Lenaneo la TV bakeng sa kajeno, la 9 Phuptjane 2017, bakeng sa liteishene tsohle


Lenaneo la TV ka la 9 Phuptjane 2017 seteisheneng sa pele

05:00 TV Channel "Lumela"

09:00 News

09: Likolo tsa 20control

09:50 Live e kholo!

10:55 polelo e feshene

12:00 News ka Subtitles

12:15 a le mong le motho e mong le e mong

13: Lilemo tse 20 li tla bontša

15:00 News ka Subtitles

15:15 Nako e tla bontša

16:00 Mature / mosali

17:00 ntole bakeng sa ka

18:00 Litaba tse nang le subtitles

18:45 "Monna le Molao" le Alexey Pimanov

19:50 tšimo ea mehlolo


21:30 Winner

23:10 mantsiboea argant

00::00 FANPGO. Nako e ncha. "Litoro tsa Motse oa Motse" (Setoto sa 8)

01:00 Valkantska - Mangeloi Bobere

03:25 heel

Lenaneo la TV ka la 9 Phuptjane 2017 Russia

05: 00UTRO russia

09:00 Vesti

09: 15utro russia

09:55 mabapi le ntho ea bohlokoahali

11:00 Vesti

11:40 Vesti. Nako ea lehae

11:55 Ntate Matthves (Series 8th - "Slander")

13:00 Ntate Matth (Letoto la 20 - "Re ipolela")

14:00 VESTI

14:40 Vesti. Nako ea lehae

Liphiri tsa 14:55 tsa corollary-8 ("java e nang le sekhohomoso", 1st le 2nd le 2nd)

17:00 VESTI

17: 20 Ketsahalo. Nako ea lehae

17:40 Pheo Ether

18:50 metsotso e 60

20:00 Vesti

20:45 SEONG. Nako ea lehae

21: 00 Yumorina

23: 20this ntja ea ka

01: Lieta tsa litatata tse 20

03:35 heirs (letoto la 4)

Lenaneo la TV ka la 9 Phuptjane 2017 ho NTV

05:00 Hanging ("Case Nomoro ea 10 -" ke ea Russia ", 1st le 2nd le 2nd)

06:00 kajeno

06:05 hanging ("Case Palo ea 10 -" ke ea Russia ", 1st le 2nd le 2nd)

07:00 Rato hoseng NTV

09:00 mukahtar. Trail (monna e le lense)

10:00 kajeno

10: 20lesnik ("Bophelo bo monate", 1st le 2nd le 2nd)

12:00 jury lekhotla

13:00 kajeno

13:25 Tlhahlobo. Boemo ba tšohanyetso

Sebaka sa liboka 14:00 Sebaka sa liboka

16:00 kajeno

16:30 Lipaki ("Lefu Tse Monate". "Chesetsoa lefifing")

18:30 pe. Patlisiso

19:00 kajeno

19:40 Lisebelisoa tsa Leoatle la Leoatle. Tornado. FATE ("Morero oa lekunutu", 1st le 2nd le 2nd)

21:30 Chef. Ho rekisa papali ("Farewell, ment". "Tšabo ea bophahamo")

23:35 mohlanka oa marena 'ohle: ho tsoa Swastika ho Eagle

00:40 Rona le Saense. Saense le rona (lilemong tse 10 tse tlang re ke ke ra hloka ho etsa thobalano)

01:45 Sebaka sa Kopano

03:40 Re tla ea, Ntoa!

04:00 mofuputsi ('nete)

Mohala ka la 9 Phuptjane 2017 setsing sa TV

05:10 "Hero Hero" le Tatiana Ustinova


08:00 Boithabili ba Basali

10:00 Regic-2

11:30 Liketsahalo

11:50 Logic-2

12: 20 -ed tigy-3

14:30 Liketsahalo

14:50 toropo ea litaba

Li-tumec tsa basali - 4

17: 20 -ed tigy-5

19:30 "bohareng ba liketsahalo" le Anna Prokhorova

20:40 votes hantle

22:00 liketsahalo

Bolulo ba 22:30 couter (letsatsi la tsoalo - matsatsi a phomolo a monate!)

00:25 Taming Stropive

02:30 Petrovka, 38

02:50 Morse (Fuga)

Line tsa ts'ireletso ea 04:40

Lenaneo la TV ka la 9 Phuptjane 2017 ho Chalp Channel

08:30 Euronews

10:00 News

10: 20 mikhlov. Bophahamo ba ho qetela

11:00 Cargo

12:35 eseng ka palo, empa fokotsa

13: 15 mangolo a tsoang ho profinseng (Chkalovsk)

13:45 mafika a ho matha (letoto la 3)

15:00 News

15:10 Temples ea Thomppols

16:05 Coloolotion of Russia (Vladimir Filatov)

16:35 lapeng ke bofokoli ba ka (Movie 2nd 2nd - "House ea Polarnikov")

17: 15nigma (Flongiz Arizade)

17:55 Ho Incognito ho tsoa ho Suite. Peter I.

18:25 Serussia sa Serussia sa ho etsa bonono. Boris Andrianov

19:10 Skewers Michael - Mehlfed Stone World

19:30 News News

19:45 Mozkonostalgia

20:15 Batho ba batlang lintho tse sa reroang (liphiri tsa Marena a marulelo)

21:00 'Me haeba see ke lerato?

22:35 Line Line (Macsela Castrashvili)

23:30 News

23:40 khssovset

23:50 burglar

01:15 eseng palo, empa e fokotsa

01:55 banoang (mystition of the sulumbatic bud)

02:40 Cove ea Kotor. Adriatic fjordd

Lenaneo la TV ka la 9 Phuptjane 2017 ho Seteishene sa Channel Matong TV

05:25 Melao ea Life Coleor McGregor

06:30 'nete eohle ka ...

07:00 News

07:05 Charge Gtu

07:25 Litaba

07:30 Tsohle bakeng sa papali!

08:55 News

09:00 Metsi a Maholo

Projeke ea 10:00 A.

11:50 Tlaleho e Khethehileng (sehlopha sa CHIL ho batho)

12: 20news

12:25 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe ea papali!

13: 00Futball. Papali e mosa. Live Broadcast (Brazil - Argentina)

15:00 News

15:05 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe bakeng sa papali!

16:00 11!

16: 20 Socccer bolo ea maoto

Litaba tsa 16 :50

16:55 Foromo 1. Grand Prix of Canada. Tloaelo ea mahala. Liperekisi tsa Live


18:50 bolo ea maoto. Papali e mosa. Live Broadcast (Russia - Chile)


21:40 bolo ea maoto. Mohope oa Lefatše oa 2018. Tlholisano ea khetho. Live Broadcast (Sweden - France)

23:40 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe e e ngoe le e ngoe bakeng sa papali!

00:10 Matlleyball. Sebaka sa World. Banna. Phatlalatso e tsoang ho France (France - Russia)

Tlaleho e khethehileng (tseleng e eang ka har'a senoelo sa lefats'e)

02: 20futball. Mohope oa Lefatše oa 2018. Hueection Kuandan (Netherlands - Luxembourg)

04: 20Daps of themarts e tšoanelehang

04:30 bolo ea maoto. Mohope oa Lefatše oa 2018. Lillo tsa Bolulo (Bosnia le Herzegovina - Greece)

Lenaneo la TV ka la 9 Phuptjane 2017 ka Chanen ea CTC

05:30 Elash

'Mino oa 05:50 Sts

06:00 Skeleriki

06:15 Marinn le metsoalle ea hae. Lipale tsa Tlas'a Matsatsi

06:30 Chids tsa lelapa. Qala

06:55 Wentcar League. Ntoa ea Batho ba Hilesa

07:25 likatse tse tharo

07:40 Dragons. Ho matha ho potoloha moeli

08:30 Chids tsa lelapa. Qala

09: Li-dumplings tse 00risty (tseo u li ratang)

09:30 Show "Ural Pelmeni" (Li-vellen tsasi)

10: Litšoantšo tse 20 li matha

12:00 Mèmy

13:00 Kichine

15:00 ea borobeli

17:00 Visina

19:30 Show "Ural" Ural Pelmeni "(ka lipapali, re botsoa haholo!)

21:00 Phelanie! "Bophelo bo Kobehileng"

22:40 chumova Labohlano

00:30 Banna, basali le bana

02:45 MOM-3

04:30 jeff ho lula hae

Mohala ka la 9 Phuptjane 2017 setsing sa polokelo ea tv

05:00 "Tšitiso ea Desion" le Igor Prokopenko


07:00 e nang le Bedery More!

08:30 News


12:00 Lenaneo la tlhaiso-leseling la litaba 112

Litaba tse 12:30

Lirosa tse 13:00 Lawnwart

14:00 insuasion

15:55 lenaneo la tlhaiso-leseling 112

Litaba tse 16:30

17:00 liphiri ho Chapman

18:00 ho feta hypothes

19:00 Lenaneo la Litaba 112

19:30 News

Meetso e khethehileng ea litoropong e khethehileng (ntoa ea leholimo)

22:00 shebella bohle!

23:00 White Knight

01:45 Postman

Mohala ka la 9 Phuptjane 2017 setsing sa Tnt

E nkehetse ka 08:30, haeba u ka (letoto la 7)

06:30 E entsoe ka tatso (letoto la 2)

Li-agents 003 (letoto la 56th)

07:30 Agents 003 (Series se le letoto)

08:00 Basali ba Basali (Letoto la 12)

08:30 League's League (letoto la 13)

09:00 ntlo-2. Litem.

10:30 Ntlo-2. Sehlekehleke sa lerato

11:30 Ntoa ea Masapo a Psychics (Letoto la 268th)

13: Mosali 00comey (letoto la 125th)

14: Mosali oa 00comedy (letoto la 126)

14:30 Mosali oa Metla ea (letoto la 126)

15: 00comedy mosali (letoto la 129th)

16: Mosali ea 00comedy (letoto la 130)

17: Mosali oa 00comedy (letoto la 131)

18: Mosali oa 00comedy (letoto la 132)

19: Mosali oa 00comedy (letoto la 133)

19:30 Mosali oa Metla ea (Setoto sa 133)

20:00 Nolofatsa (Letoto la 43rd)

21:00 Atty Club (Letoto la 543T)

22:00 Bux Fent Microphone (letoto la 20)

23:00 ntlo-2. Motse oa Lerato

00::00 ntlo-2. Kamora ho likela ha letsatsi. Phetolelo e Khethehileng

01::00 Phatlalatso e joalo! (Setoto sa 166)

01:30 Morena oa ho qetela oa Scotland

03:55 I'm Zombie (Letoto la 8 - "moea o shoeleng")

04:45 Ingtie (Setototo ea 8 - "Sebetsa sa khatello ea maikutlo")

Lenaneo la TV ka la 9 Phuptjane 2017 ntlong ea Canal

05: 006 fraimes

08:30 Ho phela ka jamie Oliver (44th le 45th

06:30 phela ka thabo e monate ka Jamie Oliver (46th le 47th le 47th)

07:30 6 Liromela

07:50 bakeng sa likhahla tsa bana (492th le 492 ea 493

09:50 maemo a motho (1st - 8th letotong la 8)

18:00 temoso (Letoto la 8 - "Ho emela Lerato")

19:00 ong More (1st - 4th)

TLHOKOMELISO EA 2240 temoso (Setotsoana ea 8 - "E emetse Lerato")

23:40 6 liforeimi

00:30 Touch Neba

02:25 Sesoha ...

04: Ntlo ea 20Dtor House (Karolo ea 91st)

Bala Haholoanyane