Marion Cotiyar Anjelina Jolie we Brad Petýanyň aýrylyşmagy barada resmi taýdan teswir berdi


Aktrisa aç-açan häzirki ýagdaý hakda näme pikir edýändigini aýtdy. Instagram-da barda Marionda adatça şeýle täzeliklere üns bermeýändigini, ýöne bu ýagdaýda söýen adamlaryň nakyl baradaky kadadan çykma etmek kararyna gelmegi karar etdi. Aktrisa, söýgüli adamyň ogluny ýokarlandyrmakdan hoşaldygyny aýtdy. Kokatlaýdakarlar hem maşgalasynda wagtlaýyn dolduryljakdygyny hem boýun aldy. Wayole ýoly aýdana, göwreliligi baradaky aksiýanyň ilkinji resmi jümişi boldy.

Marion KatsiARI ýazdy: "Bu, soňky 24 sagat we içege gijiken habarlaryň soňy. Men beýle zatlary teswir bermek ýa-da çynlakaý duýmak üçin ulanmadym. Iöne, ýagdaý ýalpyldawuk we söýýän adamlara täsir edýändigime täsir edýär, men gürlemeli boldum. Ilki bilen birnäçe ýyl ozal durmuşymyň kakasy, oglumyň kakasy, indi garaşýan çagamyň kakasy bilen tanyşdym. Ol meniň söýgim, iň gowy dostum we maňa gerekli ýeke-täk adamym. Ikinjiden, meni depressiýa çagyranlara aýtmak isleýärin, gowy, sag boluň. Bu sesi döredenok, dünýäniň soňy däl.

El ýazuwynyň netijesini berýän ähli media we ýigrenýänleriň hemmesi muňa mähirli ýoldaşlyk bilen tüýs ýürekden bejeriş arzuw edýärin. Ahyrynda, dünýä çuňňur hormat goýýan perişina we bad isleýärin, dünýä rahat wagtyny gazandy. Söýgi, marion bilen.

This is going to be my first and only reaction to the whirlwind news that broke 24 hours ago and that I was swept up into. I am not used to commenting on things like this nor taking them seriously but as this situation is spiraling and affecting people I love, I have to speak up. Firstly, many years ago, I met the man of my life, father of our son and of the baby we are expecting. He is my love, my best friend, the only one that I need. Secondly to those who have indicated that I am devastated, I am very well thank you. This crafted conversation isn't distressing. And to all the media and the haters who are quick to pass judgment, I sincerely wish you a swift recovery. Finally, I do very much wish that Angelina and Brad, both whom I deeply respect, will find peace in this very tumultuous moment. With all my love Marion Ceci sera la première et seule réaction que j'aurai concernant la déferlante inouïe qui à commencé il y a de ça 24 heures et à laquelle je suis mêlée malgré moi. Je n'ai pas pour habitude de commenter ni de prendre au sérieux le tas d'absurdités déversées à mon sujet mais la situation prenant une telle tournure et affectant des gens que j'aime, je me dois de m'exprimer. Pour commencer, j'ai rencontré il y a quelques années l'homme de ma vie , le père de notre fils et du bébé que nous attendons aujourd'hui. Il est mon amour, mon meilleur ami et le seul homme dont j'ai besoin. Ensuite, à ceux qui me prétendent dévastée, je vais très bien merci. Ce genre d'inventions aberrantes ne m'affecte en aucun cas. Et pour finir, à la "presse", à tous les haters, trolls et consorts qui ont le jugement si rapide je vous souhaite sincèrement... un prompt rétablissement. Ceci dit et un peu plus sérieusement, je souhaite à Angelina et Brad, deux personnes pour qui j'ai un profond respect, de trouver la paix dans ce moment tumultueux. Avec tout mon amour. Marion

Фото опубликовано @marioncotillard

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