Lenaneo la TV bakeng sa kajeno, la 18 Mmesa, 2016, bakeng sa liteishene tsohle


Lenaneo la TV ka la 18 Mmesa, 2016 Seteisheneng sa pele

05:00 TV Channel "Lumela"

09:00 News

09:20 Reka Reka ea taolo

09:50 Live e kholo!

10:55 polelo e feshene

12:00 News ka Subtitles

12:15 e re ba re

13:25 Letlapa

13:55 Nako e tla bonts'a

15:00 News ka Subtitles

15:15 Nako e tla bontša

16:00 Mature / mosali

17:00 a le mong le motho e mong le e mong

18:00 Litaba tse nang le subtitles

18:45 A re nyakeng!

19:50 "A re ke bo bo bolele" le AndreI Malakhov


21:30 margarita Nazarova (le 2nd le 2nd)

23:30 mantsiboea a Urgant

00:00 Poster (Sergey Rogov)

01:00 litaba tsa bosiu tsa bosiu

01:15 Nako e tla bontša

02:05 a le mong le motho e mong le e mong

03:00 News

03:05 a le mong le motho e mong le e mong

03:10 polelo ea feshene

04:10 ho rekisa theko ea taolo

Lenaneo la TV ka la 18 Mmesa, 2016 Russia

05: 00UTRO russia

09:00 Vesti

09: 15utro russia

09:55 mabapi le ntho ea bohlokoahali

11:00 Vesti

11:35 Nako ea Lehae. Vesti-moscow

11:55 liphiri tsa lipatlisiso -10 (Jeed Jeep)

14:00 VESTI

14:30 Nako ea lehae. Vesti-moscow

14:50 Vesti. Mosebetsing

15:00 ntle le sebaka (letoto la 19)

16:00 ntle le pokello (letoto la 20)

17:00 VESTI

17:30 Nako ea Lehae. Vesti-moscow

17:50 VESTI

18:15 eve ether

19:35 nako ea lehae. Vesti-moscow

20:00 Vesti

21:00 Dithuto Takang TIKHONOV ("Mofuputsi", Karolo ea 1st)

22:00 lefeela TakiHov ("I - mofuputsi", karolo ea 2nd)

23:00 lefeela TaKhonov ("mabelo a vertical", karolo ea 1)

23:50 Tekano e tšepahalang

00:45 ntle le lipaki. Pavel Finight Khahlano le Shellenberg

01:45 ("bophahamo bo ikhethang", karolo ea 1st)

02: 20shwara ka phapusing. Tšebeletso ea Molao (Selena Samrai, Seleto sa Book)

03 :) Cannes. Savva morozov

04:15 ka phapusing

Lenaneo la TV ka la 18 Mmesa, 2016 ho NTV

05:00 Bareki (French)

06:00 hoseng hoseng

Ho khutla ka lemulara-2 (Kaine ka mabili)

10:00 kajeno

10: 20Smoscow. Liteishene tse tharo - tse 4 ("matla a mabe". "TOLL ea nyamela")

12:00 jury lekhotla

13:00 kajeno

13: 20 Tlhahlobo. Boemo ba tšohanyetso

13:50 sebaka sa liboka

Libaka tse 4:00 Lefapha 44 (chefo e liehang)

16:00 kajeno

16: 20 Lights tse robehileng - 14 ("Mokokotlo o Kotsi". "Basali ba basali")

18:00 "Bua le ho Bontša" Le Leonid Zaagosky

19:00 kajeno

19:40 nevsky ("Mosebetsi oa kelello". "Khokahano e belaetsang". "Ha ke Hes")

Liphetho tsa 22:30 tsa letsatsi

22:55 Lisebelisoa tsa Leoatle. Tornado-2 ("Litoroto tsa Mekete", 1st le 2nd le 2nd)

Sebaka sa liboka 0050

02:00 Patlisiso ea lipatlisiso ...

03:00 mofuputsi (H

Lenaneo la TV ka la 18 Mmesa, 2016 setsing sa TV

05:30 makunutu a cinema (eba monna oa ka)


08:10 Sasha-Sasha

09:35 bana ka Mantaha

11:30 Liketsahalo

11:50 "Posiccriptum" le Alexey pururkov

12:50 "bohareng ba liketsahalo" le Anna Prokhorova

13:55 mohala oa ts'ireletso (tokollo ea April 18)

14:30 Liketsahalo

14:50 Kopano ea litoropo

15:35 litsela tse tharo (letoto la 1 le 2nd)

17:30 Toropo ea Litaba

17:40 Lintho tse bolaeang le balateli ba bona (1st le le 2nd)

19:40 Liketsahalo

20:00 Tsela ea ho Voting

21:45 Petrovka, 38

22:00 liketsahalo

22:30 "Bokella ka tlase ho shahre." SpocFod

23:05 ntle le ho qhekella. Ho omella, li-cookiebread cookies

Liketsahalo tsa 00:00. Hora ea 25th

00:30 Tlhalo le Lebitso la moroetsana

04:05 Fate Marina

Lenaneo la TV ka la 18 Mmesa, 2016 Setso sa Channel

08:00 Euronews

10:00 News

10:15 e shebelletseng

11:15 naheng ea lapeng

12: 20 Living life Luxey Leonov)

13:25 Bophelo bo bonolo

15:00 News

15:10 lenyalo ka Setaliana

16:50 Lintho tsa Bohlokoa (Theko ea Bust Victoryossev)

17:05 Nina Glyeva. Theatre ke litaki

17:45 Olga Borodina, Valery Gergiev, Symphony Orchestra le Choir of the The Mariinsky Theatre. Ka lilemo tse 125 ho tloha Sergei Pokonyov

18:30 Kamchatka. Paradeise e se nang mollo

18:45 Naleli ea hlokoa ea lehloeo. Oferuuta (karolo ea 1 - "ka hats tse pharaletseng, li jekete tse telele")

19:15 e hantle, bana!

19:30 News News

19:45 Karolo ea Bohlokoa

20:05 Sati. Classic Classic ... (Elena Popovskaya le Mikhail Casinik)

20:45 melao ea bophelo (ho lokolloa ha April 18)

21s Island eland Eland. Serapa sa lipalesa ho lehoatateng la Stone

21:30 "Khabareng ea Alexander Arkhangelk

22:15 Cosmos - tsamaea ka sepakapakeng le ka nako (letoto la 6 - "Ho teba, ho tebile ebile le tebile")

23:00 Leonid Gakkel. Ha ke tšabe hore ke 'nete (letoto la 1)

23:30 News

23:40 khssovset

23:50 Dostonvs (Letoto la 1)

00:45 o shebelletse

01:40 Olga Borodina, Valery Gergiev, Symphony Orchestra le Choir of the The Mariinsky Theatre. Ka lilemo tse 125 ho tloha Sergei Pokonyov

02:25 Algorithm Berg

Lenaneo la TV ka la 18 Mmesa, 2016 ho TV

06:30 O ka etsa ho feta!

07:30 News

07:35 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe ea papali!

09:30 News

09:35 melao ea hau

10:35 SEO

Tlaleho e khethehileng ea 10:40 (Leicester)

11: 00Football. Championship ea England ("Leicester" - "West Ham")

13:00 News

13:05 euro euro 2016. Ho ba ka sehlooho

13:35 News

13:40 Ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e tsamaellanang le papali!

14:15 Professiing e hlalosang (N. Potapov - S. Yang. A. meno - k. setšabelo

Litaba tse 16:30

16:35 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe ea papali!

17: 20CAPANS

18: 20news

18:25 phaello ea phaello

19: 20news

19:25 Ho shoa Ronkalfele Continentl

19:55 hockey. Sekopu sa lefats'e sa lefatše. Live Broadcast T in USA (Russia - Latvia)

22:30 basketball. Euroleuah. Banna. 1/4 ea ho qetela ("CZCZEN NAR" (Serbia) - CSKA (Russia))

00:30 Ntho e ngoe le e ngoe bakeng sa papali!

01:15 ho sesa. Bohahlauli ba Russia

02:30 Tlholo ea Bophelo

03:30 Ho hema bobeli

04:00 o tsoetsoe ho hapa

Lenaneo la TV ka la 18 Mmesa, 2016 ho STS

05: 00902.

10: Moloko o mocha

'Mino oa 05:50 Sts

06:00 Batho ba batšo

07:00 ba boima ba batho

09:00 Yealash

09:40 Dobrynya Nikitich le Snake Gorynych

11:00 E kholo ho Evanizer

13:30 Doomplings (kantle ho naha)

14:00silitinator-3. Ho Tsoha Mechine

31:00. Leholimo. E se eka Mopholo o ka hlaha

18:00 Kichine

20:30 Premiere "Bophelo bo sa feleng"

21:00 Phelanie! "Marulelo a lefatše"

21:30 Premiere "Ho hlasela Ntlong e Mosoeu"

00: 00risty dumplings (tsohle tse mabapi le bo-nkhonosisi)

00:30 "cinema ka ho qaqileng" le Fedr BandarthKuk

01:30 Lisebelisoa

04: 00902.

10: Moloko o mocha

Lenaneo la TV ka la 18 Mmesa, 2016 ho Ren-TV

Litereke tse ka ntle ho 05:00


07:00 e nang le Bedery More!

08:30 News

09:00 "Mystery ea sesole" le Igor Prokopenko (karolo ea 1)

11:00 projeke (baqapi ba li-Frankenteins)

12:00 Lenaneo la tlhaiso-leseling la litaba 112

Litaba tse 12:30

Lirosa tse 13:00 Lawnwart

Libetsa tsa Mortal Dast

16:00 Lenaneo la Tlhahisoleseling 112

Litaba tse 16:30


18:00 ho feta hypothes

19:00 Lenaneo la Litaba 112

19:30 News

20:00 khutlela ho mohale

22:00 e lebelletsoe ka Serussia

23:00 News

23:25 Deja Vu

01:50 hypothes e nyarosang ka ho fetisisa

Marapa a sephiri a 02:50

03:50 sephiri ho qoqa

04:45 "Tšitiso ea Haur Prokopenko

Lenaneo la TV ka la 18 Mmesa, 2016 ka TNT

05:30 ho bona (letoto la 9 - "sesosa sa lefu")

06: 20aza leaguey: bashanyana, chelete le lerato (letoto la 30)

07:00 Sean Street (Setsi sa 1st - "khutlela hae")

07:30 Balekane (Letoto la 11 - "Archi")

08:00 restart (letoto la 108th)

09:00 ntlo-2. Litem.

10:30 mets: Qalo ea Legend

12:25 bachelor (letoto la 6)

14:00 batho ba futsanehileng (letoto la 4)

14:30 Psychics e etsa lipatlisiso (letoto la 87th)

16: 00univer. New Dom (Letoto la 81st)

16:30 univesithing. New Dom (Setorithong se 82)

17: 00univer. New Dom (Setoritho se Nyane)

17:30 Univesithi. New Dom (Series tse 84 tsa seriki - "scotch")

18:00 Interns (Letoto la 77th)

18:30 Interns (Letoto la 78th)

19:00 Interns (Letoto la 79th)

19:30 Fizruk (Setoto sa 49th)

20: 00pizruk (letoto la 50)

20:30 batho ba futsanehileng (letoto la 5)

21:00 SDOKHni, John Tucker!

23:00 ntlo-2. Motse oa Lerato

00::00 ntlo-2. Kamora ho likela ha letsatsi. Phetolelo e Khethehileng

01::00 Batho ba futsanehileng (letoto la 5)

01:30 Matla a Austin: SPY, ea ileng a nkisa

03: 20TERminator: Ntoa ea Bokamoso (Letoto la 15 - Lipina tsa Lehoatateng ")

04:15 ho bona (letoto la 10 - "ka morao khalase")

Lenaneo la TV ka la 18 Mmesa, 2016 lapeng

05:25 6 basebetsi

05:30 Jamie: lijo tsa mots'eare ka metsotso e 15 (letoto la 3 le 4)

06:30 Jamie: lijo tsa mots'eare ka metsotso e 15 (letoto la bohlano)

07:30 6 Liromela

07:50 bakeng sa litakatso tsa bana

08:50 A RE TILE!

11:50 utloisisa. Tšoaea (231M le Letoto la 232)

13:00 Casion Casion (letoto la 1st)

14:00 Actions (Letoto la 7)

15:00 Actions (Letoto la 8)

16:00 podlidyshi (film 4th - "Anton le antoshka", 1st le 2nd le 2nd)

18:00 6 Mesebetsi

18:05 O ngotse polao (Series tse 79th - "Doodling sexury")

19:000 ho sebelisoa ha tumellano ea konteraka-2 (letoto la 1)

20:000 lipehelo tsa konteraka-2 (letoto la 2)

21:00 podlidyshi (filimi 5th - "Bridge", 1st le 2nd.)

23:00 Ke mo bolaile

00::00 6 Lifomai

00:30 Lerato le hlaha

02:50 ha ho lihlooho tse thibetsoeng (letoto la 7 le 8)

04:50 6 frames

Bala Haholoanyane