

昨天,Chopra的愉快成為觀察的客人會發生什麼現場表演。演示者對女演員進行了快速採訪,一個接一個地進行觸摸和挑釁性問題。所以觀眾了解到尼克喬納斯在婚禮上比其他任何人都在婚禮上哭了。 “他摔倒了,就像我一樣。在我去祭壇之前,我有一個可怕的時刻。不僅,我遲到了40分鐘,在我身後的一個巨大的面紗,我不知道該怎麼辦。但隨後門打開,我看到了他的臉,我們都讓淚水,“令人愉快的話。

淚流滿面的流和口語性別:令人愉快的chopra告訴尼克喬納斯的家庭生活 155503_1

不太有趣的是問題,無論是性函件的配偶是否安排或全面的Facetime會議,當他們沒有看到很長一段時間。 Chopra簡單地回答了這個問題:“發生了。”演示者無法抗拒,並從喬納斯兄弟們提出最好的禮物問題。 “好消息是,凱文向我們展示了數百瓶酒,喬給了一個令人驚嘆的冰箱,他們都適合。 “女演員”告訴“兄弟姐妹,兄弟們曾告訴。

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It all began as a fierce song & dance competition between the families but ended, as always, as a huge celebration of love. Nick and I were looking forward to the Sangeet (musical evening), another pre wedding ritual.. and to see what each side had put together. And what a performance it was. Each family telling our stories through song and dance, filled with lots of laughter and love. We were both filled with gratitude for the effort, the love and the laughter and will carry the memories of this special evening for the rest of our lives. It is an amazing start to a lifetime of togetherness for our families and friends...#grateful @nickjonas ?/?: @calebjordanlee @josevilla @josephradhik

Публикация от Priyanka Chopra Jonas (@priyankachopra)
