boris Klyuev")

08:00 6 liforeimi

08:10 bakeng sa mathata a bo-15 (50 - 50 - letoto la 4 le 40)

11:10 A re Tsitsitseng! (208th - letoto la 210th)

1415 Fero ea mosali-2 (letoto la 2 le 2nd)

16:05 habeli seliba se tiileng (1st le 2nd)

18:00 jury botle (Series [17 "E. Nikitin")

19:00 Ngaka ea Basali - 2 (Letoto la 3 ("Amnesia")

20:30 Male Male Dr.-2 (Series tse 4 - "ka Kae")

21:0000 habeli (letoto la 3)

22:0000 e tiile (letoto la 4)

23:00 Runeblevo-Biryzulyovo (e 48th e le Series - "zak")

00: 006 fraimes

00:30 Fumana monna toropong e kholo (letoto la 4)

02:40 Basali ba Supileng ba Bachelor e le 'ngoe (Letoto la 4 le 5)

04:45 6 Mekhoa ea

Bala Haholoanyane