Britney Spears atakuwa shangazi kwa mara ya pili


Spears dada mdogo tayari ana binti mwenye umri wa miaka 8, na msichana mwenye umri wa miaka 26 aliamua kuwa sasa ni wakati wa kufanya mtoto mwingine. Ukweli kwamba yeye na mke wake mwenye umri wa miaka 35 Jamie Watson atakuwa mtoto, Jamie anaandika katika Instagram: "Nataka kuanza 2018 na tangazo muhimu. Ninafurahi sana kuwaambia kwamba Maddie hivi karibuni atakuwa dada mkubwa. Mwaka ulioondoka ulikuwa vigumu sana kwetu, bali pia umebarikiwa. Ninataka kuwa toleo la kuboresha mwenyewe. Nilifanya kazi kwenye albamu yangu mwaka mzima, ambayo nitawaambia hadithi yangu binafsi. Siwezi kusubiri, wakati ninashiriki na wewe. " Hivyo, Jamie aliripoti tu kuhusu ujauzito wake, lakini pia alitangaza pato la albamu ya muziki, ambayo itatolewa mwaka ujao.

Looks like we are starting off 2018 with another big milestone...sooo happy to announce that Maddie is FINALLY going to be a big sister??2017 was filled with some of the biggest challenges of my life, as well as some of the biggest blessings, so I made a choice to lay low this year to focus on truly becoming my best self as a person and as an artist. During that time, I continued working on my music and telling my story, which has created some of my most honest work and I CANT wait to share that with you all very soon. 2018 is going to be filled with many milestones both personally and professionally. I appreciate each of you for your patience and support through it­ all. 2018 has a lot coming, so GET READY........ #12DaysofJLS

Публикация от Jamie Lynn Spears (@jamielynnspears)

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