30,000 liters of Coca-Cola and 60,000 euros went to the Cascader trick in "not time" and 60,000 euros


Li Morrison trick specialist, over the past fifteen years, working on the films about James Bond, in an interview with Total Film spoke about the set of one extraordinary scene for the film "Not the time to die." We are talking about the trick when Bond at speeds over 95 kilometers per hour flights on a motorcycle through the wall, using a stone staircase as a springboard. Interestingly, the audience is already familiar with these personnel, because they are included in both trailer for the film.

Morrison told that 8400 gallons of Coca-Cola was required to carry out this trick - the drink was spilled on one of the streets of the Italian city of Matera in the place where Daniel Craig donel was landed after jumping on a motorcycle. Morrison explained that the bridge-covered "cola" becomes a sticky, thereby providing a more intensive grip and reducing the risk of driving:

I spent about 60 thousand euros to pour Coca-Cola on Mother. I have long resorted to sprinkling slippery surfaces of Coca-Koloi ... When it comes to wash everything, it looks very clean.

Interestingly, the budget "not time to die" is estimated at $ 250 million, so it is safe to say that the purchase of 31 thousand liters of Coca-Cola is far from the most considerable part of the costs in the production of this picture.

The premiere of "not time to die" is scheduled for April 1, 2021.

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