Hlabula 2017 lifiliming: Superheroes, bahlabani le ba pholosang ba thobalano


WHO: Kekoa Johnson, Zack EFrone, Pryanka Chopra, Alexander Ntatedario

Kamora selemo se telele ka mor'a ho koaloa ha letoto la "Malibu Ntate le Kelly Roach. Nakong ea nako ea "batšehetsi ba Malibula" re tla bona le lifahleho tse tloaelehileng - ka li-epsodes li tla hlaha linaleli tsa letoto la letoto la pele

Neng: June 1, 2017.

Parabele e kopitsang ntle le Khoebo:

Bapalami ba Caribbean: Bafu ha ba bue lipale tsa lipale

WHO: Johnny Depp, Oira Knightley, Javier Bardem

Ba neng ba bona bonyane e le 'ngoe ea likarolo tse' ne tse fetileng tsa crankise ea Disney tse ntseng li bapala karolo ea karolo ea bohlano - ketso, John Danpp le ho nka khato ka ho feta. Ke litaba tse hlokolosi bakeng sa balateli ba pele "ba tla khutla ka lilemo tse 10!) Le palesa ea hae, e atlehileng ho fumana mora ho ea bohlano karolo.

Neng: 25, 2017.

Litaere tsa Teafrate

Wonder Woman

WHO: Gadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright

Ka la 1 Phuptjane, ntoa ea sebele ea bahlahisi e tla qala ho phahame - e qothisana lehlokoa le botle ba thobalano "e tla ba" matla a tsoang "basali ba masoha". PUSELETSO EA MOLEMO OA MOSA OA DC, "Woman Woman" o re hoela sehlopha sa Batman le Supeman sebakeng sa Toutaroid Nakong ea Ntoa ea II ea Lefatše.

Neng: June 1, 2017.

Trailer dubbed


WHO: Tom Cruise, Sofia Buttell, Russell Crowe

Studio Bohle, qala ho qala branchise "Mummy", ho ile ha nka brandan ea Franser ho ea tsebahalang haholo - Sofia Bulla) ho ba mofokoli oa khale. Le ha baqapi ba "Redut" ba mpa ba pheta pale e tloaelehileng, ho boloka cruise e sa lekanang, ka manganga ba etsa maqheka a bohlanya, maemong afe kapa afe a tla amana.

Neng: La 8 June, 2017.

Trailer dubbed

Litags 3.

WHO: Owen Wilson, Kerry Washington, Nathan Phillionon

Studio ea li-puxar e re khahlisa ka linako tse monate, le "likoloi tse 3", e ncha le hore u se ke ua lihela bare - e leng tšōmo, e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho ebile e le lerootho mme "Batho ba baholo" ba morero oa likarolo tse fetileng tsa li-franschise tsa lelapa. 'Mino oa manono o tsofetseng o tla tlameha ho etsa bonnete ba hore tlholisano ea lefatše e fetoha terompeta ea ho teba,' me ha e tsebe hore e be lebelo la masole.

Neng: June 15, 2017.

Parailer Trailer:

Banana ba babe haholo

WHO: Scarlett Johansson, Gillian Bell, Kate Mckinnon, Zoe Kravitz

"Banana ba Babe haholo", hammoho le "batšehetsi ba Malibula," ba itokisetsa ho qothisana lehlokoa le bamameli ba baholo haholo (ba baholo) . Morero ona o hlophisitsoe ka botlalo ke: Likhamphani tsa banana ba bokelletsoeng ka kharebe ea kharebe e tla tlameha ho tlosa mmele oa lehlaba leo ka phoso.

Neng: June 15, 2017.

Parailer Trailer:

Liteko Tse Thata

WHO: Colin Farrell, Nicole Kidman, Elnnut Dunst, El Fanning

"Lits'oaetso tse bolaeang" li na le motsamaisi oa linaleli e le kannete, e se nang motsamaisi oa linaleli ea nang le sphema sofia popila) ebile o se a ntse a tseba setšoantšo sa 1971 se nang le Callet Bochabela. Colin Farrell Farrell e tla tlameha ho bapala karolo ea lesole le neng ba loana ntoeng ea lehae ka boroa ho bokamoso ba ntlo e koahelang banana.

Neng: La 27 Phupu 2017.

Parailer Trailer:

Bahlahisi: Knight ea ho qetela

WHO: Mareka Wahlberg, Anthony Hopkins, Stanley Tucci, Jo de Duhamel

Michael Bay e hlahisa libeche tse khutlang Fress Fans ea "linaleli" tsa "linaleli" tse nang le likoloi tse theko e phahameng tsa lipapali, lits'itiso tsa tšebetso le lithaba tsa tšebetso. Bakeng sa ho fa bamameli setšoantšo se sa lebaleheng, le hoja a ile a haha ​​morati oa morati, oo a neng a phatloha ka cheseho ea 5 "ka mokhoa o hlakileng.

Neng: La 22 Phuptjane 2017.

Parailer Trailer:

Alobile ho drive

WHO: Mossail Elgort, Jamie Fox, John Bernal, John Hamm, Lily James

Motsamaisi le Motsamaisi Edgar, ba neng ba fa bamameli ba movights ", lehlabula le monate la Seana ba Movie . Karolo ea mantlha ke mokhanni oa ngoana oa mongobo ea thusang ba-Skick Scene - Ho bapala Encl Elver.

Neng: 24 Phato 24, 2017.

Parailer Trailer:

Spiderman: khutlela hae

WHO: Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr., Michael Kitton, Zendai, Marisa Tome

Motho oa boraro oa Sekho sa Boraro, "spiderman: khutlela hae," e khutletse ho khutla lipelong tsa matsoalloa a matsoalloa - mohlolo oa lifilimi. Ka ho khutla hae ", bamameli ba tla bontšoa ho feta koana ha ba thabile ka mor'a liketsahalo" li-superheroes ha li nke karolo, o na le eona ho lekane ka lira tsa hae le tse matla haholo.

Neng: La 6 Phupu 2017.

Planet Linekeng: Ntoa

WHO: Andy Serkis, Judi Greer, Leody Harrels

Lenane la litšoantšo tsa polanete: ntoa "e tla ba eng lebitsong le buang ka liphatsa tsa lefutso Harrelson), eo ho thoe o ile a leka ho "pholosa" botho - albit e ikhethang haholo.

Neng: Phupu 13, 2017.

Parailer Trailer:

Blonde e phatlohang

WHO: Karolina Theron, James Máwa, Sofia Buctucla, John Toechman

Haholo-holo ba neng ba se na nako e lekaneng ea ho nka karolo ea pokello ea mochesong e hatisitsoeng, "e phatloha", " lefokisi. Ho bonahala eka Charlize theron e otla batho ba bangata ho e 'ngoe ea Trandere e phatlohang ho feta vin pater bakeng sa "Lihlooho Tsohle Tsa" David "

Neng: La 27 Phupu 2017.


WHO: Tom Hardy, Kill Mursyphy, March Publicce, Kenneth Brahn, Harry Bear

Fans of the pop sehlopha se le seng se bitsa pōpo e ncha ea Christopher Nollana "filimi, e tla fa Oscar, Harry Stan." Leha ho le joalo, tšoantšiso ea sesole " "Litlamorao tse khethehileng li huleloa moea o khethehileng ho oona bamameli. Haeba lifilimi tse ling tsa likela tsa lehlabula li ntse li le hae, joale ka dunkirk, ke tlamelong ea ho ea cinema e sa lebaleheng maikutlo a sa lebaleheng.

Neng: La 20 Phupu 2017.

Parailer Trailer:

Bala Haholoanyane