视频:Duane Johnson停止了在扇子的道路上停止运动


一个视频与一个年轻人跑到汽车上去的窗户,并要求制作自拍照,演员在他的Instagram上发布 - 在视频约翰逊与粉丝拍摄并承认他的粉丝比世界上最好的人更好,虽然略微“打结”。但是,当然,这段视频中最好的是一个人的反应,以便用他的偶像拍照。

Yeah but sometimes traffic is just gonna have to wait to make fans happy ? I was driving in my pick up truck after work and my guy here pulled up beside me, recognized me and started freaking out. I rolled the passenger window down to say hello and then he REALLY freaked out. Jumped out of his rig and came around to my side where he stood in the oncoming traffic lane. He said, "Holy shit Rock you're my hero, can I take a picture with you?" I said yeah man but let's pull over to the side and .. before I could even finish he was gone like a flash, "Hold on let me get my phone".. The light's turned green and now cars are coming towards him and driving around him. Not one car was beeping their horn because I'm sure they thought some road rage was going down. No rage, just some big, brown, bald tattooed man in his pick up truck taking selfies in traffic. This dude put a grateful smile on my face and got a big ass laugh outta me as well. Besides the traffic jam we caused and his ass almost getting hit by oncoming traffic, making fans like this happy will always be the best part of fame. Thanks dude for making my day. ?? #INeedDarkerWindowTint #GreatestFansInTheWorld

Публикация от therock (@therock)
