Emva kwe-8 yemifanekiso ephosakeleyo, i-gabriel Union yaqala ukuba ngunina


Inkwenkwezi yefilimu "I-BRODS Guys 2" ikhuphe i-autobiography "Sifuna iwayini engakumbi", eyaxelelwa malunga nemizamo ebuhlungu yokuba nabantwana. "Ndizamile ukukhulelwa iminyaka emithathu. Kulo lonke ixesha, ndandilungiselela i-ECO, okanye ndigqibile, okanye ndiyigqibile inkqubo. Kwiminyaka edlulileyo ndizifumene izinto ezisibhozo okanye ezisithoba, "umosi obhala. Ngenxa yoko, amaqabane acetyiswa kwaye asebenzisa iinkonzo zikamama omama.

NgoNovemba 7, intombi yabo yokuqala yavela emhlabeni, kwaye uGabriel wabelana ngovuyo kunye nababhalisi kwi-Instagram. Phantsi kweefoto zosapho ezintathu, wabhala: "Usuku olumnandi! Asizange silale, kodwa sonwabile sazisa ukuba umntwana wethu omangalisayo wazalwa usebenzisa umama othethelwa ngoNovemba 7. Ngoku lo mhla uya kuhlala ezintliziyweni zethu njengosuku oluhle lobomi bethu. Wamkelekile kwiParty, emnandi! "

Igama lentombi aliziwa. Imanyano yeGabriel, lo ngumntwana wokuqala, kodwa hayi amava okuqala umama. Ngokudibeneyo kunye neqabane lakhe liphaphazela, uphakamise oonyana abathathu ukusuka kwimitshato yangaphambili. Ngoku kwintsapho enobuhlobo iye yaba yinto enye.

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram

As parents who are raising black boys in Florida, a "Stand Your Ground" and "Open Carry" state, @dwyanewade and I know firsthand the fear, anxiety and frustration that goes hand in hand when so many demonize, weaponize and criminalize black and brown bodies. This wedding pic is right when the boys were preteens, and the reactions to them started to change from "oh how cute” to “clutch the pearls.” #AmericanSon effectively and beautifully details this experience and we are proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with such a dynamic group of creatives, producers and investors to bring this powerful play to life. We are humbled. We are honored. We are ready. Thank you @kerrywashington for bringing us on board for this incredible journey. @americansonplay

Публикация от Gabrielle Union-Wade (@gabunion)

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