Miley Cyrus反对Dolce&Gabbana


Domenico Dolce和Stefano Gabbana的意大利设计师成为她批评的对象。几天前,Miley的兄弟23岁的Bruson Cyrus参加了米兰的Dolce&Gabbana男性集合的展示。在这个场合,歌手在Instagram中发布了一张兄弟的照片,伴随着它的奇怪记录。她在讲台上首次亮相,触摸了Bryson,但随后补充说:“D&G,我不能同意你的政策!但我支持你的努力来支持年轻艺术家并为他们提供平台,使他们充满力量!“麦莉的意思是什么,谈到品牌政策,她没有解释。但是,习惯于不同的丑闻的设计人员只是答复了。 “我们是意大利人,我们并不担心政治。美国政策甚至令人担忧,“斯特凡诺加巴巴娜说。

Congrats @braisonccyrus on walking in your 1st runway show.... It's never been my little brothers dream to be a model as HE is one of the most talented musicians my ears have ever been given the gift of hearing.... BUT it is a Cyrus family trait to try everything once (within reason HA) and to embrace opportunities that encourage you to step out of your comfort zone! We believe in trying something new everyday! I love you Prince Suga Bear and seriously congratulations on your experience! I am so proud of you always.... From Nashville to Italy! ?❤?❤?❤ PS D&G, I STRONGLY disagree with your politics.... but I do support your company's effort to celebrate young artists & give them the platform to shine their light for all to see!

Публикация от Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus)

最有可能的是,麦莉的不满是由着名的设计师支持美丽亚特朗普,美国总统的配偶造成的。 Melania是一个大品牌粉丝,经常进入Dolce&Gabbana的服装,这因某种原因导致别人的负面,甚至成为抵制品牌的原因。但Dolce和Gabbana知道他们的衣服粉丝不仅仅是不友好的,所以稳步容忍任何收费。
