Kate and Leo: again together


EW: People want to see you together even after 10 years. Was it scary again to try old magic?

Leo: After all these years I thought: "I don't know if we should be filmed together?". Then I thought: "Are you an idiot? Why don't you want to work with one of the best generation actresses?" I think that we both actually searched for the opportunity to work together, but they understood that we could not enter the same river twice.

EW: There are constantly quarrels moving on personality between your characters. You did not worry that such scenes can go into real life?

Leo: We both realized this. Reading phrases that people overload to each other throats and force their neighbors to resort to help.

Kate: We had a level of mutual understanding, which I did not have any other actor.

Leo: Yes, girlfriend!

EW: Do you compress your heart at the sight of new palp trees such as Zack Efron or Robert Pattinson?

Leo: This is the interesting thing of the acting profession. You are also a public figure. I have already realized that a certain number of publicity is necessary: ​​you are promoting your work, make a movie, but at the same time taking your privacy. But the current young actors are absolutely public, they give people some incredible amount of information about themselves. I look at them and I think: I hope they understand that in the end, their work should be the most important. All this hype and attention is not for long, then new pieces of meat for media will appear. So for the young now the main thing is to make their work become for the public proof of their talent and the pledge of the career.

EW: Speaking about your personal life - Leo, you never looked at Kate and did not think: "Damn, she is one of those who slipped out of me!"

Kate: Tell it!

Leo: We have always been exclusively Platonic Relations.

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