Emmi Rossum "Şamesnnik" -dan gelen "Şamesnnik", Kameron Monhan


Kameron "Umamesniki" gaýdyp gelendigini "utimleeditsni" -dan "Şamesizni" -den gaýdyp, resmi yglan edilende howlukmady. 10 ýyl bäri işleýändigini kim bilen meşgullanýandyklaryny we onuň "ikinji maşgalasyndan kowrandygyny boýun aldy we" ikinji maşgalasyndan kowman öldürendigini boýun aldy ».

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I have been a series regular on this show for roughly ten years. I was the tender age of fifteen when we shot the pilot, and I came of age in so many ways, both legally and personally. I was very lucky to mature and grow with this show. Experiencing so many firsts, maturing as an actor, a professional, and a human. In the process gaining friends, family, and the best coworkers a very lucky actor could ask for, and for this I can be nothing but gracious. All good things come to an end. An old cliche, but one that rings true with a sincerity and clarity especially in moments like these. Everything ends. The next episode will be my last. I have known since last year, but I didn’t want to give it away too early as I wanted this season to be a surprise for the audience, allowing them to experience Ian’s unsure journey with his character. This role has been a joy to inhabit, a wild and special ride, and I’d like to thank #Shameless as well as you, the viewers, for being there with him. Goodbye, Ian Clayton Gallagher. We’ll meet again?

Публикация от Cameron Monaghan (@cameronmonaghan)

Bir aý öňli aýlanyp, Emmi rossum habar berdi. Tere garşy 9-njy möwşesi onuň gerpine edeniň gutarjakdygyny, şondan soň hemmelere garaşylmadyk sözleri bilen heläk bolandyklary üçin bu çykyşlar üçin çykyş etdiler we jena idegine öwrenişenim üçin hiç zat etmezlige uçmady. Belem, onuň karary Dykyz süştje bilen baglanyşykly, sebäbi aktýorlar "Ponam" we degişme oýnaýar. Kameron, nägilelik bildirýän bu teswirden gelendigi üçin ýüze çykmady.

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