Lenaneo la TV bakeng sa kajeno, la 21 Mmesa 2016, bakeng sa liteishene tsohle


Lenaneo la TV ka la 21 Mmesa 2016 Chankaneng ea pele

05:00 TV Channel "Lumela"

09:00 News

09:20 Reka Reka ea taolo

09:50 Live e kholo!

10:55 polelo e feshene

12:00 News ka Subtitles

12:15 e re ba re

13:25 Letlapa

13:55 Nako e tla bonts'a

15:00 News ka Subtitles

15:15 Nako e tla bontša

16:00 Mature / mosali

17:00 a le mong le motho e mong le e mong

18:00 Litaba tse nang le subtitles

18:45 A re nyakeng!

19:50 "A re ke bo bo bolele" le AndreI Malakhov


21:35 margarita Nazarova (7 le 8th letotong la 8)

23:40 mantsiboea Uthant

00: Maqhubu a bosiu bosiu

00:30 bosiu bo sheba (Konstantin Lavronenko)

01:25 nako e tla bontša

02:15 a le mong le motho e mong le e mong

03:00 News

03:05 a le mong le motho e mong le e mong

03: Sesole sa 20thmode

04: Ho reka ka theko e tlase

Lenaneo la TV ka la 21 Mmesa 2016 Russia

05: 00UTRO russia

09:00 Vesti

09: 15utro russia

09:55 mabapi le ntho ea bohlokoahali

11:00 Vesti

11:35 Nako ea Lehae. Vesti-moscow

11:55 liphiri tsa corollary-10 (gop emisa)

14:00 VESTI

14:30 Nako ea lehae. Vesti-moscow

14:50 Vesti. Mosebetsing

15:00 Alien ea hae ea mojaki oa hae (letoto la boraro - "Baahelani")

16:00 mojaki oa hae (letoto la 4 - "tokelo ho phoso")

17:00 VESTI

17:30 Nako ea Lehae. Vesti-moscow

17:50 VESTI

18:15 eve ether

19:35 nako ea lehae. Vesti-moscow

20:00 Vesti

21:00 lefeela TaKhonov ("E 'ngoe ea TIKhonov", karolo ea 1st)


23:00 Ntoa

00:40 Crimea. Majoe le molora

01:40 lebitso la motho (Laboraro la moea)

02: 15celovic femati (nomoro ea 'mele 1. Boko)

02:50 ka potlako ka phapusing. Tšebeletsong ea molao ("kalafo ea therapeutic, letoto la 1)

03:50 matšeliso

04:45 Vesti. Mosebetsing

Lenaneo la TV ka la 21 Mmesa 2016 ho NTV

05:00 balekane (Trophy)

06:00 hoseng hoseng

Ho khutlisa mukhtara-2 (monna ea lahlehileng)

10:00 kajeno

10: 20Smoscow. Liteishene tse tharo - tse 4 ("Botle ba sefahleho". "Scorpion ka mokotleng")

12:00 jury lekhotla

13:00 kajeno

13: 20 Tlhahlobo. Boemo ba tšohanyetso

13:50 sebaka sa liboka

15:00 Lefapha 44 (Photo)

16:00 kajeno

16: Li-lamps tse robehileng - li-ramps tse 14 ("lipilisi tsa 'mila". "Single ka tse tharo")

18:00 "Bua le ho Bontša" Le Leonid Zaagosky

19:00 kajeno

19:40 nevsky ("Mohato oa bohata." "Tlas'a ho belaela". "Tlas'a cap."

Liphetho tsa 22:30 tsa letsatsi

22:55 Lisebelisoa tsa Leoatle. Tornado-2 ("kotulo", letoto la 1 le 2nd)

Sebaka sa liboka 0050

02:00 Lekala

03:05 DOPATLED (serame)

Lenaneo la TV ka la 21 Mmesa 2016 setsing sa TV

05:10 Dr. CheKhov. Tlhahlobo ea Tlhahlobo ea Bahlōli


08:10 ngaka le ... (tokollo ea la 21 Tšitoe

08:40 Tšabo ea Bothata

10:35 DZHAGAGYALINYAN ka boeena

11:30 Liketsahalo

11:50 Ntate Brown (Letoto la 9 - "Mosali ea Tsofetseng".

13:35 "Mohale oa ka" ka Tatyana Ustinova (Tatyana Piletskaya)

14:30 Liketsahalo

14:50 Moskobosky Mapa Likronike tsa Bophelo. Moetso oa bohlanya

15:40 ho lelekisa lintho tse tharo tsa moriri (letoto la 4 le 4)

17:30 Toropo ea Litaba

17:40 bobe bo boholo le bonyenyane (letoto la 3 le 4)

19:40 Liketsahalo

20:00 Tsela ea ho Voting

21:45 Petrovka, 38

22:00 liketsahalo

22:30 10 Ka ho fetisisa ... (u sa thabele)

23:05 Soviet mafia (rekisa naleli)

Liketsahalo tsa 00:00. Hora ea 25th

00:30 Ntate o sootho (letoto la 7 - "lithunya tse tharo tsa polao". Letoto la 8 - "Mokokotlo oa Colonel)

02:10 bahlaseluoa ha ba na

03:40 Batho ba Borokhong

Mohala ka la 21 Mmesa 2016 ho Culp Channel

08:30 Euronews

10:00 News

10:15 e shebelletseng

11:15 Colombo (leano la ho bolaea)

12:35 Leleson Lazarev. Mohato ka ho sa feleng

13:05 melao ea bophelo

13:30 Russia, moratuoa oa ka! (Soyota - saboriginal sayan)

14:00 dosstovs (3rd letoto la 3)

15:00 News

15:10 mokhoa oa Russia (film 3rd - "e sekare")

15:35 cosmos - tsamaea ka sepakapakeng le ka nako (letoto la 8 - "likhaitseli tsa letsatsi")

16: Ho Utloa Khalefor

17:00 e ts'oenyehe le morethetho oa Alexander Deneki

17:45 Volsey Volpan Hamatova, Varonov, Valery Gergiev le The Symphony Orchestra ea Theatre ea Maineiinky ea The Ka lilemo tse 125 ho tloha tlase

18:35 Rafael.

18:45 Naleli ea hlokoa ea lehloeo. Oferuuta (Karolo ea 4 - "Kamoo makala a neng a le lilacs tse lokolloang lilacs")

19:15 e hantle, bana!

19:30 News News

19:45 Karolo ea Bohlokoa

20: 05 Hole Li-topos. Matheba a masoeu

20:45 Bophelo ba bophelo (ho lokolloa ha April 21)

21:15 Lirobolla tsa morara tsa Lavavo li Switzerland. Ngoana oa letsatsi le mararo

21:30 Phetoho ea setso

22:15 Cosmos - tsamaea ka sepakapakeng le nako (e letoto la 9 - "Motsoay Mothle")

23:00 Leonid Gakkel. Ha ke tšabe hore ke 'nete (letoto la 4)

23:30 News

23:40 khssovset

23:50 Dostonvsky (4th)

00:45 o shebelletse

01:45 Proppsia (Hokka)

01:55 Volodin, COLPIVA HAMATOVA, Valery Gergiev le Symphony Theatstra ea Mariinsky ea The Ka lilemo tse 125 ho tloha tlase

02:50 Rafael.

Lenaneo la TV ka la 21 Mmesa 2016 mabapi le tatso TV

05: 151 + 1

06:00 'nete eohle ka ...

06:30 O ka etsa ho feta!

07:30 News

07:35 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe ea papali!

09:30 News

09:35 melao ea hau

10:35 SEO

Tlhahlobo ea 10:40 England Englandrage

11: 10Futball. Championship ea England

13:11 Litaba

13:15 e holimo ho libapali tse 10 tsa bolo ea maoto

13:45 'Nete eohle ka ...

14:00 News

14:05 tsohle bakeng sa papali!


17:00 lifahleho tsa sefahleho (England)

17:30 Tura

Litaba tsa 18:00 News

18:05 tsohle bakeng sa papali!

18:45 sefahleho (Slovake)

19:15 Ke sebaka sa matla

19:45 Litaba

19:50 Ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ea papali!

20:25 Hockey. Eurotur. Live Broadcast (Sweden - Russia)

23:00 Ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe bakeng sa papali!

23:45 Mirrage ka leqhoa

02:15 Ho sesa ho. Bohahlauli ba Russia

03:15 April historing ea lipapali

03:25 hockey hockey. Sekopu sa lefats'e sa lefatše. 1/4 lintja. Live Broadcast ho tloha USA

Lenaneo la TV ka la 21 Mmesa 2016 ka sts

08:30 Mmino o ka har'a Sts

06:00 Batho ba batšo

06:55 Kolobalaa. Feela bakeng sa basebelisi ba marang-rang feela!

07:15 Smeshariki

07:30 Adventure Taio.

08:05 yelalash

09:30 Nakoana ka ntle

Marulelo a lefatše

10:30 letsoai.

12:25 Show "Ural Pelmeni" (e tšosang haholo)

13:30 Damplings (banna bohle)

14:00 Volina

16:30 kichineng

20:30 Premiere "Bophelo bo sa feleng"

21:00 Phelanie! "Marulelo a lefatše"

21:30 eelsium

23:40 Show "Ural Pelmeni" (tsoaka)

00: Li-dumplings tsa 00realian (kantle ho naha)

00:30 Show "Ural Pelmeni" (e tšosang haholo)

01:50 Pan American

03:30 Margosha

Lenaneo la TV ka la 21 Mmesa 2016 ho Ren-TV

05:00 1 Tširehano ea menyenyetsi "le Igor Prokopenko


07:00 e nang le Bedery More!

08:30 News

69:00 Tokisetso ea Litokomane (liphiri tsa lipolanete tse fofang)

Pejana projeke ea lingoliloeng (Armagedone)

11:00 projection (liphiri tsa sefofane se lahlehileng)

12:00 Lenaneo la tlhaiso-leseling la litaba 112

Litaba tse 12:30

Lirosa tse 13:00 Lawnwart

14:00 matsatsi a mararo bakeng sa ho bolaea

Lenaneo la tlhaiso-leseling la 16:05

Litaba tse 16:30

17:00 liphiri ho Chapman

18:00 ho feta hypothes

19:00 Lenaneo la Litaba 112

19:30 News

20:00 Poorenproy Monk

22:00 shebella bohle!

23:00 News

23:25 ngoanana ka ntle ho metsi

01:30 Hypothes

02:30 Mintrans

Ho lokisa ka tsela e tšepahalang

Lebaka la Phokotso "le Igor Prokopenko

Lenaneo la TV ka la 21 Mmesa 2016 ho TEN

05:00 Whert Blade (Letoto la 4 - "Boinehelo")

05:55 Horigage (2 Series - "e sa bonahaleng ea bophelo")

06:46 League's Ea mantlha

07:00 Sechabeng (3rd Series - "pina ea Ryan")

07:30 Litsebi (Series tse 13 - "Cum le Natisk")

08:00 restart (letoto la 110th)

09:00 ntlo-2. Litem.

10:25 Kea u rata, Beth Cooper

12:25 University (Seriti sa 58th - "litšusumetso tse tharo")

13: 00UNUNEXT (Lithato tse 59 - "Elenaer")

13:30 univesithi (Letoto la 60 - "Bofebe")

14:00 batho ba futsanehileng (letoto la 7)

14:30 Pychics e ea etsa lipatlisiso (Setoritho sa 89th)

16: 00univer. New Dom (Series sa 93- "'Mè Vali")

16:30 univesithing. New Dom (Series tse 94 - "Michael le Yana")

17: 00univer. New Dom (Series e le Lechato - "Bahamiso")

17:30 Univesithi. New Dom (Letoto la 96)

18:00 Interns (Letoto la 86th)

18:30 Interns (Letoto la 87th)

19:00 Interns (Setorithong sa 88)

19:30 Fizruk (letoto la 52)

20: 00pizruk (letoto la 53rd)

20:30 batho ba futsanehileng (letoto la 8)


23:05 house-2. Motse oa Lerato

00:05 House-2. Kamora ho likela ha letsatsi. Phetolelo e Khethehileng

01:05 Batho ba futsanehileng (letoto la 8)

01:35 Pool ea 2: lefu le tlang pele

03:30 Tnt-Club

03:35 Bontša: Ntoa ea Bokamoso (Letoto la 17 - "Re U Mong")

04:25 Ho bona (letoto la 12 "Dilemma ea motšoaruoa")

Lenaneo la TV ka la 21 Mmesa 2016 lapeng

05:00 Home Kend Kick

05:30 Jamie: lijo tsa mots'eare bakeng sa metsotso e 15 (letoto la 9 le la 9 le 10)

06:30 Jamie: Lulana ka metsotso e 15 (Letoto la 11 le 12)

07:30 6 Liromela

07:50 bakeng sa litakatso tsa bana

08:50 A RE TILE!

11:50 utloisisa. Tšoarela (Letoto la 237 le 23888)

13:00 Tassion Crimion (Letoto la 4)

14:00 lipehelo tsa konteraka-2 (letoto la 5)

15:00 Lipehelo tsa konteraka-2 (letoto la 6)

16:00 podlidyshi (film 7th - "tlasa lets'oao la mafahla", 1st le 2nd le 2nd)

18:00 6 Mesebetsi

18:05 O ngotse polao (Setoritoana Setoritoana - "Daeaanavy roud")

19:000 ho sebelisoa ha tumellano ea konteraka - 2 (letoto la 7)

20:000 lipehelo tsa konteraka-2 (letoto la 8)

21:00 podlidyshi (filimi ea 8 - "Heir", 1st le 2nd.)

23:00 Ke mo bolaile

00::00 6 Lifomai

00:30 Swarlet

02:00 Ha ho na lihlooho tsa ho lumelloa (12th - 14th letotong la 14)

Bala Haholoanyane