凱亞,舉動:16歲的女兒凱特苔蘚成為時尚品牌Marc Jacobs的臉


在Instagram賬戶中,Marc Jacobs Beauty,新品牌廣告活動的第一張照片出現在哪個年輕的LILA。這個女孩代表了春季收集的化妝手段,攝影師會議是David Sims。


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When I met @lilamoss for the first time in 2008, I was on a holiday in Ibiza and went to Formentera for the day to visit with her mom, Kate Moss, and other friends and family. At just 6 years old, Lila’s strong character, demeanor and great beauty was already very apparent. The next time I saw Lila was in August of 2011 at Kate’s wedding, her character was even more dynamic and her beauty even greater. This past July is the last time I saw Lila when Kate brought her to the set of our @marcbeauty campaign shoot with @davidsimsofficial. It was a bit surreal to have Kate in the studio with Lila as it brought back memories of the first time I met Kate when she was 18 years old and cast to walk for the Perry Ellis’ Spring/Summer 1993 Grunge Collection. Kate and I became very close after the Grunge Collection and remain lifelong friends (much of which is very well documented!). When Lila came to NYC to work with us in July to be the face of our latest beauty campaign it felt a bit like an intersection of my personal and professional life coming full circle as we gathered in the studio with @davidsimsofficial, @kegrand, @guidopalau, @dianekendal and @katemossagency. It is with great pride and a full heart that I share this (first) image from our shoot with the incredible @lilamoss in her first ever campaign for @marcbeauty. Lila’s beauty, composure, patience and kindness made this project even more special than I could have imagined. With each look we photographed, she got into each character effortlessly and gracefully. Thank you, Lila, for being a part of this extremely special project and thank you, @katemossagency and @jeffersonhack for allowing us the privilege to work with your beautiful daughter. Love, Marc

Публикация от Marc Jacobs (@themarcjacobs)




現在沒有時間,心情,甚至新年的裝飾現在讓雖然既多樣化,但往往沒有額外的資金和不必要的資金?沒問題。在本文中,我們會告訴您如何在不花大部分時間,力量和手段的情況下裝飾房子。方法第一:花環經典裝飾已成為新年假期的象徵。銷售中有非常便宜的花環,購買不會擊中你的錢包,他們將立即解釋房子。科學的事實:秋冬抑鬱症往往與日光持續時間的減少直接相關。花環舒緩的燈,增加了身體的基調,改善睡眠,只是提高心情。您可以通過為您家中的任何房間提供節日氛圍來懸掛花環:我已經成為將花環放在窗戶上的傳統選擇。 Girlands可以放在一個美麗的花瓶或罐子裡。對於很多美,您可以在電池上購買花環,然後您無需隱藏電線。鏡子周圍的花環將在走廊或臥室裡營造舒適的氛圍。花環可以被擋住在牆上,給出一個美麗的形狀,例如,聖誕樹的形狀或帶管子的房子。你可以裝飾詩歌選門或欄杆。如果您擔心消防安全,在購買花環時,請與賣家一起檢查,是否裝有LED燈。這種燈沒有加熱,危險不代表。現在幾乎所有的花環都是這樣的。方法第二:伸展,球和Mishura在整個家庭的空間的釋放牆上,您可以在新年祝賀或願望掛斷。現在它可以很容易地在銷售時找到,但是從互聯網上打印字母和符號(雪花,聖誕樹,鹿,數字2020)。就像花環的設計一樣,閃亮絲可以裝飾門口,窗戶,花瓶,鏡子和牆壁。在這種情況下,您可以與花環一起玩金屬絲組合。才不太喜歡Mishur,最好在低調顏色中選擇它,否則它會產生一個無線的。球或任何其他玩具都可以掛在吊燈上,在窗戶上(附著在簷口)上,放在花瓶裡。更時尚地看著一個顏色和風格的球。方法三:聖誕花環最近,這是一個裝飾,善於裝飾西方國家的入口門,征服了我們公民的心。難怪,這種花圈是美麗的,為那些無法在家安裝它的人提供一個很好的選擇。現在有各種各樣的聖誕花環...