Lenaneo la TV bakeng sa kajeno, la 25 Phuptjane, 2017, bakeng sa liteishene tsohle


Mohala ka la 25 Phuptjane 2017 seteisheneng sa pele

05:00 Polelo ea feshene

06:00 News

06:10 pele mafube a hlaha

075 hora

08:15 "Uraza sayram". Phatlalatso e tsoang ho Mosdera ea UFA Cathedral Mosque

08:55 Bophelo bo botle

10:00 News ka Subtitles

10: 15 "bao e seng lintlha" le Dmitry kylov

10:35 ha o le hae

11:25 FAZADA (fensetere ea Veranda)

12:00 News ka Subtitles

12:15 lokisa (Anna Snatkina le Visaryev. Ena ke baesekopo!)

13:15 khopolo ea morero oa bolotsana (polasetiki le lijo. Melao ea Ts'ireletso)

14:10 Marshals oa tlhōlo

16:30 Berlin 41th. E matla ka ho fetisisa

17:50 bolo ea maoto a koluoa ​​ea 2017. Phela. Nakong ea khefu - litaba tsa mantsiboea tse nang le subtitles (Sehlopha sa Naha sa Majeremane - Cameroon National Buabul

19:50 chcher zHzhot.

21:00 Swanty "Nako"

22:30 "Eng? Hokae? Neng?" Letoto la Lipapali la Lehlabula (la bone)

23:40 mekhatlo ea sephiri. Meske ea Baketsi

00:40 Johnny Johnny

02:25 Leeto Tse Ntle

04:25 Ho reka ka taolo

Lenaneo la TV ka la 25 Phuptjane 2017 Russia

05:00 ho kokobela

06:55 Mult-Nama (Masha le Berd)

07:30 About Motsamaisi

08: 20 Lengolo le ka boroa

08:00 ea matsatsi a phomolo uza bayram. Live lifofane li tsoa mosque ea Moscow

09:55 Makholo a lekholo ho e 'ngoe

11:00 Vesti

11: Likhoeli tse 20. Vesti-moscow. Beke toropong

12:00 Tšehe e lumelloa

14:00 VESTI

14: Lipalesa tse 20

18:00 Cover e le 'ngoe. Densi Matsuev, "Blue Nota" le Metsoalle Kremlin Palace

20:00 libeke tse ka morao-rao

22:00 Swaetse mantsiboea ka Vladimir solovyv

00:30 Khoutu ea "Anita"

01:30 nako ea liteko

03:35 "Mentopanioram" ezreenia Petroroyan

Lenaneo la TV ka la 25 Phuptjane 2017 ho NTV

05:10 mantsiboea a mariha ho Gagra

07: 00chiniral Tlevishene

08:00 Kajeno

08: 20 ho hula "Ho thaba" hoseng "

09:25 jala lapeng

10:00 kajeno

10: 20 Phetiso

11: Technology ea 05pedo (tokollo ea la 25 Phuptjane)

Karabo ea Lekala la 12:00 County

13:05 Nashipotennadzor

14 - Re tla ea, ja!

15:05 papali ea hau

16:00 kajeno

16: Ho latela) ...

18:00 boleng bo bocha ba Russia

19:00 "Liphetho tsa beke" le Irada Zeynalova

20:10 u ke ke ua lumela!

21:10 linaleli li lumellane

23:00 Ha ke akhela seno ...

01:00 mantsiboea a mariha ho Gagra

08:45 re tla ea, ja!

03:10 batsoali ba Monster

04:05 Mofuputsi-2 (lefufa)

Lenaneo la TV ka la 25 Phuptjane 2017 setsing sa TV

05: Tšireletso ea Lihlahisoa tse 20

05:55 Batla Mom

0745 bophelo ba bophelo (tokollo ea June 25)

08:15 Alla Demidova. E ile ea phethahala - ha e hlahe

09:05 Soam

10:55 Mofumahali le Culinary

11:30 Liketsahalo

11:45 E ne e le ka Penkov

13:45 litšeho ka ho tsamaisoa lapeng

14:30 Moscow beke

15:00 ba babeli

16:50 Sekomeli sa Bokooa

Maikutlo a 20:40 pono ho tloha nakong e fetileng

Liketsahalo tsa 00:25

00:40 Petrovka, 38

00:50 Litemana tsa Praefete, kapa ts'ebetso "Tšebelisano"

02:40 mohlahlobi lewis

04:35 "Tlas'a Mokhatlo oa Lefatše". SpocFod

Lenaneo la TV ka la 25 Phuptjane 2017 ho Channer ea Casira

08:30 Euronews

10:00 e tloaelehileng e tloaelehileng e nang le Edward Ether

10:35 motsoalle oa ka, Kolka!

12:00 Raro oa ka! (Omsk Germans: Crifper Crossroads)

12:25 Fihlapheo Indocchina (Karolo ea 3RS - "Malaysia. Botsa ba ho iphetola ha lintho")

13: 20Dorogors ea libuka tse kholo (P. T. Mann. "Banedinekov")

13:50 genius le vitusa (vitus bering)

14:15 mashome a mane pele

15:45 'me u se ke ua phefumoloha mohlolo oa hau, Mondandran ... Cathera ea Isac

Bahoo ba 16:15 ba batlang (lefu le makatsang la patron)

17:05 Ho feta lerato (Robert Christmas le Alla Kireva)

17:40 ho ratana ka maikutlo a lerato (Robert chstry e inehetseng)

Lihlekehleke tse 18:40 (Vladimir Motyl)

19: 20 ka thoko ho ho lelekisa thabo

Ka ho koaloa ha li-Xiii tsa machabeng tsa XIIIII tsa Ballet le Choreogrars's batart. Khonsallo ea likolobe sebakeng sa Bolshoi

23:40 Seboka sa morao-rao

01:05 'me u se ke oa hema mohlolo oa hau, Mondand Anthel

01:30 Cartoons bakeng sa batho ba baholo

01:55 banoang (lefu le makatsang la patron)

Holo ea lekholo la lilemo wroclaw. Mohaho oa Bokamoso

Mohala ka la 25 Phuptjane 2017 ho Seteishene sa Channel

06:30 LITLHAKISO TSA BOPHELO. Bellator. Loala sehlooho sa 'mampoli boima ba boima ba' mele. Live Broadcast Buas from La Hi (F. Emelnenko - M. MITNEEN

07:00 Ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe bakeng sa papali!

07:30 Puisano ea ho tšoasa litlhapi

08:00 e holimo ho 10 ufc. Li-knotutores tse ntlehali

08:30 Pheta ntle le aterese

09: 00Futball. Senoelo se kopantsoeng. Phatlalatso e tsoang St. Petersburg (New Zealand - Portugal)

11:00 avtoyspection

11:30 bolo ea maoto. Senoelo se kopantsoeng. Broadcast Hinsion (Russia - Mexico)

Litaba tse 13:30

13:5 Ho beha ntoa ea ntoa ea sesole. Bellator. Loala sehlooho sa 'mampoli boima ba boima ba' mele. Broadcast ho la USA (F. Emelnenko - M. MITNEN - V. Silva. F. Davis - leq

15:05 Litaba

15:10 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe bakeng sa papali!

15:40 Foromo 1. Prix ​​e ntle ea Azerbaijan. Live Broadcast TVets from baku

18: 00Football. Senoelo se kopantsoeng. Live Broadcast fromscow (Chile - Australia)

19:55 Hohle foopeng! (Poster)

20:30 Tlhahlobo ea Tlhahlobo ea Tlhahlobo - 2017. Mohato oa Sehlopha

21:30 News

21:40 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe e ngoe le e ngoe ea papali!

Bakoetlisi ba 22:30. Phela.

23:00 Ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe bakeng sa papali!

23:50 ho palama

01:30 Foromo 1. Prix ​​e ntle ea Azerbaijan. Phatlalatsa ho tsoa ho Baku

04:00 e tsoakiloeng ea ntoa ea sesole. Ufc. Live Broadcast ho tloha USA

Mohala ka la 25 Phuptjane 2017 ho Channel ea CTC

05:10 Elash

'Mino oa 05:50 Sts

06:00 Kung Fu Panda. Liphiri tse makatsang

06:50 smeshariki

07:00 Long Liho King Julian!

07:50 likatse tse tharo

08:05 Long Litse Long Live Julian!

09:00 ba boima

11: 00FI. Legend of The Monster

12:25 duplex

14:05 Bruce Almohyy

16: 00risty dumplings (eo u e ratang ka ho fetisisa

16:50 tse tharo x.

19:10 Preimere! "Linonyana tse halefileng Cinema"

21:00 THEKSA-2. Boemo bo bocha

23:00 Bastards

01:55 batho ba boima

03:50 Katy Perry. Karolelano ea ka

Lenaneo la TV ka la 25 Phuptjane 2017 seteisheneng sa tono

05:00 Hypothes

05:20 "Leholimo la Delusunion" le Igor Prokopenko

08:45 Pompeii

10:40 Aroplate Titanes

Papali ea 12:30 ea literone (1st - letoto la 10)

23:00 lintja moeeng

00::00 letsoai (Valery Syutkin)

01:40 "Mystery ea sesole" le Igor Prokopenko

Lenaneo la TV ka la 25 Phuptjane 2017 bukeng ea TNT

05:40 "Sasha + Masha". Ea mantlha

06:00 Veronica Mars (Series se Karolo ea 18 - "Peapo ea Tšenyo ea Sechaba")

07:00 TNT. Kopanya (letoto la 39)

07:30 Agents 003 (letoto la 63)

08:00 Deffcchonki (31st Rest - "kharebe e phethahetseng")

08:30 Deffenki (Setotsoana ea 32 - "Lenyalo Slavar")

09:00 ntlo-2. Litem.

10:00 ntlo-2. Sehlekehleke sa lerato

11:00 restart (letoto la 8 8)

12:00 Sashatotatanya (Series setoto sa 46th)

12:30 Sashaatanya (letoto la 47th)

13:00 Sashathanya (Setoritho sa 48)

13:30 Sashatonyanya (Series se le letoto la 49th)

14:00 Sastothany (Setorithong sa 50)

14:30 Sasphany (Letoto la 51st)

15:00 saschanya (Series setoto sa 52)

15:30 Sashatonyanya (Setorito ea 53rd)

16:00 Saschanya (Series setoto sa 54)

16:30 Sasphany (Setorithong sa 55)

17: 00ake 'mapa

19:00 TNT. Hantle haholo

19:30 tnt. Hantle haholo

20:00 Refic e kae? (39th letoto)

21:00 WEASIA (Letoto la 79th)

22: 00 Mana (letoto la 100th)

23:00 ntlo-2. Motse oa Lerato

00::00 ntlo-2. Kamora ho likela ha letsatsi. Phetolelo e Khethehileng

01:00 Lake Lake

03:00 restart (letoto la 26)

04:00 restart (letoto la 27)

04:55 e entsoeng ka tatso (letoto la 13)

Lenaneo la TV ka la 25 Phuptjane 2017 setsing sa lapeng sa lapeng

05:30 Jamie lapeng (9th le ea 10 le 10th)

06:30 Jamie lapeng (letoto la 12)

07:30 6 Liromela

07:55 ho feta

10:10 sera sa ka sabo (1st - letoto la 4)

14:15 e 'meli ea Ivana (Letoto la 1 le 2nd)

18:00 a nyala alled (letoto la 10 - "China")

19:00 khaola lerato la lerato (1st - letoto la 4)

22:50 Lenyalo Arobad (Series se Sechaneng - "Finland")

23:50 6 basebetsi

00:30 bosiu (2 - 24 letoto)

04:50 6 frames

Bala Haholoanyane