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Bentang lumpat pisan saderhana inpormasi anu imrésina sacara agrésif kalakuanana ngan ukur nuju kana pamajikanana, tapi ogé dina ayana budak lami taun. Mara Lane, pasangan aktor, hapunten ka sadaya panumpang tina liner sareng nyerat pos di Instagram. "Dalapan bulan soebrity sareng hiji dinten anu henteu berhasil pikeun penerbangan. Kami di Amérika kidul, dimana aranjeunna ngayakeun program khusus ku waktos beurang, anu ngarah kana hal ieu. Dina kaayaan sapertos kitu, anjeunna ngan saukur teu ngartos akibat. Jonathan Sigries anu teu hormat kuring, panumpang, anggota sareng anggota pulisi. Hatur nuhun pikeun dukungan anjeun, urang teras tarung gumantungna, "nyerat jalur.

8 months of sobriety and an unfortunate day of airline travel. We were in South America specifically working holistically through anger issues that result in these kinds of episodes. When in it... he is not in a frame of mind where he can really even comprehend the repercussions and necessary response to his own actions. J IS extremely sorry for any inconveniences caused to anyone traveling yesterday. There was no argument, just me asking him to not use his e cig per stewardess’ request to me and him not being himself, speaking very very unkindly. It was out of his character. It was unbeknownst to me anything that happened on flight, as I was with my son with a privacy wall up. We are home safe and he is feeling deeply sorry for any remote disrespect afforded to me, attendants, onlookers or officers. Thank you for your compassion on this ongoing battle with addiction we are in

Публикация от Mara Lane ???✨❤???✌? (@maralanerhysmeyers)

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