Devid Bekxem, Jeyson Statham va Gay Rie push-uplarda marafonni tashkil etishdi


Satrda uch kun davomida Statham, Bekxam va Richie dahshatli diqqatga sazovor o'yin tomosha - har kuni yaxshi imoni, har kuni ularning pushaklarining videoni ajratib turadi (muddati 60 soniya davomida uchrashishga harakat qiling Instagram video).

Nega bularning barchasi boshlandi: Gay Riti Jeyson Stathamni chaqiradi

Jeyson Statim qiyinchilikni qabul qiladi:

@22PushupChallenge @jaseflem123 @guyritchie

Видео опубликовано Jason Statham (@jasonstatham)

Va yugurib ketdi!

Day 2 Statham sort of came through. He opted for the easy push ups, sadly. Anyway, I am roping in the football star now. @davidbeckham

Видео опубликовано Guy Ritchie (@guyritchie)

To honor those who serve and to raise awareness for veteran suicide. Real heroes that need help. @22pushupchallenge #22kill @guyritchie

Видео опубликовано Jason Statham (@jasonstatham)

@22pushupchallenge #22kill #reallifeheroes #bravestwarriors @guyritchie

Видео опубликовано Jason Statham (@jasonstatham)

Mr Richie's challenge to myself day 2. @guyritchie

Видео опубликовано David Beckham (@davidbeckham)

Ko'proq o'qing