Lenaneo la TV bakeng sa kajeno, la 26 Pherekhong 2017, bakeng sa liteishene tsohle


Lenaneo la TV ka la 26 Pherekhong la la 26 Pherekhong 2017 Seteisheneng sa pele

05:00 TV Channel "Lumela"

09:00 News

09 :) Holimo hoseng "

09:50 Live e kholo!

10:55 polelo e feshene

12:00 News ka Subtitles

12:15 a le mong le motho e mong le e mong

13: Lilemo tse 20 li tla bontša

14:00 News

14:15 Nako e tla bontša

15:00 News ka Subtitles

15:15 Nako e tla bontša

16:00 Mature / mosali

18:00 Litaba tse nang le subtitles

18:45 A re nyakeng!

19:50 "A re ke bo bo bolele" le AndreI Malakhov


21:35 Grechany Grechany (Letoto la 23 le la 24)

23 Litaba tsa bosiu bosiu

23:30 "Bureau". "Li-Pipuns tsa toropo" (Setoto sa 9th)

005,5 Jan Karsky. Ho Lokile ka Lefatše

02:00 a le mong le motho e mong le e mong

03:00 News

03:05 polelo ea feshene

Theko ea taolo ea 04:05

Lenaneo la TV ka la 26 Pherekhong 2017 Russia

05: 00UTRO russia

09:00 Vesti

09: 15utro russia

09:55 mabapi le ntho ea bohlokoahali

11:00 Vesti

11:40 Vesti. Nako ea lehae

11:55 Vasille (letoto la 27)

13:00 Vasille (letoto la 28)

14:00 VESTI

14:40 Vesti. Nako ea lehae

Liphiri tsa 14:55 tsa lipatlisiso-6 ("Tlono e monate", 1st le 2nd le 2nd)

17:00 VESTI

17: 20 Ketsahalo. Nako ea lehae

17:40 Pheo Ether

18:50 metsotso e 60

20:00 Vesti

20:45 SEONG. Nako ea lehae

21:00 sklifasosky. Tlhahiso (letoto la 15)

22:05 SklifiOsovsky. Ho thellisa (Setoto sa 16)

23:15 »lelapa." Program Vladimir Solovyova

015 Brigade (Series Select)

03:25 Dar (Seriti sa 55)

Lenaneo la TV ka la 26 Pherekhong 2017 ho NTV

05:00 Laediyer (tlhaselo e seng molaong)

06:00 kajeno

06:05 Lailyer (Ts'ireletso e sa sebetseng)

08:00 Kajeno

07:05 Lailyer (Kavaleargard e lilemo li tlase)

08:00 Kajeno

08:05 Bula mukhtara-2 ("tlhahiso". "Desitssion e kotsi")

10:00 kajeno

10: 20braranyy-2 (27th le 28th le Letoto la 28)

12:00 jury lekhotla

13:00 kajeno

13:25 Tlhahlobo. Boemo ba tšohanyetso

Sebaka sa liboka 14:00 Sebaka sa liboka

16:00 kajeno

16:25 Literonki tsa mabone a robehileng - 12 ("Cencierge ntle le mekhoa e mebe". "Leqheka")

18:00 "E bua 'me ea bontša." Talōw Show le Leodid Zaakoskhansky

19:00 kajeno

19:40 seoa se ("Trail Ordzhonitsudze", 1st le 2nd le 2nd)

21:35 e le 'ngoe khahlanong le motho e mong le e mong (letoto la 7 le 8)

23 Liphetho tsa Letsatsi

00:00 syndbad's Westerns ("Tsela e eang Leboea", letoto la 8)

Sebaka sa liboka 00:55

02:40 Holocaust - Glues Wallpaper?

03:40 Re tla ea, Ntoa!

04:05 Aviator

04:15 patrol (French)

Lenaneo la TV ka la 26 Pherekhong 2017 setsing sa TV

05:10 "Hero Hero" le Tatiana Ustinova


08:05 Ngaka le ...

08:40 Trolleybus

10:25 zhanna Prokholko. Ballad of Love

11:30 Liketsahalo

11:50 ntate a sootho ("eye apollo". "Monyaluoa oa Kreste")

13:40 "Mohale oa ka" ka Tatyana Ustinova (Denis Klyaver)

14:30 Liketsahalo

14:50 toropo ea litaba

15:15 Soviet mafia (Iron Bella)

16:00 liphiri tsa cinema (ngoanana)

16:35 Khetho ea tlhaho

17:30 HETORAVE's Hetera (Letoto la 7 le 8)

Liketsahalo tsa 19:30

20:00 Tsela ea ho Voting

21:45 Petrovka, 38

22:00 liketsahalo

Leqephe la 22:30 la basali (Trump)

23:05 bophelo ntle le moratuoa

Liketsahalo tsa 00:00. Hora ea 25th

00:30 Ntate o sootho ("mofuta o fosahetseng". "Monna oa Sefateng")

02: Bokhabane ba 20pol. Cinema e nang le polelo

03:25 KVRK (Seriri sa 2)

Lenaneo la TV ka la 26 Pherekhong, 2017 ka TV

06:30 'nete eohle ka ...

07:00 News

07:05 Baholahi ba Mad

07:35 News

07:40 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe e tsamaellanang le papali!

08:55 News

09:00 Chelete ea Big Sport

09:30 Bitelon. Potla ea Europe. Morabe oa motho ka mong. Banna. Phatlalatso ea Poland.

11:15 litaba

11: 20 Papaling!

11:50 Bitelon. Potla ea Europe. Morabe oa motho ka mong. Basali. Phatlalatso ea Poland.

13:35 News

13:40 Ho ba le bonono ba ntoa tsa ntoa ea sesole. Lintoa tsa Basali. Litšoantšo tsa

14:40 Papali ea Lipapali

15:00 News

15:05 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe bakeng sa papali!

15:35 Setšoantšo sa hae sa ho sesa. Potla ea Europe. Ho tantša ka leqhoa. Lenaneo le khutšoane. Live Broadcast ho tloha Czech Republic

16:55 Litaba

Bohlale ba 17:00

19:00 News

19:05 tsohle bakeng sa papali!

19:35 dozen!

19:55 lipapali tsa 'nete

20:55 Litaba

21: verhigure swing. Potla ea Europe. Banyalani. Lenaneo la ho ikatisa. Live Broadcast ho tloha Czech Republic

22:25 'Nete eohle ka ...

Motlalehi oa lipapali oa 22:40

23:00 Ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe bakeng sa papali!

23:45 Basketball. Euroleuah. Banna (Maccabi (Tel Aviv, Isiraele) - Univers (Russia))

01:45 skating slating. Potla ea Europe. Ho tantša ka leqhoa. Lenaneo le khutšoane. Banyalani. Lenaneo la ho ikatisa. Broadcast ho tloha Czech Republic

03:45 fihla holimo

Lenaneo la TV ka la 26 Pherekhong 2017 ho STS

'Mino oa 05:50 Sts

06:00 Yelahlash

06: 20 Barboskina

06:50 lokisa

07:15 likatse tse tharo tse tharo

07:35 Dragons le Barekisi ba Ollha

08:30 Kamoo ke Ileng ka Bahiruoa

09:30 Show "Ural Pelmeni" (litseleng tse ka tlhatlhobo)

10:40 pakeng tsa leholimo le lefatše

12:30 Londotong. Tseba tsa rona!

13:30 kichineng

16:00 Volina

20:00 U nkhathatse

21:00 Limithara tse leshome

22:55 Show "Ural Pelmeni" (Ke qetile)

00: Li-dumplings tsa 10Reral (tseo u li ratang)

01::00 Joang ke ile ka fetoha Serussia

02:00 Bothomo le ho se Kopano?

03:50 sejere

Lenaneo la TV ka la 26 Pherekhong 2017 ho Ren-TV

05:00 1 Tširehano ea menyenyetsi "le Igor Prokopenko


07:00 e nang le Bedery More!

08:30 News


12:00 Lenaneo la tlhaiso-leseling la litaba 112

Litaba tse 12:30

Lirosa tse 13:00 Lawnwart

14:00 Art ea Ntoa

16:00 Lenaneo la Tlhahisoleseling 112

Litaba tse 16:30

17:00 liphiri ho Chapman

18:00 ho feta hypothes

19:00 Lenaneo la Litaba 112

19:30 News

20:00 Passenger 57.

21:40 shebella tsohle!

23:00 News

23:25 Lehloa le lesoeu: Phetetsong ea li-gnomes

01::10 hypothes e menyesang ka ho fetisisa

02:00 Mintrans

Ho lokisa 02:45 ho tšepahalang

03:30 liphiri tsa Chapman

Lenaneo la TV ka la 26 Pherekhong 2017 ho TEN

05:35 ho bona (Letoto la 4 - "ROUNNE

06:25 Sasha + Masha (Series sa 46th - "" Lits'oants'o tsa Masha (Mpho) ")


07:30 Seato: Guys: Libaka tsa Beng, Chelete le Lerato (Letoto la 12)

08: 00 lits'oants'o tsa 00 li lebisa lipatlisiso (letoto la 69th)

09:00 ntlo-2. Litem.

10:30 Ntlo-2. Machatong ka milione

11:30 Univesithi. New Dom (Letoto la 130th - "Farewell sex")

12: 00univer. New Dom (Series tse 131 - "motjeko")

12:30. New Dom (Series tse 132 - "Rection of Christina")

13: 00univer. New Dom (Series se Selekane - Turkey)

13:30. New Dom (Series se Sechabeng - "Voalya joala")

14: 00univer. New Dom (Series se Setoritoana - "leeto")

14:30 Univesithi. New Dom (Series se Sechabeng - "Yana - Ivanov")

15: 00univer. New Dom (Setorithong sa 137th)

15:30 univesithing. New Dom (letoto la 138th)

16: 00univer. New Dom (Setoritho sa 139th)

16:30 univesithing. New Dom (letoto la 140th)

17: 00univer. New Dom (Setotong sa 141)

17:30 Univesithi. New Dom (Setoritho se 142)

18: 00univer. New Dom (Setotong sa 143)

18:30 univesithing. New Dom (letoto la 144)

19: 00univer. New Dom (Setorithong se 145)

19:30 univesithing. New Dom (Setoritho sa 146)

20:00 lenyalo la sechaba (letoto la 14)

20:30 lenyalo la sechaba (letoto la 15)

21:00 Blade ea Khanya: Linaleli tsa lehloa

23:00 ntlo-2. Motse oa Lerato

00::00 ntlo-2. Kamora ho likela ha letsatsi. Phetolelo e Khethehileng

01:00 Incecian Sitches

03: Khanya ea 20lovy: linaleli ka leqhoa

Lenaneo la TV ka la 26 Pherekhong 2017 lapeng

05:05 Homeving home Sets (65th Series - Mikhail Bashkatov)

05:35 Jamie Olie. Super Lijo (letoto la 6, likarolo tsa 1 le 2nd)

06:30 Jamie: lijo tsa mots'eare bakeng sa metsotso e 15 (letoto la 1 le 2nd)

07:30 Homevi (Sepatototo "-" Sergey zverev ")

08: 006 fraimes

08:10 bakeng sa likhahla tsa bacha (576th - letoto la 578th)

11:10 A re Tsitsitseng! (178th - letoto la 180th)

14:10 podlidyhi (3th filimi ea 3 - "Boomerang", 1st le 2nd.)

Ngaka ea Basali ea 16:05 (Letoto le 22 le 22))

18:00 jury botle (letoto la 4 "shijnyon")

19:00 ngaka ea basali (letoto la 23 le la 24)

20:55 podkinyshi (film 4th - "Anton le antoshsa", 1st ea 1)

21:55 Pellolidyshi (Filimi 4th - "Anton le Antoshka", letoto la 2nd)

22:55 Rublevo-biryulyovo (Series series - Semenov - Karievy ")

23:55 Lifomai

00:30 bakeng sa lieta tse peli

02:00 Matronahad (Series sa 9: "Nalane Svlena Romanova", Seriti sa 10 - "Nalane)

Bala Haholoanyane