

今年,世界上最重要的電影之一的場景將以40,000朵活玫瑰裝飾。與此同時,隨著西方出版物的開玩笑,隨著這種豐富的生活花朵,組織者忘了獲得真正能夠從失敗中拯救晚上的生活領導者。相反,賭注是在年輕人和流行的演員上製作的,如城堡的種姓,它將用噸顏色包圍的雕像。有謠言認為,對於儀式的廣播期間非常受歡迎,最終的“復仇者”將顯示一個新的預告片,但這種聽證會尚未找到官方確認。但是已知,要在最重要的類別中代表被提名人,“最好的電影”將是人們,沒有電影相關 - Serena Williams和來自不同領域的其他名人將講述電影影響的影響。


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1st look at my design for the 91st Academy Awards. I think we can all agree that the world is filled with too many straight lines & rigid thinking. For this years #oscars I have designed a world based on the ideas of inclusion & community. The design uses warm welcoming shapes that will not only reach out & wrap around the audience but towards the viewers at home. We call this piece the CRYSTAL CLOUD. It’s only one of many looks for the #oscars on February 24 (a week from today). It weighs 1600 lbs & I can tell you (because we teched it yesterday) that it’s truly spectacular in person. Can’t wait for you all to see what we are cooking up for the telecast. Did I mention we have about 40,000 real roses on stage?

Публикация от David Korins (@davidkorins)

