

這部電影的明星“壞人2”發布了自傳“我們需要更多的葡萄酒”,這講述了有孩子的痛苦嘗試。 “我試圖懷孕三年。在這段時間內,我要么準備Eco,要么經歷它,或完成程序。多年來,我經歷了八分之一或九個流產,“女星寫道。因此,建議配偶並使用代理母親的服務。


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Daddy's Girl ??????

Публикация от Gabrielle Union-Wade (@gabunion)


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As parents who are raising black boys in Florida, a "Stand Your Ground" and "Open Carry" state, @dwyanewade and I know firsthand the fear, anxiety and frustration that goes hand in hand when so many demonize, weaponize and criminalize black and brown bodies. This wedding pic is right when the boys were preteens, and the reactions to them started to change from "oh how cute” to “clutch the pearls.” #AmericanSon effectively and beautifully details this experience and we are proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with such a dynamic group of creatives, producers and investors to bring this powerful play to life. We are humbled. We are honored. We are ready. Thank you @kerrywashington for bringing us on board for this incredible journey. @americansonplay

Публикация от Gabrielle Union-Wade (@gabunion)
