Ian Somer Halalder, Nikki gutlag gutyny gutlady


Nikki 29 ýaşyndaka öwrüldi we şu çäräni başdan geçirip, Instagram-da surata düşdi we oňa gutlaglara üns beren jabady ýerleşdirdi. "Bilýän hemmeleriň iň gowy şahsyýetiniň doglan güni ... Men ähli sebäplere görä jaň etmeýärin, sebäbi seni tanaýan ýa-da hem sizi tanamaýar, elbetde, elbetde meniň bilen ylalaşmaýaryn. Bu siziň günüňizdir. Söýgi we emit ýaly, maýman ýaly, hemmämiz üçin ýoly ýagtylandyrýar. Meni jaýyň howpsuz kenarlaryna eýerýän we durmuşyň howply kenarlaryndan alyp, durmuşyň howply suwlaryndan alyp barýan söýgiňiz ... her täze gün, seniň gözelligiň we energiýanyňyza ynanýaryn. Men siziň bilen durmuş gurýandygyma nädip bagtlydygyma ynanýaryn. Söýgi bilen ýen.

Gezelenç we Somer Haldraler, birek-birege aşyk bolan janköýerlerini yzygiderli alýarlar. Recentlyakynda toý ýubileýi bilen gutladylar, olaryň söýgüsiniň nähili beýikdigini ýazdylar. Birnäçe gün ozal "Ilkinji" -a garaşýan "-niň" -iň maglumaty bilýärdi.

Happy Birthday to the most amazing human I know... Today, we celebrate you. For an innumerable amount of reasons I couldn't even begin to describe, as all of those who know you and those who even don't know you, would agree. It's your day. The love and light you radiate to the world shines like a beacon for all to see. Its that love and light that guides me to the safe shores of home from the turbulent and sometimes treacherous waters of life. Thank you for your tireless pursuit of spreading good, being an instrument of change and seamlessly weaving the complex threads of our lives together into the warmest, softest and most magical blanket. Every day I get to watch you being you I'm constantly reminded of your beauty and prowess and how lucky I am to share this life with you. These are some of my favorite snapshots of the last three years together... Love, Ian

Публикация от iansomerhalder (@iansomerhalder)

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