漂亮的Chopra和Nick Jonas分享了婚礼的第一个照片


令人愉快的Chopra在她的页面上发布了一系列照片,恋人和客人庆祝Mehendi仪式。新娘穿上彩色纱丽和传统的印度珠宝,她的手和脚涂上了指甲花。 “我们关系给我们的最特别的事情之一是将我们的家人结合在互相尊重信仰和传统的情况下。在一个假期中连接两个不同文化的元素是一个令人惊叹的体验。梅亨迪是印度女孩最重要的婚礼仪式,我们举行了它和梦想,“Chopra写道。

周日,婚姻最大和愉快的一部分,所有客人聚集在一起。乔纳斯兄弟全歌在舞台上表演,Chopra负责人改为豪华的银色纱丽,与朋友和亲戚在印度动机下跳舞。 “这一切都始于两个家庭之间的歌曲和舞蹈的绝望竞争,而且它结束了,因为它应该是,爱情的胜利”,“新娘与订户分享。尼克乔纳斯支持她的页面并写道:“我们都非常感谢他们从我们所爱的人和朋友那里收到的努力和爱情。什么是家庭生活的美妙开始!“

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It all began as a fierce song & dance competition between the families but ended, as always, as a huge celebration of love. Nick and I were looking forward to the Sangeet (musical evening), another pre wedding ritual.. and to see what each side had put together. And what a performance it was. Each family telling our stories through song and dance, filled with lots of laughter and love. We were both filled with gratitude for the effort, the love and the laughter and will carry the memories of this special evening for the rest of our lives. It is an amazing start to a lifetime of togetherness for our families and friends...#grateful @nickjonas ?/?: @calebjordanlee @josevilla @josephradhik

Публикация от Priyanka Chopra (@priyankachopra)
